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Everything posted by _Aramchek_

  1. An overclocked i5 is cheaper, and as fast as an i7 in this game, and in most other actual games too. Benchmarks aside, the difference is practically nothing.
  2. Pareidolia. I don't think it is intentionally related to KSP.
  3. I assert that it's a misleading statistic. I would say that the level of human intelligence has remained consistent for at least a few thousand years or so now, perhaps quite a bit more. BUT what does happen is that what one generation had to learn to do on it's own or created, it passes on and each successive generation has an easier and easier time doing, and improves upon the idea. Eventually there is some or other breakthrough that advances...etc...etc..etc... This is a social mechanism, not necessarily a sign that the ability of the average person to solve problems/make associations/develop novel behaviors/whatever is increasing. The effect is similar enough..and there is some crossover. But..anyway. I'm actually more impressed at how many older people have adapted very well to modern technology. To things that would have seemed almost literally like magic when they were young. But I'd say if we could take a time machine and abduct a baby from the roman era, and brought it to the future..it'd learn how to use a phone/pc as well as any "modern" child. There are a lot of kids/people younger than me that are very comfortable with using phones/etc, but they haven't the slightest idea how any of it works, and..it may as well be a magic box to them too. lol Anyway..I'd have loved this game..even at my earliest level of consciousness, I've been in love with physics and mechanical engineering since then, and..moar boosters.
  4. Meh, I'll stick with ballistics. A 40km/s projectile works much faster than draining the batteries. .
  5. If they refused, I'd send them anyway...this isn't a democracy, no choice involved on their part. And if I don't like their name, or just feel like it...they die.
  6. I wasn't suggesting you do it, but I don't see why, like other challenges "you" could just list accepted/required mods for the challenge. "You", meaning any person in general. And the wheels are perfect, steelies with nice street tires.
  7. What I would like to have, but do not have time to organize in any way: :v would be Using FAR, the modular wheels and having classes that somewhat mimic real life. Classes for engine cylinders, RWD/FWD/AWD, categories along those lines, etc. I've found with the mods listed you can achieve results that are actually fairly similar to "real world equivalent" vehicles, and the way you design your chassis/steering geometry, front/rear/mid engine all of those choices have an immediate and noticeable effect on handling and performance characteristics. And you're hitting real world acceleration and speeds..well..plus a little..so it's pretty exciting too. I can't wait for multiplayer. :V What are the TV PP wheels by the way?
  8. This needs an "unlimited" class. Or the modular wheel mod, then chassis design really starts to count for something.
  9. "Balance in all things." You have to find the asteroids CoM and thrust accordingly.
  10. The plane I posted throws the "high maneuverability checklistâ„¢" right out the window. :v
  11. I do not create maneuver nodes as this actually hinders me, I plot ballistic trajectories by eyeball and high i.q. shenanigans. (And very high TWR's)
  12. And? Play with the rocket building style you are comfortable with.
  13. It doesn't change the point in any way, put whatever term you wish in there.
  14. And back to the elitism, anyone who uses the parts you think are too powerful, well of course they only do it because it's easy. ...... Big, complicated rockets aren't really any easier than any other style of craft either, even with the new parts. You can make complicated, well designed/engineered "op" rockets, many do, but again, you can't get past this.: If you do not like the parts, you are not forced to use them.
  15. An opinion I, a fellow sandbox player, do not share at all, nor understand as, again, you literally do not have to use the parts should you think they are overkill. There is no way past that.
  16. What is "AJE"? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80346/Falcon-15f_a.craft It's a real-ish plane, kind of loosely inspired by both f-15/f-18's. It performs wonderfully, but if you want to have an interesting time, take it above 13km and try to do a hard banked turn*. * I have managed to land it after this..event.. happens, twice even.
  17. *sigh* What I'm saying is that your assertion, as regex said, is a moot point. You have a problem with it, not everyone does. That is what I was trying to convey to you. And your opinion that it is negatively affecting the challenge community is just that,an opinion, not an objective, set in stone fact.
  18. You are therefore choosing to exclude yourself, this is not some action being perpetrated against you, that's the point. I have to hold your claim that it would be "impossible without op engines" slightly suspect though, if you were planning on doing it with an engine rebalance mod that you feel fixes the problem...ostensibly by nerfing the perfectly fine engines you consider "op". The ISP/TWR are fine the way they are too, no nerfing required.
  19. I'm not seeing the relevance here, you were barred from a challenge because it was "stock only" and you were using a mod....by choice.
  20. I play sandbox exclusively, AND I have been playing for quite some time, and I do not agree with either of these sentiments at all. There was always going to be a career mode, and the gameplay mechanics of the game are as "realistic" as they have ever been, you now just have more and larger parts. I really do not get having a problem with that, in this game the only real limit is your own creativity. I use all the same parts I ever have, but now I use them in conjunction with the new parts as well, to build larger and more capable crafts. The new parts are just fine.
  21. Because everyone who doesn't play the game how you think they should "just doesn't want to learn", right. Efficiency appeals to some, and then some of us like to make, huge powerful monstrosities that do as well or better than the "efficient" designs. Regardless, again, to re-iterate the point though, you can totally still do that if you want to though, there is literally nothing to make you choose the new parts if you do not want to use them. You can still make some weirdly overly elaborate, asparagus staged thingy if you want, nothing is stopping you or anyone else from doing that.
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