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Everything posted by _Aramchek_

  1. In KSP a Q5500 is probably at least as powerful as that AMD chip, intel has been beating AMD pretty badly on ipc and fpu power for quite some time.
  2. Blaster, what kind of cpu cooling do you have, and what are your temperatures like? That's the first thing I'd ever look at in that situation.
  3. No, because I don't care about a career mode, the sandbox is far more fun for me. But I'll have to look and see what else is confirmed for.24
  4. In terms of forums it is, and the best ones do not over categorize or try to make everybody sink hours of their most precious resource, time, into the website sifting through things they DON'T want to see just to get to the gems. Categorization actually hinders this past a certain point, and instead of looking at things the way "you" want people to people are going to just steamroll right along doing what they want to do. Like a tsunami, that will carry all of your readers away eventually. Many years of experience has shown me that. As per the dual edged sword of "blanket statements", you want to be careful with that one, because if you really want to use that line of reasoning you invalidate your own arguments as well. But yet seem unwilling to do so in a way that reflects the wants of the forum members, which is the opposite of how it should be, if you want to keep the forum "happy" anyway. I really do think stepping back, backing down off of the "this is how we will do it and tough if you don't like it" stance, would be beneficial to ALL, mods and community members alike. Then this is not any kind of threat, nothing of the sort, it's just telling you that with that line of reasoning, you will kill the community. /end. Hubris is a killer. It's being done as a shortcut, and again, I'm telling you, that stuff kills forums. Ignore that advice at your own peril. Obviously not if most people say they want it to be the way that you claim will bring chaos to the lands. I've mentioned why that is, and why that is unlikely to change, sometimes the best option is to compromise, but I'm telling you this, the content, other than picture threads which have broad appeal, the content in that sub forum is NEVER going to appeal to as wide of an audience as a picture thread. Instead of fighting it, figure out how to fix it without insulting the people who more or less keep you going. Because again, that never goes well. .. But that doesn't mean it'd be a good idea to reduce the forum down to two sections just because they're the most popular ones. Semantics games will not work with me, the implication of what was said is "people are stupid, and this is what we're going to do". And further comments have only made that implication clearer.
  5. Less categorization is BETTER. AND, if people don't want to, and don't use the sub-forum, what that SHOULD tell "you", is that maybe instead of expecting everyone who visits your forum to change for "your" peace of mind, you should do what the community likes and what more closeley reflects the browsing habits of people who vist. OR, ya know, kill the forum off with the "people are stupid and must do what "I" want" stuff. * Hubris. A killer. /repetition. *Was said by a mod in the thread. /paraphrased for clarity.
  6. There are only two threads that appear to be interesting to me in there, and those are both picture threads. They are seemingly a bit out of place amongst everything else as far as I can tell/see, in that they are not similar to the writing threads etc.. I'll say it again, the end user should dictate the "form" of the board, after all it's THIER interest you are trying to grab and keep, otherwise people will simply migrate away/never really stay or just talk about teh game elsewhere. When interesting topics are buried too much no one really see's them, you have to have them in a "common" area.
  7. The evidence, however, and consensus of this thread "you*" have tried to also bury, supports my argument. The counter arguments are "we want more people to use sub-forums" and, astoundingly enough, "people are stupid". More people "polled" and that have chimed in would like to see the thread in GD and think that putting it here is "burying" it. --------- Hubris. --------- * a general non pointy finger "you", no one in particular.
  8. Wow, at least this explains why you don't care what the community itself thinks. Hubris is a killer.
  9. But the thing is, the community drives the forum, at some point people either accept that, or their community dries up. Happens all the time.
  10. 1. Rough idea. 2. ....... 3. Build something that fits the parameters I wanted. 4. Profit.
  11. Creating a refuelable jet, a small fuel truck and tanker so I can have my completely persistent airbase up and running. Going out for the first flight, and the plane flies and lands beautifully, I park the plane near the hangar, re-fuel it, run over to the area I had designated for parking, get Jeb out of the jet.....no ladder. This is easily fixed, but still...
  12. It probably won't though, I have seen this on multiple forums over the years, GD or equivalent is always where threads like that thrive, when moved away from the "main thoroughfare" they tend not to do so well. Keeping things mostly in one place is almost invariably better to the end user and means more traffic.
  13. Yeah no thanks, I could not care less about the "career" mode and do not wish to be forced to play through that before doing what I actually enjoy. Bad idea is bad.
  14. Because "fan works" is a dark alley on the site, forums suffer when fragmented too much. It appeals to someones ocd I'm sure, but GD is where everyone is. Apparently the mods don't care what people think though seeing as this thread was also moved.
  15. YES! I have no idea at all why it was moved to a section of the forum that more or less meant "death" for the thread.
  16. Even when it does that is likely, judging from many gaming benchmarks, to put oc'd AMD BD/PD's maybe between stock speed sb/ib-i5/i7's, and that is perhaps slightly optimistic. My own personal experience would seem to correlate with that. Banking on KSP going from single threaded physics, to getting maximum benefit from an 8 core cpu seems unrealistic, and would still leave you behind in any other games you might play...aside from the rare game here and there, as much as I wish AMD could compete at the moment...it's not really a sound consumer decision to buy a bd/pd unless you heavily multitask and photo/video edit, etc. Or are simply on a budget that does not allow for intel, more specifically if you're already on the 990 platform.
  17. I am running my first intel build in over ten years, traditionally I have used AMD for cost/perf reasons, recently AMD has severely dropped the ball on that. I have ran KSP on the following cpu's. AMD Athlon 2 x2 235 E @ 3.7ghz AMD Phenom 2 X2 555 BE 4.2ghz <-Good bump in performance from the 235e AMD Bulldozer 8120 @ only 4ghz but with monstered nb/fsb and uber bandwidth for what it was. <- an incremental upgrade, in KSP over the 555 dualy. The Bulldozer failed to impress in KSP, and was literally 10-20-or more fps slower than my 3570. The Bulldozer was great for multitasking and general day to day work, even better than the 3570k in some things definitely...but gaming, and KSP in particular is one of those places where AMD just cannot really compete. So no, I'm talking from first hand personal experience, as an AMD fan for over ten years, "moar cores" does not equate to better performance and especially not in this game.
  18. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80346/KSP%202014-01-13%2013-11-37-33%20fps.csv https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80346/KSP%202014-01-13%2013-11-37-33%20frametimes.csv Same specs as before.
  19. Do not listen to this, it is absolutely NOT true. I can also tell you from firsthand expereince AMD's top of the line cpu's will still run an average of 10 fps SLOWER OR MORE, and even worse it's in the more demanding parts of the game. Meaning with an i3 if you were getting 30 fps with a particular ship in a given scene, same ship, same scenario all other variables equal, your AMD chip would be giving you 15-20 fps. Also "moar cores equals moar speed" is just an outright fallacy, especially in a game that does not make tremendous amount of usage of multithreading.
  20. As far as graphics go, an overclocked 560 ti was far more than enough for the game at max settings, best cost/performance ratio would be a lower end dual/quad intel i3/i5 cpu ib/sb/hw just like DMagic said.
  21. The game should be aimed at pleasing the wider audience though, and not niche players, the game's modability allows for all of that should people wish for such things.
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