Thanks for the reply Brigadier. I have installed the TST Telescopes mod (all my mods are installed manually by the way) but don't think I've unlocked them in the tech tree yet. I'll give them a try when I get to them but as of now all the discovered bodies I have seem to be stuck on 10% research at most.
Perhaps if I explain the steps I've taken it will help explain my confusion about what I'm supposed to do; I have launched a TB-75M telescope into an orbit above 200,000m and clicked away finding bodies (seemingly at random). For a few of the bodies I have discovered I have started a research plan in the observatory and they are on 10%, the rest on are 0%. I have also started contracts for "Search the skies", "Search the skies with a telescope", "Research a celestial body" and "Research a celestial body with a telescope" but as far as I can tell they just take a chunk of my budget and start a count down timer on the contract. What purpose do these contracts serve because the description just shows a reward of -75,000 as an advance and it seems I can research the bodies in the observatory without the contract by clicking on the Launch Research Plan button? Likewise I can do the same with the telescope so why would I take out a contract to do this that costs me 75,000 and gives no apparent reward? I have run missions that have taken over a year since starting my research plans in the observatory and the only body to change % was Gilly but this was because I encountered it with a satellite I purposefully left in an orbit likely to interecept the moon.
What steps am I supposed to take to increase the research % of my already discovered bodies?
With regards to my question about loading time when entering the Tracking Station I think its just my PC struggling. I did a fresh install of KSP and slowly loaded more mods and watched the performance change. KSS causes most of the issue but Research Bodies also causes a significant hit on load times. I do however have a bigger issue with my Windows install which I should sort before I do anything else - I installed some bad RAM recently which blue screened my PC on boot up and seems to have corrupted part of Windows!