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Everything posted by Mike512

  1. Is this still a project that is happening?
  2. This is a great idea. Thanks for this silverfox. After work today so checking this out.
  3. Thanks for the responses guys. I want to make a mod that changes the structure of how the science works. Not sure if it can be done. But simply when you do experiments instead of getting straight science you just get the data and need to processes it into science. So to make that mechanic work I would need to make the RnD Centre into a big Science Lab or make a new building that was a science lab that you can put scientist in just like the Stock Lab. The same mechanic of if you processes the data in a lab in the same situation/planet in a stock lab you will get more bang for your buck. But this makes it so you would have to put it into a lab. A little more realistic for those of us who like that.
  4. I have looked around a bunch but can't find any info on being able to modify the buildings at KSC. I am looking to make the RnD Center work differently anyone able to link to info I will need? Or can point me in a direction.
  5. I have setup my stream come check it out. http://www.twitch.tv/mike51200
  6. This is very helpful for a new player to KSP. Thank you sir for putting the time in to put this together for us.
  7. Learn delta v formula it helps when you get board of just randomly putting together rockets and see if they work (half the time they didn't for me... RIP Jeb) Play career or science mode first cause having all the parts all at once that you don't know what they do or how they go together gets confusing and overwhelming. With the science mode everything comes to you as you need it and it's more fullfiling when you are successful. SPACE IS HUGE
  8. Hello everyone names Mike512 and I am new to KSP but am loving it so far. I am going to be getting into doing lets plays and streams for KSP I hope to see you all in orbit.
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