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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. KSP's resources display in flight. You know, that thing top right of your screen that never properly displays how much fuel is left in your current stage...
  2. 1.1 (next release) will be on Unity 5, so I don't think there's any problem. Plus, the current version of Unity (4.6.4) has proven to be able to hand KSP pretty well. Any issues concerning the game is most likely not related to the engine, so I think we can spend a little time without Unity 4.6 support
  3. OK, first of all: total noob in kOS here (and in programmation in general), just to set things clear I've been following the "Quick Start" tutorial from the kOS website given in the mod description and I encounter several issues: 1) The heading doesn't work properly: the engine's gimbal just wobbles like crazy and the rocket doesn't keep straight up. It often ends up flipping and crashing. 2) The staging doesn't work either: it seems to trigger right after launch, sometimes decoupling, sometimes not, and doesn't do anything when liquid fuels run out on the first stage. Rocket has two stages: 1st: LV-45+FL-T800 with or without fins; 2nd: LV-909+FL-T400 And up is the payload: a nosecone, probe core, kOS part and cargo bay with RTGs I have the two following mods (in addition to kOS): KER and Stock Bug Fix Modules. Both up to date, but I don't think any of them changes the physics or behaviour of the craft. I made a clean install to test kOS, so no other mod has ever been installed on this game. print "..." + countdown. wait 1. } print "Main throttle up. 2 seconds to stabilise it.". lock throttle to 1.0. lock steering to up. wait 2. when stage:liquidfuel < 0.001 then { print "No liquid fuel. Attempting to stage.". stage. preserve. } until ship:maxthrust > 0 { wait 0.5. print "Stage activated.". stage. } wait until ship:altitude > 70000.print "Counting down:".from {local countdown is 10.} until countdown = 0 step {set countdown to countdown -1.} do { Has anything significantly changed in kOS or KSP since the tutorial was written, or am I just doing is wrong ? Any anwser is appreciated !
  4. Started experimenting using kOS. I want an auto-pilot but I want to deserve it ! Considering my programming skills, this is going to be longer than I first imagined...
  5. So, you're adapting a mod adapted from stock Kerbin to RSS, from RSS to stock Kerbin ? Seems legit
  6. I have the same issue on my modded Windows save. I thought it was due to some mods, but seemingly it isn't. Going to follow this thread closely.
  7. Some images I took during my latest mission to the Moon. Next one is landing! It's kind of an image dump so sorry if they are somewhat dark and far from perfect
  8. Thinking about it, the problem is not so much the nodes placement but the burn itself. The burn times indicated by KSP assume you have constant mass and do not stage... and that's when it indicates any time at all. Also it calculated this burn time according to your last burn, which is completely stupid. Including the variation of acceleration and mass, and staging in a way that you can predict when/where to burn is not hard, KER shows that it is perfectly possible. Adding this only would be a huge improvement compared to the current system. Because, if you can put a precise node, but can't get it without burning too much, or just loose it because you ended up burning too soon, is/will be extremely frustrating when going far away such as Eeloo (and let's not talk about the "flickering" patched conics when going there).
  9. This vessel sure has a lot of vents to crawl in...
  10. Yes, these are files made by Kerbal Alarm Clock when you use the "Jump to ship" feature as it may cause crash. Loading one of these would put you right before the "jump to ship". You cans safely delete them, as they are not needed for the stock saves. Edit: they might not actually be the "jump to ship" saves, but they are definitely from Kerbal Alarm Clock so you can delete them. Also look at the date: some of them are 1 month old.
  11. My lunar rocket "Alba CRe v2", 1880 ton on the launchpad, 100 tons to LEO (possibly more, didn't try), 153 parts, costs 980k funds. Uses mainly parts from SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded, a fairing from PF, and Ven's Revamp. For realism, I could put it to orbit without throttling down the first and second stages: but I'm too lazy to program action groups to shut down the engines in flight to limit G-force on the crew ^^ It has enough supplies for a month-long mission with a standard crew of 3 Kerbals. The lander itself can supply 2 Kerbals for 4 days. Height: 94 m Diameter: 7.5m core for 1st and 2nd stages, 5m for 3rd stage Booster Stage: 2 S223 Super Heavy Lift SRBs Thrust ASL: 9.2 MN Mass: 307 t Burn time: 1:20 First Stage: 9 Ratite engines Thrust ASL: 16.3 MN Mass: 1250 t Burns Kerosene and Liquid Oxygen Separation at about 95km high Second Stage: 7 Moa engines Thrust in vacuum: 5.1 MN Mass: 221 t Burns LHydrogen and LOx Separation when reaching 250km apo. Peri is usually between 0 and 90 km Third Stage: 2 Moa engines Thrust in vacuum: 1450 kN Mass: 75 t Burns LHydrogen and LOx Used for circularising orbit and lunar insertion burn Payload has an escape tower with an abort system in case the launch goes wrong. It is ejected with the fairing a short time before the first stage runs out of fuel (90-95 km) Mass to Low Lunar Orbit: 23 t Vessel: Contains a return capsule with seats for 3 Kerbals, and supplies for 30 days Powered by 4 Puff MonoPropellant engines Thrust in vacuum: 85 kN Mass: 9.5 t Burns Aerozine50 and N2O4 Contains RCS systems with Hydrazine for docking with the lunar ascent module Lander: Contains a capsule for 2 Kerbals with supplies for 3.5 days, a rover with 2 seats, and various scientific instruments Mass: 13.7 t Descent stage powered by a single Terrier engine. Weighs 9.5 t and has 2420 m/s dV Ascent stage powered by 2 Puff engines. Weighs 4.2 t and has 2870 m/s dV Burns Aerozine50 and N2O4 First Stage: Second Stage: Third Stage: Payload: Command Module: Lander:
  12. Also, in 0.90 Isp influenced fuel consumption, but since 1.0 it changes thrust: lower Isp means lower thrust. So, asl, your rocket might not have enoguh thrust to take off anymore.
  13. About this, would it be possible to convert the Isp values IG to exhaust velocities through a mod or something ?
  14. Renaissance Compilation was kind of a compilation of several visual mods, but it is unsupported since 0.90. Although, Proot (KSPRC's dev) seems to be working on a new version. But still no visual mod dedicated to RSS though and I doubt any visual mods made for Kerbin work well with RSS.
  15. Not sure personally, I really enjoy playing with RSS, Real Fuels, life support, and all sorts of things included in RO, but for some reason I don't like playing RO itself. :/ Anyway if this contains a stable visual enhancements for RSS (RVE doesn't work for me, RC does wierd things and EVE doesn't do what it's supposed to), then just take my money !
  16. Yay ! Now I will finally be able to brag about how many hundreds of hours I spent in the game, along with Steam users
  17. The info tabs in map view do display gravity, expressed in g (as stated in one of my previous posts). Go to map view or tracking station, focus the body you wish, click on the second icon on the right, and gravity is displayed as "gravity ASL". This is the surface gravitational acceleration expressed in g; just multiply it by 9.81, and you'll have your gravity in the right units for calculating TWR.
  18. Then this is what you need. To get in an elliptical orbit, look at the "insertion dV" number.
  19. For real 0g with no gravity at all then your TWR is infinite because your weight is 0; you acceleration depends solely on mass and thrust, so it won't change anything, 0g or not.
  20. I think this solution lacks a way to be really precise on your manoeurves, but still way better than stock ! Anyway, I 100% support any rework on the manoeuvre node system.
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