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Everything posted by GregA

  1. Start a new game. Proceed to your first sub orbital flight like normal. Don't put a rocket in orbit. The suborbital tourist missions will keep spawning. Build a suborbital rocket that can carry 6-8 Kerbals. Start firing Kerbals down range in that.
  2. Ive rescued missions from debris left in orbit. I bring up extra fuel for just this eventuality... Also, crash sites are nice reminders of mistakes Ive made.
  3. A surface mount dead weight. Maybe adjustable? A heavy one would be nice on cars, er I mean rovers, stick them right in front to get the handling characteristics correct. Would be useful to really dial in the handling characteristics of Space Planes.
  4. Yes eggs and milk contain B12, but they don't have enough. B12 supplements are made from meat.
  5. Do you realize that you agree with me? That we only differ in degree? You want to take animals, grind them up into a paste, and make the animal remains into a little tablet, and name the tablet B12. Finally ship the tablets of animal remains from Earth to the Mars colony. Where as I say, we find species of fish that can survive being frozen for a year or more, Build fish tanks on Mars, and have our own supply of yummy meat products on Mars. Because we both agree that vegetarians are a figment of less sophisticated peoples imagination. They are like unicorns in that they don't exist. Because if humans don't eat at least 1 micro gram of delicious meat each and every day of their life, they will go crazy and eventually die.
  6. Mars atmosphere has very little nitrogen, so the Haber Bosch process is useless on Mars... On the other hand the soil is loaded with nitrates(about 1%). All that is needed to utilize the nitrates is find a patch of sand and dirt that has the salts required(get your test kit at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Luster-Leaf-1601-Rapitest-Soil/dp/B0000DI845?th=1), mine it up into your space dump truck, and process it as a batch at the rocket fuel factory, and you have nitrate laden brine water, and the factory has its pure water for making rocket fuel, the tailings are dumped on your latest finished hab as radiation shielding... The only reason colonists will not use the mars dirt for growth media is the same reason it is easy to harvest chemicals... There are simply too many, and they are in the wrong proportions.
  7. Only correlation is needed for my argument to be valid... By the way, it is not just emotional issues that plague vegetarians. They also consume more medicines, they get more non-colorectal cancers. They have a significant increase in cataracts. They are more susceptible to Osteoporosis. Vegetarians have significantly more health issues in other areas as well, I am just listing the ones that will be particularly troubling on mars. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/asset?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0088278.PDF Finally no, there is at least one incident of a vegetarian becoming psychotic, because of their diet. That is not offensive, that is just stating facts, and it is totally on topic if you want to start a vegetarian colony on Mars... Because it matters, a psychotic person is a risk to the whole colony. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19892219
  8. On Mars that means colonists have to spend watts, time, living space and CO2 scrubber time re-manufacturing something that is already available in abundance. Namely (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Calcium from the salty soil) fertilizer. Maybe it is time to spit ball the math on which would cost less in terms of resource costs to process vs resource cost to buy new (from the enriched brine water from the rocket fuel factory)
  9. The only reason I suggested Tilipia earlier in thread is the Hawaiian bed and breakfast in video used Tilipia. AFAIK the only fish that has successfully had frozen fish eggs be viable is Trout. But I am not an ichthyologist. Not to harp on a dead issue, but use of insects utterly failed in Biosphere 2. The good news is that greenhouses already exist and they have successful pollination solutions that don't require insects. Mars colonists can skip all the organic farming techniques and use rigorous agriculture and dump the human feces in a hole on the surface of Mars, as there is plenty of Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Calcium (aka fertilizer) coming from the chemical manufactory. Organic farming techniques have a significantly lower yield than industrial farming techniques. Not that it wouldn't happen eventually, but for the first bunch of years, the goal for farming is going to be max calories for watts consumed. That is not organic...
  10. No, im saying there is some sort of biological mental dissonance going on. That is they exist in a state of dissonance and are utterly unaware of their meat eating. For example the livestock in Biosphere 2. Eight vegetarians (politically motivated to promote vegetarianism) killed and ate the livestock, and not a single one of them has any recollection of that happening. The result was so alarming that the members of the first Biosphere 2 expedition sabotaged the second expedition over the matter. That is not just an anecdote. That is 8 people in a rigorously controlled laboratory, all suffering a significant memory lapse, about slaughtering and eating meat. Anthropologists have noted similar occurrences in island people, with regards to cannibalism. That is they will engage in cannibalism but no one posses memory of the cannibalistic event. During the Liberian civil war, witnesses report similar events with regards to cannibalism among child warriors, and none of those children (now adults) have any recollection of ever engaging in cannibalism. Self reporting is notoriously non-scientific. But no they are not liars, being a liar requires a knowledgeable attempt to deceive, there is something else going on with regards to vegetarians and eating meat. But enough of the extremes... Vegetarianism is absolutely correlated with strange mental health issues... Certainly the type of issues that are associated with people becoming delusional or even psychotic... http://ijbnpa.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1479-5868-9-67
  11. The greatest thing about grasshoppers is that we could also feed them to chickens, sheep and pigs. I don't mean to be a jerk about these hippy ideas but... Yeah a bunch of hippies tried all this new age stuff with Biosphere 2 and it failed... badly. They had massive nutritional deficiencies, turned orange, and nearly suffocated. There was some huge drama because someone in the biosphere 2 structure killed the livestock they had and ate them. All the participants maintain that the animals simply died... The fact of the matter is people eat meat, and I know it is sad to talk about the failures of human nature, but vegetarians eat meat as well. They just don't tell you about it. All real Mars colony plans absolutely need to account for people bringing, raising and harvesting meat. As for vegetarians... When a person tells me they are a vegetarian, I take that to mean something like "Hi, I am trying to better myself, but I don't know how", and in today's crazy society, I am OK with people at least trying to pursue virtue. But know, every person who has ever identified to you as vegetarian... They all eat meat (if they are not starving to death). They tend to be really talented about their deception, and I think there may be some mental health issue there, but Ive known many vegetarians that will chow down on a big juicy hamburger, and then insist 20 minutes later they haven't eaten meat in over a year... A vegetarian diet is simply not realistic.
  12. Print your solar panels on Mars on PVC sub-strait... Then you save the weight of the panels themselves and you only have to bring the printer, and machine that converts the acetylene (which we are already making) into the various organic inks (polyacetylene for example) needed to print the PV's... Sure they are low efficiency. But I hear you can have a great deal on some land on Mars, so your pv fields can be really huge... I think working in terms of, what can be made out of things ISRU is needed for any notion of colony... I think the first few years the whole thing will need to be supported by nuclear... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_solar_cell
  13. Ok, im now in danger of "know it all itis" here... But thin film flexible PV panels are screen printed on what type of plastic... I'll give you all one guess... No googling this...
  14. This one seems to use Uranium so it wouldn't present the proliferation risk that the old school RTG's presented.
  15. What is a lot of water? From some real quick back of the napkin calculation based on picture of the fuel tank that Mr Musk showed us, they will be harvesting on the order of a million gallons of water just to fuel one return rocket trip (more if they use reverse osmosis to purify the water). So you will have the equipment there to harvest and process a substantial amount of water already. Additionally, I suspect they will use a reverse osmosis plant to make pure water as well (they want to inhibit HCL synthesis in their electrolytic reactor). That process on Mars leaves you with the percolate brine. From that brine we can further electrolyze the calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus that is needed to feed the inputs to this hybrid aquaponics/hydroponics system. At the end of that level of processing, we are left with the Chlorine gas. As I previously explained that is the element we need to get started with synthesis of PVC. Just about every other bulk chemical we need is sitting there on the surface in bladder tanks. The only pieces of equipment we need is the electrolyzer to break the brine down and recover the Chlorine, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Calcium. A reactor for the HCL, A reaction chamber to synthesize the PVC. An extrusion mold to make PVC pipe, and a 3D printer to print PVC parts. That plus electricity (lots of co-generation possibilities here, but solar and nuclear will be needed as well) and time is all we need to make sprawling fields of hermetically sealed greenhouses. We can even add supplemental heat and light to the greenhouses by making limelight with the acetylene gas...
  16. Lol it was a joke. Those are all things people have suggested as activities that might terraform the planet. Caustic gasses that act as green house gasses. Nuclear bombs on the poles to release water ice and co2. Several million tons of of Thorium and moderator placed into a pile and covered with neutron moderators would melt its way to core and reinitiate a molten core on mars giving it a magnetic field. But yeah, im partial to zucchini in my garden stir fry.
  17. Why would we ever want to close the cycle??? It is a crap tier planet. We can do whatever we want to it. Vent toxic gasses. Experiment with atomic bombs. Heck make atomic piles by just throwing fissile materials and moderators into a big pile and let it burn. Run some pipes though it and harvest steam. There is zero obligation to be environmentally responsible on Mars... Seriously, it is a dead planet with some of the nastiest chemicals around just sitting on its surface. I say strip mine it.
  18. Right, as I stated in my first post on Chickens, they will just appear at the colony. There will be no organized plan to bring chickens, they will just happen.
  19. Or we could just take chickens... A Mars colony doesn't need to be sustainable, it just needs to be self sustaining. Because there are like a trillion crap tier planets in the Galaxy like Mars that people can live on.
  20. In aquaculture the fish are a critical part of the water cycle. They poop and pee in the water that is fed to the plants. In turn the plants clean the water for the fish. The idea here is to minimize the inputs. Also, the green houses will have high intensity lights, because there is simply not enough light on Mars to grow the variety of food colonists will need. Here on earth under bright lights plants will deplete all the co2 in the air in an indoor grow situation, and greenhouses need to be enriched with co2. So i suspect a bio system like this will be fundamental in a Mars colony, there will be gardens in every room. Vitamin D will come from the hid lights. Yes, livestock is probably out the early years, but fish that can make the trip frozen will probably be early settlers. I was joking about chickens because they are a pervasive livestock animal everywhere on Earth. P.S. All these gardens are going to need pvc, dont burn the perchlorates yet.
  21. Im curious... Have you ever met a chicken irl? As is you can already cram them into tiny boxes where they will exist as happily as a chicken can. Also chicken meat is almost secondary to eggs...
  22. The IRS paperwork quite clearly states that paying taxes is voluntary. lol. If anything I bet living in a society where airlock accidents are a daily possibility, folks will be hyper polite to one another.
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