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Everything posted by jarmund

  1. Better aim for page 500 just to be sure.
  2. Butbut.... that's......like........FOREVER!
  3. What time of day do they normally release?
  4. It's monday here in GMT +1, Where's my update? Also, hype!
  5. I'm currently watching the KSPTV livestream testing various 1.0 stuff, and so far I can tell the ones unable to watch: - Valentina is even more awesome than advertised - Reentry heat is somewhat accumulative. It seems to propagate through the ship, and takes a bit to cool down (More realistic than deadly reentry in that respect) - SMOKE EFFECTS ARE AMAZING! When launching, the engine exhaust comes out of the side of the pad. And if hovering over ground, smoke will flow outwards over ground. - Tech tree now allows you to see far ahead what parts are where, so it's easier to plan. Also, it seems to branch more
  6. What he said seems to be missing from most guessworks in here. As a software dev I am well aware of tedious and thorough testing-procedure a healthy company has, and from my interpretation of the devnotes I would say that Squad follows such a standard too. So, whatever the feature is, it requires the minimum of testing, it won't affect many aspects of the game, and it'll be small enough to "just add, no need to test", or close to. I'm thinking along these lines: - Not a bugfix. If it was easy, it had been fixed long ago, and I'm sure a well-known bug would be in the bugtracker and require QA to sign off on it. - Something that is very localized - If it's bugged, it is unlikely to break anything else - Quick to implement, as previously stated A feature that would be cool, and fits the above restrictions would be a launch countdown or something similar. Someone already mentioned that, and I do agree: We want it, and it has been missing for too long.
  7. I'll be upgrading via nheab as soon as I can. If it takes some time for my modlist to be updated, then that's OK, because I've already backed up my 0.90 install in case I get tired of trying 1.0 stock (which won't happen anytime soon).
  8. Bob: Hey Jeb, you remember our Duna mission? Jeb: The one where we almost ran out of snacks (TAC-LS), waiting for Bill to land on Ike? Bill: Oy, it wasn't my fault mission control screwed up, and told you guys to bring our only lander to Duna and leave the descent stage on the surface! Bob: The wait to send the probe-equipped lander after we had arrived wasn't the problem. You taking the mothership to Ike and spending months to dock after returning from Ike is Bill: Mechanical failure! I told you this Jeb: Actually, I heard this being an issue with the docking ports together. I read the mission log - Couldn't undock on arrival, and couldn't dock again when done with Ike Bob: Wow, I thought it was Bills fault all along. I'm so glad we'll have Valentina with us soon so that we knows things are properly tested beforehand.
  9. Am I to understand they cost a lot of ram, but not much processing power? I have plenty of ram..
  10. If I remember correctly, as engine's Isp will be the same regardless of atmosphere density, but the thrust will change. Now it's the other way around.
  11. As the title implies, my laptop is a bit too potato to go all out on what I want. I can generally run KSP fine provided that part count don't go too high. I've generally avoided mods focusing on aesthetics, as I've always preferred function over form. Now that I have pretty much settled with a list of mods I enjoy using, I think it's time to see if I can extend the visual appeal, so I have a twofold question: What type of mods add the most to memory consumption? Parts with textures? Memory is not really an issue for me, as I'm running linux 64 without any issues, I'm mostly just curious about this. However, CPU and GPU, to a certain extent, is an issue. Which beautification mods can you recommend that do not really cost much in terms of CPU and GPU cycles? While I cannot remember the exact names, I hope you know which mods I'm talking about here.... the ones in particular that appeal to me: - Distant Object enhancement - Ambient light - Any other recommendations, preferably potaty-friendly ones? ------ For the record, the mods I already use are: Action Groups Extended *Deadly Reentry Docking Port Alignment Indicator Enhanced Navball *FAR Hyperedit Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Alarm Clock *Kerbal Engineer Kerbal Flight Indicators Joint Reinforcement Mechjeb *Procedural fairings Realchutes TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support Toolbar Trajectories *: Up for re-evaluation vs stock once 1.0 comes out:
  12. Alright, gonna contribute some to heighten the hype, here: In Scott Manleys previous livestream (the one with the flying shopping cart) he said that he had looked at the 1.0 experimental that he's been testing, and he was supposed to make a preview of all the new features. However, he had a hard time doing so because there were simply so many new things, important ones, that he had a hard time covering them all. If I remember correctly, he said something along the lines of "Pretty much every component of the game has been revisited, rebalanced, or reworked". Discuss! EDIT: HypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHype Note: I said earlier that he alluded to posting a youtube preview on sunday. We can only assume this is his part of the saturday livestream that he'll appear in.
  13. Coincidentallly I work a lot with trains from a technical perspective, and know many ways to stop one. Unfortunately, the hypetrain carries so much momentum at this point that I only see derailing as a viable option. I'll disconnect the last carriage so we can slow down until the 1.1 hypetrain comes along and can pick us up.
  14. 1. Bigger wings 2. Aero 3. Valentina
  15. ISIS, North Korea, Putin and Vegetarians can wait.
  16. To give these pages some actual content: Scott Manley alluded in his previous livestream that he'll be posting a video showing off 1.0 on sunday. Discuss!
  17. This is my contribution to help the hype-train reach page 100 before 1.0 is out.
  18. Especially if going for destinations with inclined orbits, such as moho. Escape burn + plane change is a huge waste of fuel, rather than having the escape burn at the right angle.
  19. The only times I've been in a retrograde orbit (-180 degrees inclination) is when I've ended up that way after arriving from a different body. I've never launched to one, and I can't see a need to. The important part is that you always have to know prograde/retrograde in relation to what. If you're in a "normal" 0 inclination equatorial orbit around kerbin, burning prograde on the dayside is in effect burning retrograde relative to kerbol. So to travel inwards in the kerbol system, you should burn prograde between kerbin sunrise and mid-day, depending on your TWR. To travel outwards, you should burn prograde somewhere between sunset and midnight.
  20. From my experience, recommended OS should simply be debian based linux. For me it ran better on Linux Mint than it ever did in Windows 7, and from what I've read on the forum, running KSP on Mac is pretty much gambling.
  21. I went through my list of mods yesterday, to see which ones I could skip now. So, the first game will be a sandbox to test the following: If there's a stock TWR and Delta V indicator, I won't be needing Kerbal Flight Engineer. Well, we'll see, I've grown quite fond of the HUD overlay to see my orbital stats lately. Test stock aero. I don't need it to be as realistic as FAR, I just want: Swept wings to work Wings in general to work, regardless of orientation Bonus points for lifting body effect [*]Reentry heat test. If accepable, I'll skip deadly reentry. [*]Stock fairings. I'll probably not need procedural fairings anymore. [*] Figure out the resource system, as I've never used carbonite and its scanners. In addition, I'll probably go with these mods: Action Groups Extended - Because I like having the ability to edit groups post-launch Docking Port Alignment Indicator - Because it makes docking a lot less painful Enhanced Navball - So that I can move it to the side Kerbal Attachment System - Mainly for the struts, but I also like the pipe endpoints. Kerbal Inventory System - Maybe in combination with, or as a replacement for the above Kerbal Alarm Clock - Because I suck at keeping track of upcoming maneuvers Kerbal Flight Indicator - Because I hate landing without seeing my flight path Joint Reinforcement - We'll see if I still need this. With FAR my planes had a tendency of turning into crumbs. Mechjeb - Automating loooooooooong burns and fine-tuning maneuver nodes. The latter is 99% of my use cases for mechjeb Realchutes - Proper drag chutes for aircrafts, plus I do not like having my landers yanked apart TAC Fuel Balancer - Because it's so much less painful than right clicking one tank at a time TAC Life Support - Realism Toolbar - So that I have a tidy place for all of the mod-buttons Trajectories - My atmospheric landings are rubbish without it As for beautification mods, my computer is a bit too potato for that, so I've never bothered with these. Once I have this properly set up, we'll see if I can manage a career game this time around, without going broke all the time, grinding for funds. If this becomes the case, I'll restart a science game instead.
  22. Time for me to read this one, I guess. I've heard about it on KSP forums a lot, without knowing anything about it (or even hearing about it). And I find that odd, since I like science fiction (preuming that's the category?), such as Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, in addition to Neal Stephenson
  23. I give up on my savegames. I stop playing it with any planning whatsoever, and start testing stuff that I've avoided for the sake of Health&Safety issues. I also launch it to test various other things that I come up with in my head. Apart from that, I stop playing altogether, seeing as my saves will most likely break with the upgrade. It should be noted that earlier updates I've played all the way through the upgrade, but they weren't as likely to break saves as this upcoming update.
  24. I concluded a while back that I need to do what you're doing, as my stations normally consisted of 2 docking ports on either side + useful stuff between them, then a lot of these docked together. Most of the segments still had their orbital insertion vehicle still on, as I don't like deorbiting fuel that could come in handy. The result: part count through the roof, cluttered with orange tanks and mainsails pointing in all direction, and a general mess. I just haven't gotten around to building a station after that epiphany. It would seem that you build your stations as far away from my approach as possible: You make a rough draft, you plan ahead, and you actually make it look good. I won't claim that one of the methods is better, but.... well.... actually, I'm just gonna go ahead and say that your station looks great, while mine look like (and are) total crapfest. Nice work! Are you going to extend it further?
  25. Mine is fairly simple: - Cockpit attached to rest of craft with the largest decoupler - Escape tower on nose + decoupler - 2 Raidally attached chutes on top It's ugly, but it flies OK, and it saves my pilots. Can't complain, really.
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