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victus nolen

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. This mod looks awesome!! are you looking at releasing the update with 1.0.5? How goes it?
  2. I'm actually thinking this would be pretty great for pvp purposes! Players start on different planets (most likely similar moons) and proceed to try and locate and destroy the others facilities! satellites with the ability triangulation vessels would be invaluable. The big part of the game would be locating the others facilities whole preventing them from scanning yours down. Throw in a weapons mod and bam! Awesome new game mode
  3. Exactly! It makes no sense! Its like the object is just frozen in space and everything else is trying to move around it, like its a fixed structure. this shot is from the launch pad after the engines have been running for a bit and the structure underneath the jaw wobbles Can you upload pictures from your computer directly on here? Just tried to but not sure if it worked, basically exactly what you described though. How would I get you a unity log?
  4. I have a problem that keeps popping up, whenever I use the JAW and try to warp (non-physical uber fast one), then I try and use the ship, the jaw piece is frozen in space. When its on the launchpad and I speed up time, then try to launch, everything else tries to move while the jaw is frozen in place. in space it simply tears the ship apart. my mods are roverdudes general mods plus mechjeb, KAS, and docking port alignment. any idea whats up?
  5. PLEASE make this compatible with 0.25!! I've never gotten this mod to work, no crashes just nothing shows up (in 0.24.2). but I really wanna start! this+dmp would be so sick.
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