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Everything posted by Westo454

  1. This game is SOOOO worth every penny paid for it. It's fun, it has a humorous factor, it's actually quite well polished, and there is so much to do!
  2. I haven't messed around with mods in 0.19 yet, although I had kethane on my 0.18 install, as well as mechjeb.
  3. Something like 1000 stuff will start blowing up.
  4. Try youtube, search KSP Docking Tutorial. Scott Manley Has a pretty good one.
  5. Dude, 10K delta v is enough to leave the SOLAR SYSTEM. (Well, maybe not quite, but you can sure get close) Nah, you just need to improve your efficiency, you need to start with a large section to get you at least most of the way out of the atmosphere, with 3.5K-4K Delta V, 800 Delta V is enough to get to mun, 500 is enough to land, and less Delta V to get back. So in total you only need around 5.5K delta V for a mun mission.
  6. Nowadays you want more RAM, as the upgrade to unity 4 (I think) stepped down on the CPU time but increased RAM load.
  7. Oh, that's right, Scott lost all his posts after Octobor. Time to start rebuilding scott.
  8. Damion, you will ALWAYS have a special place in the hearts of every KSP community member ever to have the pleasure of being in your community. *Salutes* You deserve a medal. No, you deserve a special Easter Egg in game for all the things you have done for this community.
  9. Back when 13.3 was the demo and before I got the game, I managed to (crash) land on the mun, with all three crew members surviving.
  10. Listen, there are a few people here who are nice and will occasionally buy the game for someone. I'm not one of those people, I understand where you are coming from though, since I myself got the game, courtesy of a stranger, but I didn't beg for the game, I went out and did a competition, in other words, I earned it. Many of the good things in life ain't free, learn to do some hard work, do part time jobs, mow lawns, do gardening, check on your neighbor's dog for them when they go on vacation, find something that people are willing to pay for, and you will come up with the money. Beggars can't be Choosers, and I guarantee you that your life prospects increase when you stop being a beggar and start being a chooser.
  11. Mun Rockets are really easy. The first thing you need to do is to get into orbit, a basic launcher can do this. The second thing you need is a transfer stage, again quite easy, just put a fuel tank and a rocket on top of the previous stage. The final thing you'll need is a descent/landing stage, this is simply a tiny rocket with legs. Usually, if you play right, leave no fuel behind, this kind of set-up will get you to mun and back.
  12. I agree, get career mode, then we can start talking about stuff like terraforming, MP (yes, I said the m word), Proper Colonies, etc.
  13. Right now, I don't use SRBs unless I absolutely must. I am definitely going to start seeing an increase in my SRB count once I get Career mode though.
  14. Just look at it on the bright side: you can use them for your rocketry experiments over, and over, and over, and over.
  15. For paint, that's a good picture. Your daughter gets 20 internets from me.
  16. This is a major loss for you pal. I hope that you can get your new space program just as far along and even farther.
  17. It's definitely best to calculate mass rather than volume, because I don't care how much space it's taking up, I care how much it weighs.
  18. Ok. Screw rescuing jeb from Ike, Moho is getting a probe sent its way.
  19. The alternative being the use of the following equation Delta V=(Specific Impulse x Gravity) x Ln (Initial Mass/Final Mass) It's really not that hard, especially if you have a calculator.
  20. Really cool design. It's awesome how we can do things the real world can't or hasn't done yet. Great job.
  21. Right, I think Jeb can wait a day. Time to get some shut eye and approach the problem tomorrow.
  22. I'm going to answer with a "Yes" but I would like to see something to implement a live "mission control" type thing, where one player pilots while the rest monitor him/her and organize the mission.
  23. You'll get a target (purple) on your navball, but it might be better to mess with maneuvers in flight. This gives you a rough idea of no much Delta V is required for your specific circumstance. That way you can build your ship to your needs, I encourage you to use the rocket equation to calculate how much Delta V you need.
  24. Truly inspiring. Hope your eight year old has a great time. It might be good to get her a four function calculator to help her with the math while you're explaining it to her... Although now would be a bad time to introduce the rocket equation to her.
  25. Minecraft is immensely popular, easy to pick up, and can be played multiplayer easily. KSP has a huge learning curve, but once you get past that, it is enormously fun to play. Going to other planets, building colonies, sending rovers, space stations, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if someone could figure out a way to exploit the Oberth Effect to achieve light speed.
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