I am not trying to stray off topic here, but I would like to mention a few things in regards to the licenses and open-source. These plugins are licensed under Open Source Licenses, and one of the things this implies is when an author doesn't necessarily want to support/add something, they are usually more than happy for others to do so. Why else would they share their Source in such an open fashion? It is kind of one of the driving forces behind Open Source, being free to modify a program/plugin as you see fit. Not only has Senshi done the right thing by the Authors and the Community by speaking with the Respective Authors first, he has also mentioned those Authors reasons for being cautious about releasing these versions, and made sure that any problems/reports are directed to him instead of to the other Authors. I guess people are starting to realise that a license is more than just a few words, and there are damn good reasons they are required. Also, that you cannot pick and choose how a License applies to you, You choose a License you choose all that goes with it. If people do not want their stuff Open Sourced, or others to use their Code, they should not use an Open Source License, as that is exactly what it means. In saying this, I am a HUGE Supporter of Open Source and it is how I prefer to work. Everything I do is licensed under Open Source Licenses when applicable. I have not done much for KSP Yet, but for other games and projects. People just need to be aware of what a License entails, and all that goes with it, not just choose a few arbitrary words to put on their work because they were told to. There are damn good reasons they are needed. Now, a bit more on-topic, Thank you for releasing these! The no 64bit check kept me from trying out the windows 64bit version as I have not had the time to set up my KSP Build Environment yet, I am still learning the game and how the parts all work together. My first big Unity based game, especially on the modding side, so still learning a lot atm. However I completely understood the "why" behind these Author's Choices. Thank you for compiling these for those of us who at least understand not to bug the original Authors about bugs in something they themselves have been forced to disable. (I really wish people would think sometimes, would avoid these sorts of issues, but that is the way things are I guess.)