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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. What is this? The Fairly Odd Parents Forum Edition? As you walk into the area, a large piece of an ancient structure hits you. I walk into a Mcdonald's. Besides my order, what could go wrong?
  2. I started around .21, and I discovered it when I saw Markiplier play it. Looked fun, checked it out, and here I am now Oh it has come a long way.
  3. Um, actually: http://m.space.com/15353-meteor-showers-facts-shooting-stars-skywatching-sdcmp.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteoroid#Meteor I don't see anywhere on either of these pages about "compression" For once, your science teacher might be right.
  4. Alright, I see this won't be added. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. I understand it would be hard. VERY hard. Nearing IMPOSSIBLE hard. But can HyperEdit stop planet rotation? Or perhaps get two celestial bodies that are tidally locked? I understand it would take a LONG time. A VERY VERY VERY LONG time. But what I'm asking is if it's possible? In just the right conditions? (HyperEdit involved)
  6. Probably. Minecraft is around 9000 times bigger than the Earth. Jool is around the size of the Earth in real life. Can you fit 9000 Jool's within the KSP solar system? Yes. Way more than that. So as far as I know what is interactable n stuff, yes.
  7. Dang, you caught me lol. But I remember the thread "What is the stupidest space-related thing you have heard?" The last 5-8 pages were off topic completely, and it got shut down.
  8. Oh yeah. That laptop... YEAH! Definitely good for KSP!
  9. I live in a rural town, but there are towers that I can see from my house. Two, in fact. But I'm not quite sure what they are exactly used for. Probably cellular service, as 4G/LTE works great there. But still, everything works fine.
  10. Works fine for me. Even with my previous, decade old router with dust all over it. Strange.
  11. I'm.... Assuming that's good. I think my router was pretty expensive, perhaps in the hundreds? Twitch runs like a charm. And if OP's phone runs well but can't view past broadcasts, would it be his computer that's the issue or nah?
  12. Yeah lol, I saw that too. Yahoo Answers is a terrible place.
  13. I see you as a regex, and I respect that Perhaps you can't blacklist somebody until they post to the thread? Like you can't just go to their profile and there's a button that says "LULZ BLAKLISTZ" The button has to be on their post. I was thinking that this feature could give the moderators a little break, if they need one. I mean, what normally happens if you break a rule during a game? You might get kicked out. If it had to be anything, perhaps this should only be added to the Space Lounge? Post count there isn't affected, and the forum games can easily be moderated by those who started the thread and know the rules well better than anyone else there. Plus, Mods and Admins can focus on the important subforums.
  14. Step One: Stop using that McDoanld's Free WiFi from across the street. Step Two: Profit??? But seriously now, try rebooting your wifi, or try using a friend's computer/PC on your wifi to see if it's your router that's the problem, or if it's your PC.
  15. So basically Kingda Ka except less people die?
  16. Welcome to "How to make the entire Community mad at you" On some documentary channel. I think the round8 is useless, and I hate it so much. I mean, it's useless, ugly, and is just stupid in general. This concludes "How to make the entire Community mad at you" On some documentary channel.
  17. @r4pt0r Okay, perhaps you can remove the ability to do delete posts, but what about blacklisting users who break the rules? Or just troll in general? (It only takes place on that thread, and not your other threads)
  18. Maybe deleting somebody's posts doesn't affect their post count? And once somebody deletes a post, moderators somehow get notified or it gets put into a certain group?
  19. Ethanadams, are you just making these up? Because that's not what this thread is for.
  20. Perhaps this shouldn't be added to certain subforums? Such as Suggestions & Development? That way it can't be abused. Otherwise, trolling with it just messes up your own thread, and I don't think that's what you want to do when you start a thread.
  21. We all know that feeling when you make a thread, and some genius comes along and throws things off-topic or posts something useless. I suggest that when you're the owner of a thread, you can control it better and have access to features such as: *Deleting somebody's posts *Blocking somebody from posting on that thread, or "blacklisting" So how do you all like this idea?
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