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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. A yarn forgot green extra 3 robots...? lol ffejfpa
  2. I mean, we still have solar panels. But I get what you are getting at.
  3. I can't wait to hear the chugachugachugachuga HYPE TRAIN
  4. Did it... With Hyperedit XD I have an addiction.
  5. (Created this thread) ... What - - - Updated - - - (Created this thread) ... What Oooooh! Nvm! It was moved to OT! So his posts were only on this thread, which is now in Off-Topic. Nvm.
  6. Sucks for me, as I can't see anyone pictures because Imgur is blocked at my school
  7. -32 (Just go along with it to avoid confusion, and I'm going to flip out if someone posts while I'm typing this) - - - Updated - - - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH DANGIT -33
  8. Don't think there really is a limit. - - - Updated - - - Also, this belongs in Kerbal Network. Just saying
  9. A shotgun always helps. - - - Updated - - - I'll check my twitch when I get home, to be serious.
  10. I discovered KSP when Markiplier played it. I only saw a few videos, and I didn't care if he made it look hard. I mean, I would NEVER put a game off just because it "Looks hard" because it looked easy to learn, because he learned how to go to the Mun in a few episodes.
  11. So they have the same name when they re-enter the ship?
  12. I don't see how applying for a job counts as training. But whatever. They're kerbals.
  13. Imagine a disco ball without a string. The string is the SAS. The string disappears. Yeah. There ya go.
  14. I always knew the multiverse theory was true. But in KSP? Mind blown. - - - Updated - - - I always knew the multiverse theory was true. But in KSP? Mind blown... - - - Updated - - - Wait what? It said I posted that same thing 5 minutes ago when I didnt? Oh my god this is ironic. I talk about a paralleled universe and my post duplicates itself from a forum bug XD
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