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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. "If it explodes, I'm happy" -Steven Bills "If it goes against what I say, I shall make a huge conspiracy deal abou- hey, what are you doing with that EMP-*Cut off*" - Hawking
  2. Aw. So no jumpy and landy? I wanted to have Jeb and Valentina have a race :3
  3. Like jumping from ledges and landing on something else.
  4. Yes, happens all the time. Is it the jetpack that causes it? Also, wrong forum, I'm afraid Does this go into development discussion?
  5. In a devnote a few months back, they mentioned something about kerbals being able to grab onto edges of objects. Is this actually in? (I'm in school ATM, so I don't have access to it.)
  6. Now that 1.0 is out, let this be a place were we can all talk about how far Kerbal Space Program has gone over the years. From the Sun being a little piece of a decal in the sky, to a fully blown 3D interactable solar system, the game has gone far. And it's thanks to SQUAD. Let us all talk about our memories like "Remember when..." Let us all show our appreciation to SQUAD.​CHEERS!
  7. We have achieved reentry head ​in space!
  8. Doesnt matter faster hype train! That way we go ​forward in time!
  9. Infinity - 1 = Hype train speed AKA IN^2F^38^3Y^371
  10. We just ran into a black hole and ​destroyed it
  11. At this point, we would be celebrating them both at the same time due to the amount of ​HYPE!
  12. I'll laugh if this brings down steam somehow...
  13. ​explode with freaking hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyypppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  14. I can only imagine how slow the website will be once released.
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