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Everything posted by oglommi

  1. I struggled with all of it. After first discovering KSP, i started enthusiaticly(don't know how it is spelled) slamming rockets togheter. Did not know I could just move the stagings with the mouse, so whenever the staging was wrong, I rebuilt the ship from scratch. Neither did I know about the symmetry button. After that It was figuring out that getting to orbit was about moving horizontally not vertically. I've learned stupendous amounts of spacestuff and orbital mechanics from KSP. Fantastic game
  2. I also found the armstrong monument by fluke, after only been landing 2-3 times on the mun. Very cool
  3. Some interesting ideas. Don't really like the effiency tiers for the engines idea. Maybe unlock engines with great vacuum ISP later on the three. But I don't really fancy building huge rockets with rubbish ISP just to get a tiny probe in orbit.
  4. Oh thanks a lot, you literary saved all life in the multiverse.
  5. The engines in this mod is superb. My only problem is using them at later stages. Decouplers don't connect properly to the bottom and don't loosen from the engine. The decouplers do attach at the bottom node of the decoupler and so don't detach during staging. Anybody know how to fix this in the .cfg files of the parts?
  6. Maybe SQUAD will print this out, and stick it to their office fridge with a magnet!
  7. Yes, the contracts becomes a gamebreaker after a while. The early contracts are ok, but they spiral into stupidity at a stupendous rate after a wee bit of gameplay.
  8. Holding Alt F12 for a while also brings up a cheat panel where you can add money
  9. You can go into the /gamedata/squad/contracts/contracts.cfg file and increase number of available contracts. So you have more to choose from.
  10. just pump some fuel from the bottom tanks to the top tanks during ascend to keep you CM high. Alt left click 2 different tanks lets you move fuel.
  11. Yes happened to me to. There is a "mass threshold" or something like for that in the savegame .cfg that you can cheat the astroid back up. Either the "massthreshold" or the line under it" just make a copy of your savegame first
  12. I went for minimus first. Lithobraked at enormous velocity.
  13. and a couple of septratrons can blow up a class E. Happened to me. I had septatrons as part of decoupling an engine connected with docking port. Put up a staging with decoupling and firing of the septatrons. I didn't decouple and the astroid blew up in a small puff of smoke.
  14. Heres my mining/refinery rover and fuel tanker. The tanker is very efficient, capable of hauling a least 350 tons of fuel and mono to orbit,
  15. I gave up on tourism. I don't like the contracts. 4 tourists in one contract and all of them want to do different stuff. It's just an abysmal amount of work, if one want to go suborbital into the sun, one want to go to duna, and yet another want to go to Pol. Some of the tourists don't dissappear after finished contracts. I had 3 stars tourists with no contract freeriding on my spacebus Squad should make all the tourists in one contract do the same stuff.
  16. I had problems with some rockets flipping over. Closing the upper tanks and opening them higher in the atmosphere made the rockets more top heavy and solved the problem.
  17. Anyone know how to remove the "suborbital flight on the sun" requierment on the tourists travel itinerary? Lol, that's just sloppy by Squad.
  18. That seemed to do the trick. Thank you very much.
  19. The savegame is from 1.0 but I play the Pol thing showed up just now, a couple of hours ago. I've got lots of mods and cheat with money and sci so the problem could be anywhere
  20. The has to be somewhere in the savegame .cfg file you can fix it
  21. I-ve playing ksp, building up a nice infrastructure of refueling and minings ship to refuel SSTO's full of tourist travelling to the mun and minimus. Now suddenly i got loads of tourists wanting to go to Pol. How do i reset this Pol thing as i haven't been anywhere near jool or pol and it is ruining my game?
  22. The whole resource mining stuff does not work due to overheating. I went into the respective parts .cfg files and changed "TemperatureModifier" from 500 in the ISRU and 50 for the drill to 5. Now it works like a charm. The ISRU have a "TemperatureModifier" for each conversion mode.
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