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Posts posted by lordmuffin

  1. gZagAaF.png

    Polygon Projects


    Hello, and welcome to the first thread for Polygon Projects! As of now, we are hiring.

    Positions Available:

    (These are just titles, that's all.)

    CEO (Taken, by me)

    Head of Engineering 1x

    Engineers x5

    Aerodynamic Engineers x3 (For building spaceplanes)



    The first of our (experimental) disposable spaceplanes, this craft is a disposable drone spaceplane that is used mostly for putting small probes into orbit.


    This craft comes in three versions: MechJeb, Karbonite Kollector and Stock.


    Karbonite Kollector: https://copy.com/yFdWqkEvhKLq07IX

    MechJeb: https://copy.com/4uTZePBttMFe7eXV

    Stock: COMING SOON!

    That's all for now, we will be posting spacecraft soon.


    A world of text: http://www.yourworldoftext.com/~lordmuffin/

  2. Kerbals are a sentient form of life, who live in the KH4R system, 12 parsecs away from the homeworld of the Drachma Space Initiative., the planet Drachma, in the Cantar system, 30 parsecs away from the remnants of Earth.

    Log of Colonel Isidor, of the USS Brave.


    After years of search by the DSF (Drachma Survey Fleet), they found a system alike to the Old World, or Earth. Well, before the sun died, anyways. Now it's just nothing. Just dust and gas. They sent in a ship to investigate, and what they found? They found the first extraterrestrial lifeforms. They were primitive, but they did have a space station and we saw remnants of a lander on the first moon of their homeworld, KH4R III. The dialect on the lander was unreadable to any of us, so we assumed it was something on the surface of KH4R III. After we put a probe in orbit of KH4R III, we detected other crafts nearby. After a while, a space station came into view. Primitive, about what the ISS looked like before it was de-orbited. There were also many debris nearby, suggesting failed docking attempts. We tried to open communications, but they didn't have communication abilities on any of their spacecraft. Afterwards, we sent an unmanned lander down onto KH4R III. It landed near what appeared to be a runway. We rotated the camera to see a spaceplane being rolled onto the runway. One of the beings noticed it and came running over. He had a large, green head, with big eyes. He had black hair on the top of his head. He was tapping the glass, very curious. He called some others over, with a high, distorted voice. They started dragging the lander into a large complex of buildings, which we assumed to be some sort of research area. When they dragged it inside, we lost communications.

    That's all for now, this is my first fan-works ever, so please leave constructive criticism.

    I got the idea to do this from NASFanboy, who made this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/49617-On-the-Origin-of-Kerbals

    Check him out!

  3. Are you saying it doesn't appear while the game is loading or the planets don't appear in the tracking station?

    There is no loading screen or start screen menu.

    Ah, okay, I was looking for a menu while loading the game.

    The planets don't appear in the tracking station.

    But now I realized I have an outdated Module Manager, so I updated, let's see how that goes.

    EDIT: Nope, still doesn't work.

  4. This is my first very successful plane. Be warned, though, that I did use infinite fuel, because that's what I do for all my first tests. Haven't tested it without that, so I guess you guys can.

    The non karbonite version only requires MechJeb.

    Then there is the Karbonite Harvester version, to harvest Karbonite from the air.

    I'll try to get a stock version soon.


    Here it is, the Air Rocket Mark I:



    Karbonite Harvester Version: https://copy.com/yFdWqkEvhKLq07IX

    MechJeb Only: https://copy.com/4uTZePBttMFe7eXV

    Stock: COMING SOON!

  5. And if THAT's not giving it all away:

    1. Find out when the planets are aligned for a transfer window
    2. Decide what you actually want to do
    3. Find out how much deltaV is required
    4. Design ships to fulfill the mission profile
    5. Build them
    6. Fly them

    It's rocket science, you see. "Some kind of nuclear rockets" are not required, but are the most efficient engines.

    Beyond that you'll have to give us a bit more of a clue as to what you want advice with. Or read the tutorial in my signature

    Mainly what I want advice with is BUILDING the craft, I'm good enough with transfers.

  6. I've heard people talking about an "LFO converter" and I was wondering where I could get one myself.

    Edit: Was also wondering how to make stuff able to be tweak scaled, if that is possible.

  7. Dunar Coordinates 25 99: The site of my first Duna base, Duna Express.

    Sadly, my resupply mission crashed into the base and exploded it.

    Munar Coordinates 0 103.8: First Kethane mining operation.

    Munar Coordinates 43 20: First Karbonite mining operation.

    Munar Coordinates 47 -158: First Munar landing

  8. Post your reaction images.

    If you don't know what they are, well...

    "Reaction Images are images or animated gifs that are meant to portray a specific emotion in response to something that has been said. They are commonly used in discussion threads in a similar fashion to emoticons."

    Source: KYM

    Anyways, some rules:

    No swearing or obscenity in the images. (If you want, you can censor it.)

    Oh, and no discriminatory stuff either.

    My first one:


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