I like to explore the Mun and Minmus this way. Send some fuel and a reusable lander out there to dock with the station. The lander then goes to the surface, the pilot does science and then returns to the station. You use the lab to clean the experiments, refuel and repeat. When your fuel supply runs low, send a resupply ship from Kerbin. This saves having to launch from Kerbin every time. If you equip the lander with two sets of goo/materials experiments, you can take two sets of data from each biome. One gets stored and eventually returned on the resupply ship, and the other gets analysed in the orbiting lab and transmitted to get some science now. My stations start out fairly small and get built up in stages like this. The next part could be a habitat module with a couple of hitchhiker cabins, then a fuel tank module, then an adaptor with multiple docking ports...