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Everything posted by CelticCossack51

  1. I created the People's Republic of Rimian Xinbeishan, with an extra weak economy! Rimia for some reason, had been reserved. EDIT: I love it when on the list of the latest posts you make turns into the colon and bracket form (sorry, I can't do it it always turns into ))
  2. 8/10 Of course ModuleManager has to make 2 billion patches! Also did you just give me a virus with that link at the bottom?
  3. You have Latin in your title? I found a cheater in our base guys!!
  4. Slam_jones is absent. And i'm just sitting on this bench waiting for megatiger...
  5. Dispose the alien consumables! Wagon 82: I found a polite bandit!
  6. a grand piano? A mouse trap?
  7. 8/10 I thought it was an old telephone at first, but I looked closer and I saw the dragon. Nice!
  8. people would consider Canada as being close enough to British culture, but... I guess a memory card, CD-ROM, or a floppy-disc? (why has my CBC broadcast been replaced my a blue screen?)
  9. I'm afraid that's not possible sir... May Doudex please report to A151, that is Doudex to room A151 in the frozen goods aisle. (oh my, my CBC glitched out on my TV.)
  10. I used to be an arrow, but I took an arrow to the feather of the arrow.
  11. The SSTO safely lands on a glass roof. But the roof flips over and launches the SSTO to the next poster while holding a poster sized poster image.
  12. Nice guillotine, but don't do any of this terror anymore, or else I'll use my poking stick! But 1961! *madly works on some not so secret replica madly with madness.*
  13. banned for tripping robots with string.
  14. I'm afraid that Vexx has gone MIA. I need to call in Sal to salvage him. *Crowd starts yelling in disappointment.*
  15. Strings, spy, I suspect guitar music! Or guitars.
  16. Ice? (ten things that ten)
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