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Everything posted by CelticCossack51

  1. Nice guillotine, but don't do any of this terror anymore, or else I'll use my poking stick! But 1961! *madly works on some not so secret replica madly with madness.*
  2. banned for tripping robots with string.
  3. I'm afraid that Vexx has gone MIA. I need to call in Sal to salvage him. *Crowd starts yelling in disappointment.*
  4. Strings, spy, I suspect guitar music! Or guitars.
  5. Ice? (ten things that ten)
  6. a planet then? Changed guess to the Sun, as the hint says 'you can find ONE in the solar system'.
  7. I was in that position before, except things were different. I was trying to make friends with a girl, but these people, 'spectators', were thinking a bit different and thought this was going beyond a friendship, in which I believe was not. They basically said no friendship and threw it to Jeb to 'take care' of it in a rocket, all with laughs and humiliation. One of them was a friend and still a friend, because I take minor revenge on him quite a lot, which means this event will take a decade's worth of revenge. I don't know if it was rejection, but I haven't seen her in months so I guess it might as well be. Anyway, It may be tough to see something perfect drifting away from you, but there should eventually be another door of opportunity that could be just as good as the first one.
  8. I'm nearing 100, but congrats!
  9. I havent have the slightest idea wot you're on about good sir, and I give you my apologies. Yeah about this GIC sport...
  10. 10/10 We tried filming these mysterious cryptids, but the cameras were always blurry for some reason...
  11. MLG: see "earplugs". Gun: tube of death Gum: bane of braces management. Bridge: levitating road Binoculars: mini-scopes. Root Bear: see "heaven"
  12. General Rarity is very Rare. I shall summon the mysterious Jedediah Kerman! (Doudex, post one more post! 444 posts makes me uncomfortable.)
  13. Looks like the iPhone needs to be HEATED up!
  14. Do I have to drop You Know Who ​down (or up) to 100 rep again?!
  15. Yes!!! Yes!!! We made it! Now I need to get rid of one of my threads...
  16. join with magic! If you don't get it it's hi-nehm or join in ancient Egyptian.
  17. Who cares about the colour of a dress, I am going to make it red, orange, and black!
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