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Everything posted by astrobond

  1. Hi all I also made a plane for the Kadvent Kalender 2014 Challenge... Here is my "Fun Speedy Plane" 2324m/s Over Land with just a TurboJet Engine ^^ I hope this is a true "MachingBird" ?
  2. Hi All December 8th, a little late... Full stock, Hard Mode, and i made a new "relooked" MEM ^^ No problem in this mission
  3. Hi All Here is my 600T pure payload lifter with some tanks added to reach 500km... Full Stock + MechJeb2. The craft file: "XLarge Lifter 600T 500km.craft" The 600T Album: The 300T Album:
  4. Hi Again Now the Kadvent Kalender December 7th Mission Report Still No mods, Hard Mode, with Jeb, Bill and Bob onboard ! I was a little short on fuel on the 3rd stage, had to take some fuel from the CM... Was also unable to preview the landing "free return" spot on kerbin without mods, i rebound 1 time on the atmosphere and hopefully i landed on a flat land Jeb said: "I almost touch the Mun !!!" .
  5. Hi All here is my Kadvent Kalender December 6th Mission Report No mods, Hard Mode. (the second stage separation was a bit... explosive... lol but thats' fine for the reentry near KSC .
  6. Ahem... lol... yes you'r right, i'm trying to use a lot less struts in my new crafts, and the ships don't explode !!!
  7. Hi All Just for Kerbin Low Orbit 100km here lol: "AS Do you even Lift mk 01.craft" 615023$ .
  8. Still Me xD For December the 5, i have the ship ready made ! The video of the stock mission i made some days ago... I think i'll have to redo in "hard mode"... could be fun I crashed on the Mun 2 times before to land near the Armstrong Memorial... .
  9. Hi All here is my KSP Kadvent Kalender 2014 4th challenge... Stock SSTO Kerbin satellite network deployment example (i hope this would be ok) to be done the same way for Mun and Minmus .
  10. Hi again Can't wait to try the Kadvent Kalender 2014 December 3rd xD Here is my "Fun Speedy Plane" 2324m/s Over Land and over 2500m/s orbit speed with just a TurboJet Engine ^^
  11. Hi My Kadvent Kalender 2014 December 2nd reuseable VTOL paraglider lowcost fuel engine in one launch
  12. Hi All Late on this challenge, but i was doing a Saturn V like Rocket when i found the link ! I just added a little rover, a satellite and 4 experiments, and here is my "Kpollo 15 Full Stock.craft". The video of the full mission very fun to play without any mods: I think i have the 218 points ? Fly safe with Jeb .
  13. Ok ! Sorry for the mistake, and thank's again
  14. Hi all Here is my Biomes catcher for Mun and Minmus: Craft Name : Biomes Science Catcher (Mun and Minmus) Stock / Non-Stock Entry: Stock + MechJeb2 Celestial Body: Mun or Minmus Number of Biomes: At least 15 in one trip... Total Mission Cost: Just the fuel cost (SSTO + Full reuseable Lander and SpaceLab ship) but 374274$ investment. Highest Science Tier: High Craft File: "Biomes Science Catcher (Mun and Minmus)" Album with only one Mun Biome visited, but you just have to repeat refueling and wait polar orbit to be over the other Biomes to make a full science Journey in one trip Fly safe with Jeb !
  15. Sorry for my bad English, as badge, i mean : in my signature This is not a badge for this challenge ?
  16. Hi All Here is my 0.25 "New KLK SSTO 15T" craft file, and the YouTube Video All stock parts but MechJeb2. Not intended for this challenge, but with 70880$ cost and 70168$ returned, that makes 356$ for each Kerbal with this "Minibus to Laythe and back" ! lol And perhaps that could add a badge to my signature ? .
  17. Very Nice Mission Laie !!! (3! for 3 Kerbals ) You completed the Eve Rocks Challenge on Jebediah's +Bill+Bob Level ! Your roverboat is excellent, and the number of science points at the end of the mission is awesome Congrats !
  18. Oops ! "Kerbhouston... we have a problem..." "I undocked the chutes stage before landing..." "Do you think i can try landing without chutes ?" scriiitch.... "Of course you can try Jeb ... will see if this is possible that way !" "Ok let's go :)" "yeahhh ;)"
  19. No problems Laie and thank's a lot for the update ! i'm just happy to be on the "big" side of this challenge too Fly safe with Jeb !!!
  20. Hi All Here is my come back for the "BIG" Eve Rocks Challenge (Jebediah's Level) try... It's the lander of Eve Jeb Landing AR 9 with... some added tanks/motors lol ! Just to say that if you have low weight in last stage, you dont need too much fuel for the ship I'm always trying to keep that in mind in ksp... The Craft file of "Eve Jeb Landing AR 10" 1,024,676$ invested, less than 250000$ final cost, 269 Tons at launch from Kerbin, and less than 98 Tons ready to Launch at 5m ASL on Eve. 897parts (outch) full stock + MechJeb2. KSP 0.25. I found this flat 5m landing site while trying to land near the equator on a precedent mission (Eve Jeb Landing AR 10 is the last of a looong loooooong series of ships lol, I see I'm not alone ) More easy mission than Eve Jeb Landing AR 9, but for launching the big ship from Kerbin with a SSTO lifter... I tried less than 250Tons, but that was too hard for me, and really slow motion with 900 parts BIG album... with all datas.... xD
  21. Hi Laie and All Not so good at speaking English, but hopefully I had also the idea to backup a save with the glider ready to takeoff too !!! so here are the two "new datas albums" ^^ Hope this help Oh and I love this challenge, that's why I also want to test the "big ship" version ^^ just for fun.. I think it's the best way to play... for fun !
  22. Thank you for the "wow" Laie I made a save of the game before lift off on Eve, do you need only the detailed screen of this chapter or all the mission ? If you need only the Eve lift off to orbit, I can do that quickly, or even a video if you want BTW, I'm also working on a Jebediah's Level version so I will make a fully detailed album this time... xD
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