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Everything posted by astrobond

  1. Today (and some days ago.....) I made a Rocket to send 10 Kerbals to Eve and Back in Tourist Class ! There is a link to download the ship in the Mission Report if you want the file Fly Safe with Valentina !
  2. After my first Mission Report of "Under Pressure", @magnemoe wrote: "Impressive, but was they in tourist class the entire trip? " Hmmmm... Ok... So i made a new rocket, with Tiers 3 parts, more Science, a lot more snacks, and NO External Command Seats !!! Here is a link to the craft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uIycnV0rOxp-QVzxG6QfsLnFKqy50ful/view?usp=sharing And the MK2 Version, Lighter, Less Parts and more easy to handle: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pAcMkbdGsFbrbVMikT9RM8rRADO6xutk/view?usp=sharing And Some Pictures of The Mission Fly Safe with Valentina !!!
  3. Hi @CFTeague2 and Thank you The Upper heat shields can be attached to Radials Decouplers (TT-38K) using xs long struss (ST-XS-4) or Tubes (TOOB-000) for better temperature resist but harder to use in VAB. In the first version of my ship i used small panels (SP-S06), but that was not as good as the other ones (too much parts, weight and can overheat) Hope this help
  4. @Biggen, Try to time warp to the end of the night or early in the morning on Laythe, I think i found the "problem": The ground is way more stable when the temperature is cold ^^ (also ok for rovers and planes) Hope this help
  5. @Kirian I forgot to say that when you go back to the mothership and dock, the dV is far better than before you undock the lander, because the weight of the capsule with the 10 Kerbals is light ! so you should have enough dV to go back Kerbin
  6. Hi @Kirian Sorry for that... maybe some "tuned" parts are not in the copy ? You have to set the shields to 50% ablating material (to save weight) , and the landing legs to 0.1 spring and 2 Damper for a better landing. If some parts become hot, try to rotate the ship while aerobraking, that helped me a lot ( and of course save the game while in orbit before trying.... some times it goes wrong for me too ) My landing was done from a 110km orbit, lowering the PE to around 60km. Hope this help
  7. Lol Thank you @KincaidFrankMF !
  8. Same here, with a "Grand Tour" without any mods and no cheats, so... really playable Happy Birthday KSP2 !!!
  9. Thank You @Kirian Sorry i only have the last version of the ship i used for the KSP2 Version Mission with Tier3 parts... This "Light" Lander version is OK to reach orbit from 1000m ASL on Eve, but this is a little hard xD Here is the link to the ship file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V9-Hbk8ITy-YMY5pXXL0V4WcOoVWDvtK/view?usp=sharing Best Regards, Astrobond Edit: I made a new more friendly ship for this mission... a little heavier, but still with Tier 3 parts, ready to go orbit from Eve Sea Level, and more easy to land (if the landing legs are not set at spring 0.10 and damper 2.00, go with those values to land without exploding ) the new ship: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1un-csNs5l-xpeWmXZHc7yF6gBozZet9S/view?usp=sharing
  10. @magnemoe, I wanted to try with only two landers to avoid lots of optimals landers for each bodies, and with the efficiency of the big nuke engine this is ok like that . Not sure that bringing a plane for laythe, a specific lander for Tylo and another lighter lander for all other bodies would be better than this 24 Tons all in one lander for all other bodies than Eve I also wanted to go "Easy" way
  11. Hi All I finished successfully my All in One Grand Tour !
  12. Hi All After finishing the missions in the version of KSP2, i had to find something else to do... Why not try a "Grand Tour" in one go with Jebediah ? Ok let's go The Full Rocket... The Eve Lander. The Interplanetary Ship. The All Bodies but Eve Lander... The 650 Tons to Orbit Launcher... 3..2..1.. GO ! In Kerbin Orbit with 34837 m/s Dv... Hope this will be good xD Eve Orbit... First Flag on Eve ! Back to Interplanetary Ship Ready to go to Gilly with the Nuke Lander... Second Flag: Gilly Now in Moho Orbit, Some Tanks are out, but still a lot of Dv. Third Flag: Moho. Now in Duna Orbit, with Only two big tanks Left and one engine... but hopefully still lots of Dv Fourth Flag: Ike. Fifth Flag: Duna. Dres Orbit Sixth Flag: Dres. Eeloo Orbit. Seventh Flag: Eeloo. Now the Jool Five, With Laythe Orbit in first Eighth Flag: Laythe. Tylo Orbit, with only One Big Tank Left... Nineth Flag: Tylo ! Vall Orbit, Jeb will go to Vall, Bop, Pol and back to Vall with the Nuke Lander Only Tenth Flag: Vall. Bop Orbit. Eleventh Flag: Bop. Pol Orbit. Twelfth Flag: Pol. Back to Vall Re-Docked to the last Tank... Kerbin Return and Minmus Orbit Jeb Will End the Grand Tour with The Nuke Lander Only, There should be enough Dv ! Thirteenth Flag: Minmus. Mun Orbit. Fourteenth Flag: Mun Kerbin Orbit. Home Sweet Home !!! And the Fifteenth and last Flag: Kerbin !!! Jeb is tired, but very Happy Best Regards, Astrobond
  13. Hi all I finally found the "secret" of Laythe............ Don't know if someone already talked about that, or if you want to find yourself, so the "secret" is hidden (There is a way to avoid being stuck with the wheels, rovers or planes, on laythe and this is not a bug) Fly safe
  14. Lol, there was a lot of snacks in the cargo bay, but i think the trip was not really in tourist class
  15. I Finished the last mission i had to do: "Under Pressure" Details of the mission here I need more missions !!! lol
  16. Hi All, That was the last mission i had to do, that was hard, that was fun, i need other missions to do now !!! No cheats, Stock game, I made a less than 3000 Tons Ship for all the mission in one go, a 205 Tons Lander (with the weight 10 Kerbals included) to go back to Orbit . Here are the pictures of the journey The Full Ship, just under 3000 Tons... Heat Shields to 50% ablating and the bottom ones slightly pushed to side to protect landing gears, Landing gears to minimum springs and dampening, one Kerbal in the MK1 and 6+3 in the cargo bay. 204.73 Tons when ready to go back in Orbit. A good TWR is really important... Launch !!! Orbit 1041 dv to Eve Encounter. Dv of aspargus stages is not really... good, but the dv for interplanetary stage was ok ! I made some one minute burns at eve PE. First Eve insertion burn. Now in a nice orbit After undocking of the interplanetary ship, it's time to make the de-orbit burn... It's hot, but Ok ! About 3000m, no more need of the top Shields... When the chutes are opened, we can free the bottom shields. Almost landed, 9.5m/s is ok for the landing gears Selfie of the 10 Kerbals on Eve !!! Back in the lander, 506m above sea level... We have to be as light as possible, so... Lets GO !!! Yessss Back in Orbit !!! Everybody is OK The interplanetary ship is going to rescue our Kerbals... Almost docked Time to go back to Kerbin ! Hopefully we have enough dv xD Should be good... Hello Kerbin ! Bye bye mother ship... Oh the Mun is still here too ! 7.5 m/s, fine Yesssss Mission OK !!! Fly safe !!!
  17. Hi All My attempt to Apollo Recreation, Jeb Level, if Jebediah only is ok for the crew A 8,6 Tons mission... Kind of a very light Apollo 11 !!! Craft file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrTGOg1HIiglgf2z5dIv2z48XB_ATMDO/view?usp=share_link Copy/Past in VAB link: (WARNING bugs: struts not connected and fuel methane tank to set 0.6) https://drive.google.com/file/d/17KQWam2HJfH11j99va_h1jKQRs3UyJ08/view?usp=share_link Copy/Past in VAB link: (WARNING bugs: struts not connected and fuel methane tank to set 0.6) Copy/Past in VAB link: (WARNING bugs: struts not connected and fuel methane tank
  18. Hi All Here is a video of my attempt for the Jeb Level: Craft file here as bonus https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AARv2xvpR_3y75BfyEw9V029TwXVURhH/view?usp=sharing Copy/Past in VAB link: (WARNING bugs: struts not connected and fuel methane tanks to set 1.6) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W_pjg0hIAVBHNcXHC1neWxs7mTXJf4V4/view?usp=share_link Don't forget QuickSaves !!! xD
  19. Hi all I'm back !!! Here is my KSP2 attempt... Fly safe ! (and do a lot of saves at this time lol )
  20. My new record in KSP Speed Tech Tree Run 4 Day, 2H, 40m to unlock all science... with moar boosters !!! lol (Normal Career game mode, science from Kerbin, Mun and Minmus) Fly safe with Valentina
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