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Everything posted by astrobond

  1. Wow Excellent ! Better than the minimal required dV lol Congrat's killakrust Not a lot of time to try this challenge grrr... but i think some wings could also be something to test to minimise total dV needed....
  2. Hi Nefrums Just a wonderful mission, the "state of the art" of Kerbal engineering with a master pilot !!! I of course approve this mission, and i think it will be really really HARD to find a lower mass in 1.04 version.... CONGRATULATIONS !!! Fly safe with Valentina
  3. 59661 Science !!! OMG ! Congrats vasco A very nice ISRU mission !!! Lots of nice pics too
  4. 13.5t. .... almost 50% the weight of my "low mass" entry lol !!! Really impressive xD
  5. Nefrums... You are totally crazy, but i like that lol !!! I hope we will have pics soon ^^ Fly safe with Valentina... errr... no of course you can't
  6. Impressive Foxster ! Didn't tried fuel cells... excellent idea I only tried with One Ion engine... not a good idea - - - Updated - - - OMG... Just wonderfull ! You are a Ion Batt Man God Congratulations Nefrums !
  7. Uhuuuu !!! 15t., 4 engines... Can't wait to see your mission again Nefrums !!! Vall with ions only, or reuseable Tylo engine for Vall ? I tried to find a Vall ion solution, but didn't found a way to do that xD Fly safe with Valentina
  8. Hi EBAO, Very nice ship and fully detailed SSTO/ISRU/Life support mission !!! Congrat's - - - Updated - - - Hi Mesklin, Less than 19t., Very nice ship too, and a very well planned/done mission !!! Congratulations
  9. Mesklin... just WOW ^^ I love the "Normal ascent sequence - explosion of empty overheated tank with empty forward wings is a standard procedure in rocket science, do not worry" Totally Kerbal ! Still Tylo to do... Fly safe with Valentina
  10. ARMAGEDDON ! A class E asteroid of 1850t. was on collision course with Kerbin, so i decided to try to catch it for science fuel ^^ That was harder than i expected, had to use a big ISRU SSTO ship to redirect the asteroid to a 40km PE, then switch to a light ISRU with 2 nerv and no solar panels to resist multiples aerobrakings..., used the Mun for gravity assist to match Kerbin plane, and a lot of 0.01TWR 10mn burns to circularize.... pffff A LOT of real time later, the baby is safe in LKO, now 1608t., and 1350t. ressource left Will help if i need quick refuel in LKO Fly safe with Valentina
  11. Err... I always make a new career in normal mode when a new version of ksp is available, and i always try to unlock all parts and buildings asap ^^ (All science points on Kerbin, Mun, Minmus and contracts for science/money) Then, and only then, i plan for long travels missions to have more fun, more money and more science, even if i don't need more science xD Might not be totally normal...
  12. Lol thank's a lot Rune and Hi Foxster I really hope someone else will reach Eve orbit with another SSTO, even if this is hard, and i hope the mammoth is not the only solution to do it... Your ships MUST be tested !!! Good idea to try a "chair" or drone light SSTO BTW, as said Foxster, every m/s is important, and a lot of testing is needed to find a way to the "graal" ^^ (HyperEdit is the way to go) At least, if you keep wings, add Angle of Incidence to win some m/s (Thank's to the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117415-SSTO-to-laythe-and-beyond?p=2154005&viewfull=1#post2154005 post who helped me a lot) Keep the ship as light as possible, and best possible aerodynamics... And if that can help, some datas not in my pics: The Vac d/V of my SSTO is exactly 5082m/s (from KER in the Spaceplane Hangar) with all tanks unlocked and 1.90TWR for Kerbin. Fly safe with Valentina
  13. First time i post a pic in this cool thread
  14. Have you tried with a new 'WAIT 1.' at the end of your code ? clearscreen. until false { print " " at (10,10). WAIT 1. print "dragon" at (10,10). WAIT 1. }
  15. Hi again, I can't test at work, but i had this two lines that worked in one of my script: PRINT " " AT (2,40). PRINT "Safe Thr: " + round(safethrottle*100) + "%" AT (2,40). can you try your code at 2,2 to see if that is better ? Edit: (there is more than 1 'space' in my first line, about 20 'spaces' ) Edit: new idea ^^ add also a WAIT 1. after your second print in your code
  16. I think you can print a series of space key like '_______' after a 'wait' at the same spot, that could do the job ^^
  17. Hi Kuzzter I think that even if we are not all talking about 'hydrazine' or 'concerns' on other threads, we are ALL enjoying more the game after reading your story(ies) !!! Keep going, and be even more happy "La vie est belle"
  18. Hi Crazy-Engineer ISRU Level was added when ISRU became a Stock part of KSP... I think The Best Historical level is Jeb's level WITHOUT ISRU ! (and best of the best a Jeb's level gran tour without ISRU) For a Gran Tour to be in the Jeb's level Hall of fame, you must comply with the Jeb's level rules, without ISRU. BTW, each level is already a real challenge, even with ISRU, so feel free to chose what you want, if you successfully meet the challenge, you really deserve the badge But if you use ISRU in your mission, it will always be in the ISRU level. Fly safe with Valentina !
  19. OMG isn't that also the soundtrack of "Apocalypse Now" ??? xD Can't wait to see the next chapter as a lot of people GO GO GO Kuzzter !!!
  20. BTW, don't be afraid, even getting a look to the spoilers and reading this forum, i often crash my ships on the planets xD
  21. Hi sdj64 and all Here is my entry for the "ISRU LEVEL" of the "ULTIMATE JOOL-5 CHALLENGE Continuation for KSP 1.0!": The Plan: Less than 300t ISRU SSTO Full science EXPLORER. to make the mission... and a little more xD The Final Ship: 299,974 Kg 338,021 funds 91 parts The Mission: KSP 1.04, Full stock, only mods used: KER and Precise Node. The B.O.B. successfully landed and refueled on Minmus, Moho, Gilly, Duna, Ike, Dres, Eeloo, Tylo, Laythe, Vall, Bop, Pol, The Mun and.... Kerbin Bob and Jeb are 56 years olders but still alive and at home xD No KSP parts were too much hurt in the pictures (I removed the "before F9" pics xD ) Total cost: 27024 funds... Added Science at the end: 16262. Crew: 2 Kerbal Launches: 1 Refueling: ISRU of course ^^ Additionnal Stuff: All science onboard. I would like to Thank cubinator who's mission tempt me to do this ISRU entry challenge with almost the same type of SSTO The Mission Report with full comments: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Fly safe with Val !
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