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Everything posted by astrobond

  1. Hi all Well, i don't know if i'm happy or sad, because this is the end of the B.O.B. Almost Gran Tour.... But... Jeb and Bob made the job !!! So i uploaded the numbers 9 and 10 albums http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Fly safe with Valentina !
  2. Hi all Well, i don't know if i'm happy or sad, because this is the end of the B.O.B. Almost Gran Tour.... But... Jeb and Bob made the job !!! So i uploaded the numbers 9 and 10 albums Fly safe with Valentina !
  3. This stock SSTO Rocket remembers me something...
  4. [quote name=boolybooly;2226605... ...PS Woohoo! page 100' date=' I think we might need an extra party to celebrate! Many thanks to all who have contributed over the three+ years the challenge has been running. Pats on backs all around! Congrat's to YOU for this excellent challenge boolybooly !!! And i think it's 200 pages... not 100 Fly safe with Valentina
  5. Yes lol ^^ I will look in the sky to avoid a collision course beetween our ships ! BTW, not a lot of free time this Week-End so i'm not sure to finish my trip before you... Still Pol to land, a flybye to Vall to finish the jool 5 challenge contract, and the Mun to visit before returning to Kerbin ^^
  6. Ooooops ^^ Sorry Val xD I will correct that, thank's for the info
  7. Hi All B.O.B. Landed on Vall and Bop Added a new album (part 8) with Laythe to Vall and Vall to Bop : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Fly safe with Valentina
  8. Congrat's Foxster Maybe not the best way to do it as you said, but at least you have done the mission until the end even if that was harder than you thought !
  9. Hi iLikeRovers Excellent Jool5 attempt ! I liked the "Who needs ladders on Tylo!" Congrat's
  10. Hi All B.O.B. Going to Laythe ! Added a new album (part 7) with Tylo to Laythe direct trip: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Fly safe with Valentina
  11. Hi all Updated with new albums of Tylo and Laythe visits Fly safe with Valentina !
  12. LOL as i didn't used photoshop.... maybe you play a lot with ksp, but we never play too much xD
  13. Very nice from Northern France with a lot of stars in the sky ! But hard to catch with a camera, 200mm lens, 2.8, 1/4sec.
  14. Hi all Really dark red/orange from Northern France at this time, and a lot lot of stars in the sky !!! Very nice
  15. I installed ksp "IRL mod" to be ready for the Munar eclipse tonight in France Ok i'm out sorry xD
  16. Hi again Hard for me to find the best answer... I usually make standards orbits with mothership+lander(s). From what i readed on this forum, if you have enough dV on the lander and to keep as much fuel as possible on the mothership, you can make maximal elliptical orbits with the mothership (and minimal capture burn) but that will need more fuel on the lander to land (more speed at PE) and to make the "rendez-vous" after re-orbit. You can also park the mothership in a Jool orbit (maybe above Tylo Orbit or near Vall Orbit, don't know what is best) and use Tylo and/or Laythe gravity assist to go where you want and back to the parking orbit, but i never tested this kind of parking orbit ^^ BTW, gravity assists in Jool system can save a LOT of fuel, so you almost always can find a solution to finish the mission Hope this help
  17. Congrat's EzBro !!! Nicely done Jool 5 challenge You flied safe with Valentina xD
  18. Hi Foxster and welcome to this big challenge Your mission should be ok ! If you have enough dV and TWR to land your 4 spikes lander and go back to tylo orbit, and as you seems to have good aerodynamics, Laythe should be Ok too (I hope you also tried your lander on the simu in atmospheric landing, because without chutes that can be hard to keep aligned on retrograde vector...) The other three Jool moons are really easier ^^ BTW I just landed my B.O.B. stock ISRU on Tylo, i hope that will be ok too for Laythe without chutes... xD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Then i'll try to finish my almost gran tour and i hope i'll be in this challenge on the ISRU part Fly safe with Valentina !
  19. Hi All B.O.B. keep on going the almost gran tour now entering Jool system: Added a new album (part 6) with Eeloo to Tylo trip: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/134955-KSP-1-04-STOCK-ISRU-Mammoth-SSTO-Explorer-Almost-Gran-Tour Fly safe with Valentina
  20. Hi Steven Mading and CAKE99 Thank's for the help, i edited my challenge post to correct the confusing problem and added a clipping rule.
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