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Everything posted by temporalExile

  1. 9 20 second ban 4 being 2 lazy. i hope this gives u something to think about durign ur punishmint
  2. banned 4 racism. (colored words shouldnt b discrim8ed)
  3. i think that its a good idea, but it needs some lense flarse and sweet tunes to go along with the camera shack
  4. Its always been like this. its always been wankershim comic sans
  5. cut that out or ill have 2 ban u
  6. i feel like im the best person 4 the job thats why i got picked right?
  7. Wat r u guys talking about the mods have always been like that if u keep lying like dis, ill have 2 ban u
  8. linked because I can't get my image to show up... RIC= illuminati confirmd
  9. soory, not everyone can be as kewl as you red iron cron
  10. i cant figure out the name for this song? and dont say jokes like darude - sandstorm, or ill have 2 ban u.
  11. guys ur breaking the rules. "comic sanc" is french , so if u dont stop ill ban u 4 breakin th rules.
  12. idk, i think some1s computer is broken, and there complaining about it here
  13. yea ur computer must b broken (inb4 i give myself cancer typing like this)
  14. wow, u guys all have such cool avatars. i wish i could draw as good u. i had to borrow my pics from dave strider
  15. were doing this man were making it hapen
  16. Banned for being the guy in the spacesuit
  17. Yeah, I've never used an autopilot. I'm also kind of upset at the 4 people who apparently can't make orbit without an autopilot. By never even making orbit manually, you are denying yourself of one of the core parts of the game. The same applies to things like mun transfers, but to a lesser degree.
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