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Everything posted by temporalExile

  1. A ROCK ON THE ROOF!!! MY TRUE LOVE! The object directly in front of you will give a BOSD
  2. gG ​is still bigger
  3. NO!! HEADPHONE FLUFFY STUFFS!!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?!? The thing below you that isn't a chair or the ground is the only tool you can use to surgically put my hear back in.
  4. Sorry, but gG ​is bigger
  5. I drop the kerbal into jool /thread
  6. Granted. You are so rich that you starve, because no one at the store can break a 1000$ Ninja'd Granted, but in a fit of stupidity, you drink the water. I wish I wasn't ninja'd
  7. Unfortunately, the dark magic from that thread leaks over here, which through a complicated series of events, reawakens green iron crown. Which is actually a good thing, if you enjoyed killing him the first time. You get not one, not two, but THREE CHIKENS! I wish for another pokemon mystery dungeon game. A good one.
  8. Um... You're welcome sir? Waiter theres a [DATA EXPUNGED] In my soup!!
  9. Do not lick the magic boulder. It won't actually do anything, but it would still be weird.
  10. Nope The user below me is a fan of mlp
  11. Banned for making a statent that is no longer true
  12. Granted. As a bonus, it will also never turn against humans. I wish for a pinkie pie "action figure"
  13. Gets SCP-914 Inserts a [Redacted]
  14. Set the 12$ in a very particular place in my house. I come back a week later, wanting to donate it to the end bad things in the world fund, only to find its not there. I give the next person 100$... All in pennies
  15. Granted... the animatronics kill you by the 3rd night. Were you expecting anything else? I wish that I had remembered to wish for something last time.
  16. Banned for being the second person I know to come up with that joke (first one being me)
  17. Banned for making me start this chain back up
  18. Team 1 is better than Team A because 1° kelvin is really cool, but A° Kelvin doesn't make sense as a temperature, Thus Team 1 is cool, and Team A makes no sense
  19. Error 404 soul not found. I use the error to cause the next poster's post to not go through
  20. Guys, remember this isn't only about the properties of 1 or A, its about the teams themselves too. That being said, Team 1 is better because Team A is too mainstream
  21. Okay -This message has been posted from parakeet. SQUAK! The object of your choosing has remained perfectly unchanged, the same can't be said for everthing else though
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