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Everything posted by OhioBob

  1. The range of an antenna with the Level 4 Tracking Station is 2.83 times what it is with a Level 3. So if you want to know the range of a Communotron 16 with an L4 Tracking Station, just do this L4 DSN range = 354 * 2.83 = 1002 Mm. The reason for this is that the formula to compute communication range is, Range = SQRT( tracking station power rating * antenna power rating ) And since the L4 Tracking Station is 8 times more powerful than the L3, the range increases by SQRT(8) = 2.83.
  2. UPDATE Version Changelog Fixed error in Airmed's biome map. Fixed typo in Island Airfield MapDecal. Fixed typos in English localization file. Changed Rosmerta's space threshold to 25,000 meters. Revised installation instructions for GEP_CommNet. See opening post for download link and instructions.
  3. We'll have to look into that. Was not aware that removing the orbit line could have the side effect of not being able to target the moon. We might have to consider putting the orbit line back, or we leave it as is. Being difficult just makes it more of a challenge, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  4. The exact values are those defined in the planet cfg files, from which everything else is calculated. Some of the precisely defined parameters include: radius geeASL eccentricity semiMajorAxis These values should be correct in CelestialBodies.pdf, but if you want to make sure you're using the right numbers, just look them up in the cfg files. You can find the cfgs in the following folder: GameData/GPP/GPP_Planets/ Stuff like periapsis, apoapsis, gravitational parameter, and mass are computed values, but if you use the following equations, the computed values will be exactly the same as those used by KSP. Pe radius = semiMajorAxis * (1 - eccentricity) Ap radius = semiMajorAxis * (1 + eccentricity) gravParameter = radius^2 * geeASL * 9.80665 mass = gravParameter / 6.67408E-11 Don't use "kerbin masses" because that's a rounded off value. The science multipliers for each body are also defined in the cfgs.
  5. As @JadeOfMaar said, most of the data you want is included in the GPP download. Just look for the file CelestialBodies.pdf. Some of the numbers are rounded off; such as mass and gravitational parameter; while other are exact; such as radius, surface gravity, and semimajor axis (except for Gael, which has a SMA of exactly 13,982,766,706.4122 meters). JadeOfMaar already told you how to compute the periapsis and apoapsis radii. Just be aware that the Pe and Ap values given in the game are altitudes measured above "sea level", while Jade's method gives the distance measured from the center of the planet. If you need to know the exact gravitational parameters, you can compute them as follows: GM = (planet radius)^2 * (surface gravity) * 9.80665 where radius is in meters and surface gravity is in gees. So for Ciro, the exact value is GM = 70980000^2 * 25.8 * 9.80665 = 1.27471287271583E+18 m3/s2 I assume that SGP stands for "standard gravitational parameter". If so, that's not an abbreviation I've ever seen before. It is usually abbreviated GM (i.e. gravitational constant, G, times mass, M) or μ. I'm the numbers guy for GPP. So if you have any other questions, I should be able to answer.
  6. Note that the correct writing of the term is Δv, where Δ is the uppercase Greek letter delta. In mathematics the letter Δ is often used to signify a difference, or change, in a certain quantity. While Δv means "change in velocity", it has a couple different uses. It can refer to how much of a change in velocity that your rocket or spacecraft is capable of producing. It can also refer to how much of a change in velocity is required to perform certain maneuvers or tasks. For example, it might take 3400 m/s Δv to reach Kerbin orbit. It might take another 860 m/s Δv to leave Kerbin orbit and to place the spacecraft on a trajectory that will intercept Mun. And it might take another 260 m/s Δv to insert the spacecraft into orbit around Mun. In this regard you can think of Δv as the currency of space travel. To complete a particular mission, you have make sure you spacecraft is carrying enough currency to buy the specific set of maneuvers that it must perform. For example, suppose you want to place your spacecraft into an orbit around Mun. The cost of this mission in Δv is, 3400 + 860 + 260 = 4520 m/s. So to perform this mission, your vehicle must be capable of producing ≥4520 m/s Δv, or else it will fail to complete the needed maneuvers. It's just like running our of money if the middle of a trip and becoming stranded, unable to either get to your destination or return home. Expanding on what @Scarecrow said, the Δv of a rocket is the hypothetical change in velocity that it is capable of producing if it where in gravity free space. For instance, it is generally accepted in KSP that it takes 3400 m/s Δv to attain Kerbin orbit. But once in low orbit a spacecraft is traveling only about 2300 m/s. So what happened to the other 1100 m/s? It was lost in overcoming gravity and atmospheric drag. In an extreme case, we could have a rocket on a launch pad burning its engines, but if the engines aren't powerful enough to lift the weight of the rocket, it can burn through all its fuel without going anywhere. In that case our actual change in velocity is zero, but the rocket sill has a hypothetical Δv. If this rocket burned its engines while in deep space somewhere, it's velocity would change because it wouldn't have to flight Kerbin's strong gravity. It is general practice to include gravity and drag losses in the stated cost of any particular maneuver.
  7. No. If your craft has 5000 m/s of delta-v, that means it can change its velocity by 5000 m/s before running out of fuel. Thrust has nothing to do with delta-v. Thrust is the amount of force that's pushing the craft. If the craft has a high thrust, it will produce the 5000 m/s change in velocity more quickly than if it has a low thrust. But in either case, high thrust or low, you're still going to get a change in velocity of 5000 m/s. Delta-v is kind of like how far your automobile can go an a tank of gas. The distance your car can travel depends on the capacity of the fuel tank, and how many miles per gallon is gets. Similarly, how much change in velocity a rocket can produce depends how much fuel it holds (measured as a ratio of fully fueled mass to empty mass) and how efficient the propulsion system is (measured by the velocity of the exhaust gas.) Thrust, on the other hand, is more like the horsepower of the car's engine. Horsepower has nothing to do with how far the car can travel on a tank of gas, but it does determine has fast the car can accelerate. The same is true of thrust.
  8. It's my understanding that it's a stock bug. Nothing to do with GPP.
  9. I think the first is correct, but I don't know why it's not working. We've reached the limit of my knowledge on the subject.
  10. I can tell you what some of it does. name = Island_Airfield // This is a unique name to identify the MapDecal absolute = True // Don't know what this means exactly, but I've never seen it not set to True absoluteOffset = 105 // This is the ground elevation at the top of the MapDecal angle = 110 // This is the rotation of the MapDecal, presumably with respect to north cullBlack = False // ? DEBUG_HighlightInclusion = False // ? heightMap = BUILTIN/island_runway_decal_heightmap // The MapDecal's heightmap (I've only used built in ones, but you can make your own) heightMapDeformity = 10 // Vertical deformity of the MapDecal heightmap position = 0.3102601181, -0.0263579391, -0.9502862296 // Position vector to locate where the MapDecal is placed on the globe removeScatter = True // If true, prevents scatter objects from spawning inside the perimeter of the MapDecal radius = 1200 // The radial size of the MapDecal in plan view useAlphaHeightSmoothing = True // ? order = 160 // The order in which the PQSmod is executed (relative to other PQSmods) enabled = True // If true, the mod will execute index = 0 // ?
  11. No, Koperniucs never released a 1.4.1 version. It jumped from 1.3.1 straight to 1.4.2. Why do you need a 1.4.1 version? You ought to update your KSP installation.
  12. Yes, uninstall them. SVT and SVE are made for the stock solar system. Installing them with GPP will, if anything, only cause problems. GPP comes with all the configs it needs to do the same things that SVT and SVE do. While GPP has some similarities to the real solar system (i.e. rocky inner planets, outer gas giants, and far outer icy planets), it is not intended to be modeled after it. Some of the planets and moons are very different, offering some new and different challenges as far as exploration is concerned. One of the main differences between GPP and Stock/OPM is that GPP is generally regarded as having better looking planets.
  13. MapDecal and FlattenArea should work, so you must be doing it wrong. Here is a sample of something that works (this is from Nodens in GEP_Primary): PQS { Mods { FlattenArea { name = Pyramids DEBUG_showColors = False flattenTo = 1770 innerRadius = 400 outerRadius = 1000 position = -0.7795680037, -0.1133018723, -0.6159841015 smoothEnd = 0 smoothStart = 0 order = 150 enabled = True } MapDecal { name = Island_Airfield absolute = True absoluteOffset = 105 angle = 110 cullBlack = False DEBUG_HighlightInclusion = False heightMap = BUILTIN/island_runway_decal_heightmap heightMapDeformity = 10 position = 0.3102601181, -0.0263579391, -0.9502862296 removeScatter = True radius = 1200 useAlphaHeightSmoothing = True order = 160 enabled = True index = 0 } } } FYI, "position" is a unit position vector, where: 1,0,0 points at 0 longitude, 0 latitude 0,1,0 points at the north pole 0,0,1 points at 90 E longitude, 0 latitude.
  14. Ciro has the same luminosity as the stock sun. But the "luminosity" setting has nothing to do with the apparent brightness of a star. Luminosity determines things like the output of solar panels. When you say Ciro is dimmer than Kerbol, what do you mean exactly? Are you referring the amount of illumination that you see on Kerbin? If so, then yes, Ciro's settings are lower than those of the stock sun. The amount of illumination is controlled by a set of three sunlight intensity curves. If you want Ciro to cast brighter light, you need to edit those curves. Be advised, however, that brighter illumination over exposes the clouds (if you are using EVE). The current settings are what we believe produces the best overall visual experience. We don't recommend changes.
  15. The default value is 1360. But why are you asking? Kerbol is not part of GPP, unless you're using GPP_Secondary. Is there a problem of some sort?
  16. @Sigma88, I think Kronometer is still working fine. Unfortunately several other mods won't work with it. Most specifically, KAC and TWP. Apparently the stock 6-hour day, 426-day year are hardcoded into them. I really like what Kronometer does, but sadly I've had to quit using it because I rely too much on KAC and TWP. It's just too difficult to schedule activities when the clocks/calendars don't match. I'd be a very happy man if @TriggerAu would update KAC and TWP to support Kronometer. Then I could go back to using it. It's nice to have time-keeping based the actual day and year duration.
  17. @Tyko, the old version still works as far as I know. I was using it in KSP 1.4.3 without any problem. I don't recall whether or not I tested it in 1.4.5, however. https://github.com/StollD/Kronometer/releases
  18. I guess I don't understand what you want. You want the Isp to be 3000s at sea level and 1000s in a vacuum, correct? What do you want the thrust to be? Do you want it 1000 kN at both sea level and vacuum? If so, that doesn't make any sense. Thrust is equal to the Isp times the mass flow rate. So as long as the fuel flows at a constant rate, the thrust is going to be proportional to the Isp. The only way to keep the thrust constant while the Isp changes is the alter to fuel flow rate. You have a throttle for that. It sounds to me like the game is doing what it is suppose to do.
  19. OK, well then just flip the numbers in atmosphereCurve. And if you want the thrust at sea level to be 1000 kN, the set maxThrust = 333.333.
  20. @aaronsta1, atmosphereCurve is the Isp (seconds) vs. pressure (atmospheres). So if you want the Isp to be 1000 at sea level and 3000 in a vacuum, you need something like this: atmosphereCurve { key = 0 3000 key = 1 1000 key = 1.5 0.001 } That will make the Isp 1000s at 1 atm pressure, and 3000s at 0 atm pressure. maxThrust is the thrust in a vacuum (kN). So if you set maxThrust = 1000, then with the curve above, you should get 1000 kN thrust in a vacuum and 333 kN at sea level.
  21. No gravity assist, but I did use a bi-elliptical transfer. I put it into a polar orbit so I was able to get science from all of Grannus' biomes.
  22. I've never flow by the sun, but I just completed a flyby of Grannus (GPP & GEP). Got to 38,601 km at closest approach. Heating-wise, that should be the equivalent of about 120,000 km from Kerbol.
  23. I'm not sure the Wiki is complete and up to date. Haven't looked at it in a long time. The GPP download includes a file named CelestialBodies.pdf that also has all has all the facts and figures. GPP is finished, there will be no new planets. You're free to go poking around in the planet configs and make whatever changes you want. If you want to change gravity, change geeASL. If you mess something up, however, don't ask for support. Changing the configs voids the warranty.
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