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Everything posted by OhioBob

  1. Here's a couple more screenshots... Just completed a flyby of Taranis. Not much time to enjoy the view, however. We zipped past at a whopping 17.4 km/s. A successful orbital science mission to Epona. By the way, I've discovered a bug in Airmed's biome map. I plan to release a minor update, but I'd like to give it a little more time to see if any other problems turn up. If nothing else is reported or discovered, I'll probably update in a week or so.
  2. Sorry about that. Lili's gravity is now where I originally intended it to be. I goofed by computing its mass based on a radius of 7000 meters as specified in its config. But that's the radius to the lowest point on its surface. Because of Lili's huge deformity, its actual volumetric radius is much larger. Therefore its mass and surface gravity should have been much greater than I originally computed. I made the same mistake with RAB-58E in GEP, which I've also fixed. Even with the fix, there are some places on Lili's big equatorial ridge that probably still can't be landed on. I haven't actually tried it, but the math say no.
  3. It's possible to hide the parts from appearing in the menu and tech tree, but still have them exist so as to not break existing craft. That might be an option. @PART[name]:AFTER[MissingHistory] { @TechRequired = Unresearchable @category = none @subcategory = 0 }
  4. That is the best way to do it, but it can still take a lot of delta-v depending on how high the initial orbit is. Starting out in low Kerbin orbit, and boosting the apoapsis all the way out the sphere of influence, will cost over 1900 m/s to complete all the maneuvers. Of course it will cost nearly 4600 m/s to reverse the orbit without raising the AP, so it's a big savings. The higher the initial orbit, the less delta-v it takes for both methods. It's always better to raise the AP, but the savings we get by doing so diminishes. For instance, suppose the initial orbit is 3000 km. Doing a simple orbit reversal right from there takes 1980 m/s, and by raising the AP we can reduce it to 880 m/s.
  5. You should have no problem with 1.4.3. Except for a couple minor last minute things, all of the changes were made and tested in 1.4.3. So it was really the other way around; we had to test it and make sure it was safe in 1.4.5 before we released it.
  6. An ascending node between 0-90o is prograde, and between 90-180o is retrograde. Looking down on the orbit, prograde is counterclockwise motion, and retrograde is clockwise motion. The orbit animation in the tracking station or map view also show the direction of movement.
  7. Kopernius 1.4.5-2 released earlier today and everything looks good. I transferred my GEP_Primary save from 1.4.3 to 1.4.5 without any issues.
  8. @Norcalplanner, FYI, GEP is now available. It includes several bugs fixes and a few improvements. It should work fine in KSP 1.4.3. Or if you want to make the switch to 1.4.5, you should be able to transfer your save game without any problems.
  9. UPDATE Version Changelog Increased RAB-58E's surface gravity. Revised Cernunnos' color, height and normal maps. Added normal map for Sirona. Adjusted Nodens' PQS to make primary and secondary versions match. Revised Grannus' brightness curve. Fixed luminosities of Grannus and Ciro for GEP_Primary. Deactivated stock sunflare when scatterer is installed. Fixed typo in scatterer planet list. Rewrote several scatterer configs to improve compatibility with Module Manager. Reinstalled desert launch site & airfield; revised terrain to accommodate. Tweaked KSC rotation for better east-west alignment. Enabled colliders for boulders and trees. Added MechJeb2 config. See opening post for download link and instructions.
  10. Looks like Kopernicus has just updated. https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.4.5-2
  11. This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next version of Kopernicus. In the meantime, there's nothing you can do but revert back to 1.4.3.
  12. @Snark, unlike your mod, my SRB mod does not guarantee that the user has the Making History DLC. Without the DLC, there are no 1.875m parts of any kind in the stock game, including the fuel tank adapters. Since my SRB mod introduces 1.875m parts into the game, I felt it vital that I provide some means to adapt them to other sized parts. That's why I introduced the 1.875 x 1.25 adapter (a rescaled version of the stock 3.75 x 2.5 adapter). I would have also really liked a 2.5 x 1.875 adapter, but there's nothing in the non-DLC game that has that size ratio from which I could make a new part. Since Missing History is designed specifically to supplement the DLC, then your users are guaranteed to have the 1.875m tank adapters available to them. That makes having the extra structural adapters largely unnecessary. I agree with your decision not to add them. (edit) My mod also adds a 1.875m nosecone, but I cloned the 2.5m Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 just to differentiate from Missing History.
  13. Although we're planning a GPP update, it's mainly just bug fixes. As far as I know, the current version of GPP should work with 1.4.5 as soon as Kopernicus releases its fix to the color problem. A new GPP release should follow soon thereafter (it's pretty much ready to go, we just have some final preparations to make). GEP and OPM should work now with 1.4.5, though I am planning a new GEP release.
  14. There are conical fuel tanks, but there aren't any simple structural adapters of that size. I use the fuel tank adapters all the time, they are quite convenient. Structural adapters would be useful when you don't need propellant. Such as adapting a 1.875m SRB to an inline stack. (This is why I added the adapter to my SRB mod.) Of course the fuel tank adapters could be used for this purpose with the fuel removed. But a dedicated structural adapter can be made cheaper and lighter to give it some advantage over the fuel tanks.
  15. A 1.875m x 1.25m adapter can be made by duplicating and rescaling the Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3. I've done this in my BetterSRBs mod. I also wanted to have a 1.875m x 2.5m adapter, but unfortunately there are no existing parts that can be duplicated that has this size ratio. It would take a new model to do that.
  16. I don't think so, but I can't guarantee it. Just make a backup of your saves folder. If OPM breaks something, just uninstall it and revert to your backup.
  17. You guys are seeing the magenta color because Squad did something in 1.4.5 that switches on a setting in PQS_LandControl that is suppose to be set to false. The color is showing areas where certain scatter objects, such as boulders and trees, are suppose to be located. The Kopernicus dev has already figured out a fix for the problem. I'm sure he'll release an update when he's ready. Please be patient.
  18. A low Earth orbit is considered to be anything up to about 2,000 kilometers. I think officially it's considered anything that makes at least 11.25 orbits per day, which works out to an orbital period of 128 minutes or less. In KSP I usually consider low orbit anything below 250 km, because that's the border between "in space low" and "in space high" for science experiments.
  19. I didn't say that you did. The point of my post was to say we know there's some problems and we're working on them.
  20. @Korfio, @4x4cheesecake, OPM and GPP haven't been updated for 1.4.5, so naturally you might experience some bugs using the old version with 1.4.5. Please be patient and wait for an update. We know the new Kopernicus has been released and we've begun the process testing and debugging. Updated versions will be released when they're ready.
  21. UPDATE Version 1.0.1 Changelog Revised thrust curve to work with current versions of Kerbal Engineer Redux. See opening post for download link and instructions. Because of a change in the way that KER computes startup thrust-to-weight ratio, it was necessary to eliminate the brief period of thrust buildup at SRB ignition. SRBs now produce 100% thrust instantly at startup. KER should now correctly display the startup TWR when in VAB/SPH mode.
  22. It's not entirely clear what it is you are asking for. Get up to 150 km orbit from where? It should take about 120 m/s or so more to reach 150 km than will to get into a minimum orbit just about Kerbin's atmosphere. (edit) The general rule of thumb is that a launch vehicle requires about 3400 m/s to attain a minimum orbit around Kerbin, say 70-80 km altitude. To launch directly into higher orbits, the extra delta-v that it takes is about the same as that required to perform a Hohmann transfer from a low to the high orbit..
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