I found a conflict with FAR concerning the Mark1cockpit, I can't find any information on it being reported yet, so lets go. The added air intakes on the cockpit seem to break the inflight gui(showing mach number/reynolds number etc) for FAR. Commenting the intake code lines in Part Revamp-MM.cfg resolves the issue. My guess is that FAR is trying to give it double drag(once for the part and once for the intake) causing some internal logic to fail. Tested running stock .90 KSP, FAR 14.5.1 and Stock Part Revamp 1.6 I have tried coming up with a solution, but it still evades me. I do really like the intakes working on the part. Edit: I've narrowed it down to a conflict in having ModuleCommand and ModuleResourceIntake while using FAR. So the issue is most likely unrelated to your revamp, any parts containing both of the mentioned modules will cause this issue, even though this is the only place I know of that uses both. I'm going to lift it to Ferram instead, there seems no way of fixing it through MM other than separating the air intakes to a dummy part. Edit2: Also, I think 0.006 in intake area might be a bit to much, considering the small size of the intakes, 0.002 seems more right(a little smaller than the MKII structural radial intake) and would also help alleviate the drag issues on small craft while still providing enough to power a basic jet.