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Everything posted by KillerRaccoon

  1. Hello Ferram, I am getting into kOS right now, and was wondering if there is any way to retrieve values such as coefficient of drag and reference area from FAR. Dynamic pressure would be nice too, but that's easy enough to calculate. Right now I'm working on a PID for the throttle, but if there is such an interface I'm sure it would be useful to know about for other projects as well.
  2. Ferram is 100% not being an ass. The dependency people are missing has been mentioned at least once per page, it would take literally two minutes of looking tops to find what, and where, it is. I'm personally thankful he stepped in, I don't come to this thread to see yet another person ask for someone else to put more effort into typing than it would take them to read a couple more posts. I come here to see when there are big developments with the mod itself.
  3. If you don't like how the wing mass is done, don't install FAR. It's really not that big a deal, just build symmetrically. Honestly, I don't know how you guys/gals are getting this aggravated by something this trivial.
  4. Vita - the current stock aerodynamics are much better than old, but FAR will still be way more realistic. It will model the transonic and supersonic regimes far better (better even than old FAR), and in the current stock model you basically can't stall. Essentially, stock gives a very cartoonified version of stability, lift and drag, where FAR gives you as close to the real deal as Ferram can give us.
  5. I just discovered this mod and got extremely excited to build brutal looking planes with it. However, I get no thrust from the Kento or PWR210 engines. It says they're generating thrust when I'm right-clicking them, but it seems the physics engine isn't getting the message. Oddly, I DO get thrust from the Kento engines when they're in VTOL mode or any degrees off of straight-ahead. The small jet engine also produces thrust normally. Any idea what could cause these issues? Edit: The kento and PWR210 engined DO work when vectored up or down (but not side to side). This includes when they are vectoring for roll (one pitch up, one down). When the gimbals are locked, there is no thrust if you do try to pitch or roll.
  6. Hello Mister SNJO! I have a problem. And that problem is the inability to configure rotors for tandem or coaxial helis, or, for that matter, quad-, hexa- or even octa-rotors. The root or the problem is that I want to build a giant quadrotor skycrane for my Laythe base. I have two potential solutions for these problems. The first, and easier, solution is to add a "thrust limiter" value to the heli rotors (maybe limiting collective thrust rather than RPM) so that Throttle Controlled Avionics can work its magic. The second, and much more intensive solution, is to add swashplate and differential collective customization. For example, for a tandem rotor setup, roll input would be sent to the swashplates (as per norm), pitch would give differential collective (more to back and less to front for pitching forward) and yaw would give opposite roll swashplates (left yaw would have the front swashplate go left and rear right). Translate forward could even give both swashplates forward, giving effective taxiing. For quadrotors pitch and roll would be controlled by differential collective, yaw by swashplates (roll clockwise for right yaw) and you could translate in the xy plane. Basically, allowing custom swashplate, differential collective and rotor rotation direction (important for coaxials, though you would also need to implement variable RPM for yaw control for those, too, but also useful for quad-rotors) would allow for myriad, and awesome, rotor setups.
  7. Hello, I downloaded this with the hopes of creating a huge quadrotor skycrane to move stuff around in my planned Laythe base. Unfortunately, Firespitter's heli rotors do not have the "thrust limiter" value that this mod seems to work off of, and as such does not work (I did test to make sure a similar setup with rocket engines did work). Is there any easy way to make the two work together despite the lack of a thrust limiter value?
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