Hello Mister SNJO! I have a problem. And that problem is the inability to configure rotors for tandem or coaxial helis, or, for that matter, quad-, hexa- or even octa-rotors. The root or the problem is that I want to build a giant quadrotor skycrane for my Laythe base. I have two potential solutions for these problems. The first, and easier, solution is to add a "thrust limiter" value to the heli rotors (maybe limiting collective thrust rather than RPM) so that Throttle Controlled Avionics can work its magic. The second, and much more intensive solution, is to add swashplate and differential collective customization. For example, for a tandem rotor setup, roll input would be sent to the swashplates (as per norm), pitch would give differential collective (more to back and less to front for pitching forward) and yaw would give opposite roll swashplates (left yaw would have the front swashplate go left and rear right). Translate forward could even give both swashplates forward, giving effective taxiing. For quadrotors pitch and roll would be controlled by differential collective, yaw by swashplates (roll clockwise for right yaw) and you could translate in the xy plane. Basically, allowing custom swashplate, differential collective and rotor rotation direction (important for coaxials, though you would also need to implement variable RPM for yaw control for those, too, but also useful for quad-rotors) would allow for myriad, and awesome, rotor setups.