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Everything posted by Tornadopelt

  1. So, I wanna disable Stock Agencies in my new career playthrough of KSP. How would I go about doing that?
  2. Compatable with 1.0.4? Also, what part do I need?
  3. Are we allowed to use Monoprop for steering and stability?
  4. I know I'm late to this, but can we use Monoprop for STEERING and STABILITY?
  5. It seems to have an issue where certain files can't be read - thus, I cannot download it. This needs fixing.
  6. Question - are we allowed to have a vehicle that CONVERTS into a boat?
  7. This is going to be a total report of everything I do in KSP. I'm starting off with Career Mode on Easy, then moving to Science Mode, and then Sandbox Mode. You'll be able to see what page each section begins on. Starting off, I am doing Career mode on KSP. I hope I can do well enough for it. Here's to a good Career.
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