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Everything posted by CrazyJebGuy

  1. Well unless it has rolling takeoff we have to disqualify it.... We're a plane company, and our license to operate does not extend to legal helicopters.
  2. Triple bodied planes seem to do pretty well at flying, provided they are small. I made a sea-plane, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/165372-kerbal-express-airlines-regional-jet-challenge-reboot/&do=findComment&comment=3199416 if anyone is interested. Just went and tested, it can do it turn between the tower and runway, but the roll axis is a bit bad so it's dangerous. EDIT: I am talking about my seaplane here.
  3. Yeah sorry for the leader-board problems. Complicated but I can't fix right now.
  4. Oh, that one. I don't even regard it as a real entry, it was just a "hey buy my stuff i'll give you one of these free", never meant it as an actual aircraft entry.
  5. I have a bit of time now, so I went and made a practical super-sized liner. The other super-sized liners, they struggle with either cost, falling to bits, or just being less practical than getting several jumbos for the same price. I fixed that. This plane, seats 1,000 passengers, exactly. Most seats have decent views, few vibrations and are quiet. But because 1000 / 8 = 125, there is an odd number of cabins. So we put just 8 seats more right on the top, it's the very height (see what I did there?) of airline comfort, having a powerful wireless internet transmitter near gives good internet speed, it has no vibrations or noise, a spectacular view from all windows and in the rare case of the plane failing or exploding for some reason, it can detach and has it's own parachute. We recommend flying VIPs, like royalty there. Or the CEO's pet cat. Mittens is a VIP too. Bonus: Sister plane of the Sky Titanic (which actually was like the ship, in that it as very hyped and then it was destroyed) and we promise this time it can pull turns and not rip itself in two. What makes this better though, than some smaller jumbos? Price. It costs $217,328 per seat. It's really really good at being cheap. Although it has 450 parts, 118 of them are struts, and the top 5 most common parts making up 83% of the plane, it is very standardized and so this should reduce maintenance significantly. GAI Olympic https://kerbalx.com/BristolBrick/GAI-Olympic
  6. Which of my planes though? They vary spectacularly, I think at KPPM my worst plane has something like 150 times worst than my best plane.
  7. Thanks! By the way I just learned that StrutCo doesn't make struts. My life is a lie.
  8. By the way, I just fitted a spoiler and an airbrake on one of my floatplane designs, (K-38/52) one per wing, mounted at the same part of the wing, to see what is a better airbrake. The better aircrake would turn the plane to that side, since it would slow down a lot faster. I did it on the runway, because then I don't have to worry about inflight trim. Just throttle up and go. Place bets now, I'll reveal which is better: By the way, any way I can switch the 1.4 decoupler/separator skin to the older ones? It looks flipping terrible, and they all look the same, so it's hard to tell which one I'm looking at.
  9. It's a mod right? It's not KAX or AP+, so no. Also we can't just start adding mods willy nilly, soon we would have far too many.
  10. For largest plane record yeah, largest to land is good. I mean, @Kebab Kerman you could sell it to a retirement home, it will lag so much they will live forever. They'd probably pay well for that.
  11. What system do you have currently? I have a 10GB RAM, i7 2600 and a GTX 1060. It struggles to run some of my huge stuff, so currently I am just trying to make a practical 800 size plane.
  12. I'm impressed it's so big, but I would say it has to actually fly to be a legit win. This is where we wait for computer technology to advance so we can build bigger planes. Dear AMD/Intel, Please give me more jiggahertz in my processor! Thankyou, Some guy on the internet
  13. Just manual struts. I will try autostruts, I will probably need them to actually build anything big enough to win.
  14. I put large landing gear on literally every of the bottom cabins and fuel tanks, it's got about 70 large ladning gears. It just blows it up for some reason, when I take them off it sits on the runway perfectly fine, without exploding.
  15. Oh, the landing gear just explodes eveything for no reason. Guess that's scratched.
  16. Hold on, here comes mine! (I'm planning a big plane, my plan is to build it like how I played with a pencil and rubber in class and pretended it was an aeroplane.) Edit: I just realized the first of these monster planes was literally named after an ocean liner, and I'm working on one now that is named after the sister ship! (But they won't be sister planes) Update: I have expanded the fueselage to beat the current record by a hair, 2688 passengers so fair! (I like that at this point an extra medium regional jet is "a hair")
  17. It's spelt Skots, there is no k. I am quite surprised at that difference.
  18. @neistridlar Yeah the Skots Long was a Skots Small relabeled essentially. I will fix it, and start reviewing again, once I get this leaderboard stuff outta the way. It is very time consuming to do the leader-board. My first planes kind of sucked, but they did provide a very good base to expand to ludicrous sizes. Pro tip to starters: Consider costs of cabins, and intakes, and all the stuff. You can reduce costs a lot by a few simple substitutions. Also don't put engines near passenger compartments.
  19. I'm on 1.4. I didn't even update mods, they say they are wrong but everything works fine.
  20. Yeah okay, 10km is achievable but difficult enough to be interesting. Why put tanks between passengers by the way? Just put them at the front and back, the CoM doesn't move much and there is a bunch of fuel tanks between the aft passengers and the engines, so it's more comfortable. I've been trying to make a bigger jumbo than @neistridlar , but my PC is just not up to the task. Or maybe I should stop my current, massively over-complex way of making Jumbo jets. Anyone know how to speed up KSP?
  21. Because challenge. I know ranges above 1800km are moot, but 1800km is such a low bar I have acheived it plenty of times on accident, because it is too easy. In the interests of making stuff more interesting, we're pretending Kerbin is roughly earth sized. (Any range over 18000 km is moot) By the way, sorry for no reviews but commenting on the aircraft performance is very time consuming. To do it, I have to find each review, read it, come up with some comment or summary, click on the copy link thingy, switch tabs and put in a link, wondering if I forgot to copy the link or how to spell the aircraft's name, or the players name. It's a pain. By the way, it's not in any sort of order.
  22. No. Because a lot of people can't access it freely. And because of the problem of setting precedents for mods. I only added KAX because it provides parts I miss, in the stock game. Not parts that "hey, that might be cool" and if we let all these things in this thread will become stupidly complex and ridiculous, and it will disadvantage older entries because they were not allowed to get some of these parts.
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