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Everything posted by robson1000

  1. RealChute patch for parachuteSingle_drogue is not loading. Adding :FINAL fixing this. @PART[parachuteSingle_drogue]:NEEDS[RealChute]:FINAL
  2. In RealChute-Patches.cfg there is a bug. @model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Dockingports/ParaDockingPortDual Correct is @model = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/DockingPorts/ParaDockingPortDual
  3. I have this error: [LOG 21:33:10.404] PartLoader: Compiling Internal Space 'Mk2Expansion/Spaces/TunaPit/internal/TunaCockpit' [ERR 21:33:10.406] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture 'Mk2StandardIVA' as cannot find texture 'Squad/Parts/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/Mk2StandardIVA' to replace with
  4. Does yours cockpits have SAS for purpose, becose stock cockpits doesn't have SAS.
  5. I have a problem with latest version, as soon as I pass altitude 6000 camera is going to the bottom of my ship, and I'm loosing control. Removing TweakableEverything resolving problem. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bulyeqw0zla9hni/KSP.log?dl=0 output_log.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pwa2buedsqicy4/output_log.txt?dl=0 Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yttm9ntaseegduv/Satelite%201a.craft?dl=0 I have only TweakableEverything installed.
  6. I have this problem too. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3ear0p74hoa478/KSP.log?dl=0 I have only realchute, and Stock part revamp installed.
  7. I have a problem with Realchute and Stock part revamp. Mk-16 looks like on the picture, and patch for Realchute does not loading correctly. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3ear0p74hoa478/KSP.log?dl=0 I have only realchute, and Stock part revamp installed.
  8. Really nice parts. Can you make something like circular air intake for Mk 2?
  9. I have a few things to report: 1. Kn-225 'Oscal Payload' is sinking through the ground (pictures below). 2. Mk1-2 SST 'Entente' and MK3 'Marble-8' kerbal going in to EVA is rotate in 180 degrees ((pictures below). 3. Ke-111 'kondor', Kossak, MK.P-YavkaRadial cockpit and Kn-225 'Oscal Payload, those cockpits are adding capsule icon to staging, this is not that big problen, but I want you to know. I tested this on stock game, with only your mod installed.
  10. Error in MM patch @PART[advSasModule]:FOR[KSPX] { @MODULE[ModuleReactionWheel[COLOR=#ff0000]¸[/COLOR] <-- HERE { @PitchTorque = 10 @YawTorque = 10 @RollTorque = 10 @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @rate = 0.25 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } }
  11. And, one more thing SAS module in probe core need SASServiceLevel or it will only offer stability assist and nothing more. Great work. Sory for my English.
  12. I, think you forget to remove SAS module from cfg, in 0.90 stock capsules doesn't have SAS build in.
  13. When my ship was destroyed (including Mk 1 Cockpit), I get this:
  14. Ah, my mistake, correct is: InFlightWaypoints_1.2.5. I was reporting a bug here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104758-0-90-In-Flight-Waypoints-v1-2-5-2014-12-31?p=1642629&viewfull=1#post1642629 nothing was changed, screen resolution: 1280x1024, and full screen. It was working for one day, and today any waypoint I choose shows text like on picture. I don't change anything, and every time when, I run game, and load my save, text is in wrong position. Sorry for my English.
  15. And, the text position bug has return. My save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6x44b2okbjx4roa/quicksave%20%2311.sfs?dl=0 Ship name is Mun orbiter 4. Toolbar-1.7.8 AnimatedDecouplers_v1.0.1 Adjustable_Landing_Gear-1.0.4 DistantObject_1.5.1 EditorExtensions_v2.5 EnhancedNavBall_1_3_5 FASA_Launch_Clamps_and_Towers-5.00 Firespitter - only dll GingerCorp-station.hubs.1.1 InFlightWaypoints_1.2.5SS NC-Space Shuttle RCS Nosecone KerbalEngineer- Kerbal_Joint_Reinforcement-v2.4.5 kOS.v0.15.4 MapShowNavBall-v1.1-PublicDomain KSPX-0.2.7 TAL_Radial_Experiment_Storage_Container TT's SPP MK2 Nose NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator Nothke_SerCom_v1.3 Mk3_Mini_Expansion_Pack-V1.0 PartAngleDisplay_0.3.0.0 PreciseNode-1.1.2 QuickExit-v1.01 QuickRevert-v1.10 5 Point Hub minor update + 4 Point Hub RCSBuildAid_v0.5.4 RealChute v1.2.6.3 RLA Stockalike 12.1 SafeChute v1.6 ksp_sdhi_sms_v2_4 Stockalike_Station_Parts_Expansion-0.2.1 StockBugFixModules.v0.1.7b StripSymmetry_1.5 SwitchVessel-0.4 ShipInfoPlugin-0.3 TweakableEverything-1-7 Trajectories-1.1.2 KerbalAlarmClock_3.1.2.0 KSPAlternateResourcePanel_2.6.3.0 TurboNisuReloaded UbioWeldingLtd_2.1-0.90-Unofficial Stock-Revamp 1.6B 2-Kerbal Command Pod [Mk. 1-1 A2] ModuleManager.2.5.6 ZeroScienceContracts
  16. Look's like the text position is still in wrong place. My screen resolution is 1280x1024, and I'm playing on full screen. Please, don't eat the post:)
  17. In 0.90.0 stock reaction wheel part doesn't have sas module build in, sas module is only build in to probe core (excluding stayputnik). SDHI 2.5 service module has build in sas (just like avionics ring), if I understand correctly this is not probe core, so there should be no sas module build in. Another thing is that SDHI 2.5 service module and avionics ring doesn't want to decouple from staging, it's only working from context menu. I have installed all dependencies. OK, I check this, and you are right. Sorry for my English.
  18. SDHI 2.5 Service module has build in sas (in stock, only probe core has sas), and decouple working only from context menu. Parachutes are working, but not showing in stages.
  19. That is something what I was looking for, thanks. Can you fix this: First problem is that those thrusters are not symmetrical. The second is, can you make them pointing down like red arrow shows.
  20. Thank you tor information, I will remember that, and looks like you fix this.
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