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Everything posted by Voyager275

  1. I've never had the problem, so it sounds like a mod problem. I would follow what the above posts say
  2. H.E.R.S was damaged when a micrometeorite broke it in two. H.E.R.S X, and updated version of H.E.R.S is hoped to be launched by your shuttle. ~http://www./download/qqt6qy4k2lhbacw/H.E.R.S_X.craf Also on one of the missions, if possible, we hope to get our most trusted pilot Sidski Kerman onboard.
  3. Ok, how about a distress signal? I know there would be nothing we could do, but would we at least send a message to see if they are still alive?
  4. Very simple, what would happen if we got a radio signal from an extraterrestrial radio signal? Would we respond or just let it pass by? Obviously if we responded we would reveal our location, and would stay concealed if we didn't respond. What do you think? Also if we did respond, what would we send them?
  5. Armed military drones with thermal cameras, from my nation, will keep watch over the next launch. If any militants are spotted the drones will quickly take them out. Currently 12 are being prepared for SSM-7 launch.
  6. Voyager Nation has made a shocking discovery. Dusk 3's failure was caused by a second stage sabotage. It is thought to have come from the SSM-6 attackers. Drones are currently being mobilized to find them. It is thought they attack crewed flights to cause distrust of space program safety.
  7. Voyager Nation has joined the search for the attackers. R.I.P SSM-6 crew.
  8. Never Forget R.I.P all those lost
  9. Intact, and yes You have completed the challenge, congratulations. You have completed the challenge, congratulations
  10. It appears so. The SM-1 failure was because a computer problem was ignored. Dusk 3 was a second stage malfunction, which is being investigated.
  11. Due to an Aquarius 1 rocket failure, which cost Kalcella Kerman her life, we will most likely fly the Kerbin atmospheric Observer on the next available SSM mission. R.I.P Kalcella, forever in the stars
  12. GeneralMDBK gave me full permission to restart this challenge. The challenge is simple but hard. You have to fly from the KSC runway to the old airfield/island runway, without going above 150 meters altitude. Post a screenshot of the F3 report and then you can get the above image on your signature. No mods that control your plane are allowed. Those who want to go there with low part counts will be added to the part count leaderboard. There will also be a leaderboard for those who arrived the quickest. You also must be able to take-off again. Has to be manned. Low Flyers: 1.Stank 2.The Rocketeer 3. 4. 5. Lowest Part Count: 1.StanK 2.The Rocketeer 3. 4. 5. Fastest: 1.StanK 2. 3. 4. 5. My attempt:
  13. Just like the Soviets and the Americans, everybody has sent their first satellite into space. I would like to see yours. It doesn't matter if its from a old save or new save. Include the satellites name. Here is Sentinel 1.
  14. Voyager Nation has just gotten word that the United States of Kerbica's SM-1 shuttle mission has failed. The srb's separated early and the shuttle was ripped apart. All 4 crew were lost. You should consider safety adjustments in the case of an emergency. May the Kraken bless the crews souls.
  15. Her is my Unity Station. Modules: Core, Fuel Resupply Tank, and the CSM. two mystery goo's are on the core. The only mod used is USI LS. 4,320 Liquid Fuel and 5,280 Oxidizer. 70.5 tons. Three kerbals. The batteries are behind the fuel tank solar panels
  16. I'm making a rocket building company and need a flag. I want it to have a particle collider tube like LHC and above that say Deadly Particles Inc. Thank You.
  17. The open interview with the crew has begun. If anyone has any questions post them.
  18. Can Voyager Nation become the prime contractor for your SSM missions?
  19. After H.E.R.S is launched we hope to get T.P.F(Transiting Planet Finder) on a later mission. The parts have just been shipped so it will be awhile.
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