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Everything posted by MAV3RICK

  1. Is there a way to remove the Printstatus and PrintBlacklist buttons? I saw from the earlier reply that they don't do anything in-game, and shouldn't matter but I'd prefer it if they weren't there
  2. Day 27: SCIENCE BOMBS Oh, me again? Speaking for myself I didn't do yesterday's challenge as I'm not using 0.90 yet as I'm waiting for various mods to update - thus, no Mk3 fuselage parts. I also figured that the SSTO I built for the Crew Transfer day counted as a shuttle, and family were still round at this point. Anyway, onto today. I decided to use a similar delivery method to day 12 for this one, and dropped the science payload from a cargo bay
  3. Day 24: Define "landing"... So today was a success - landed a Christmas tree on Eeloo! If by "landed" you mean hitting the surface at 300m/s. And by "Christmas tree" you mean the bits of debris that survived due to some physics glitch, bounced twice, landed, fell over and exploded.
  4. Day 23: For Science! Nice and simple this one added a comms tower to the space station as well, in preparation for tomorrow's challenge. Never been to Eeloo or Val before, so a new experience! In case I don't get to post again before Christmas, many thanks to TJPrime for this challenge series, have a Happy Christmas all and see you for The Year of the Kerbal!
  5. Day 22: Docking around the Christmas tree. Had some spare time from yesterday, so I designed two missions for today: I used a Soyuz style capsule for our three heroes, whilst the rookies got to ride in an experimental SSTO...
  6. Day 21: Kerbal Juggling Another habitat module? I included that in the core bit! Gah. Oh well, looks like they'll have plenty of company up there. Todays payload has two lander cans (2 Kerbals each), some more TAC Life Support modules, and a dedicated food supply as that can't be re-made, unlike Oxygen and Water. There was also a cupola section, for the Kerbals to use, and another docking section, with Senior and Junior docking ports, just in case. Had a bit of a nightmare trying to get the transfer stages of each payload docked so they could be de-orbited (forgot the solar panels - d'oh!) but managed it in the end. Thinking of sending up a lifeboat craft next, and possibly a science lab - depending on the challenge requirements!
  7. Day 20: The home stretch! Decided to put a fair bit into this core module: a hitchiker container, several docking ports, all 3 fuel types, and a load of TAC life support stuff. Decided to try doing a cleanup of LKO, but that didn't go as well as planned...
  8. Day 18: The long voyage This took so long! My use of TAC Life Support and the design of my lander meant I had to try and balance getting home alive and having the dV to get home. That and having to do 1800m/s manoeuvres with 4 xenon engines and a TWR of 0.1 meant this missions took a lot longer than I thought. Entering the atmosphere at 4700m/s with Deadly Reentry was rather fun though Day 19: EXPLOSIONS It was surprisingly difficult to get stuff to explode when I wanted it to, but I managed it in the end. Very happy it didn't take as long as Day 18!
  9. Day 17: Duna landing! Fairly simple this one, though with a transfer stage TWR of 0.1, it took a while to get moving...
  10. Day 16: Once you're in orbit, you're halfway to anywhere... Fairly simple day today, wobbly ships aside. Had to do some thinking (and use of http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ - the KSP Launch Window Planner tool) to work out when to send the ship up. Using TAC Life Support (I'm still on 0.25 at the moment for the mods) meant that time to Duna was more important than an efficient launch.
  11. Day 15: Back to the Drawing Board (again) Fairly simple design, trying to keep to the Orion/Apollo crossover I had with my Mun lander. Oh look, the new update! Ladies and Gentlemen, the Hype Train has arrived. All change please, all change.
  12. Day 14: FETCH! Whilst TJPrime's offer of reputation for an E class was tempting, I remembered that despite having over 1100 hours of KSP logged, I actually haven't done any real asteroid redirecting yet (I've visited one when they were first released, and had a go at it before discovering several design flaws in my ship and giving up). So, A class it is. And what luck - an A class asteroid in the vicinity of Kerbin, entering SOI in 12 days. On closer inspection it's due to impact the South pole around 14 days after that. Yoicks. Best get shifting then...
  13. Day 13: Back to the drawing board! Many test launches here, as the SRBs kept destroying stuff, and not enough dV (as always). Still, I think it'll work! Launched to LKO to try and make the next album a bit more equal sized.
  14. Day 12: Used www.kerbalmaps.com to find the landing site. Jeb decided he wanted a cool entrance into the second KSC, in case a rival agency was there... I tried to design a orbit capable Seperatron rocket - being an engineer, I did some calcs, and found that even with 24 per stage I'd need 62 stages stacked to have the 4500m/s dV required... which would be 1488 SRBs! I'll try and find a way of doing it, but it'll be a bit of a lower priority now. Question for OP: are the future missions all meant to be on Hard mode, or was that just for the Mun program? Just for clarity Good variety of missions going on!
  15. Day 10 Given my previous nightmares with the last couple of challenges, this one went very smoothly. Re-used the Mun lander without rovers for this one.
  16. Day 9 - absolute madness with this one. What should have been a quick and simple mission ended up with 2 Mun landings, and 3 of 4 rovers destroyed, abandoned or immobile. The Long Arm of Murphy's Law reaches out to the Mun it seems.
  17. Day 8: Almost had a massive failure here, the lander toppled over on landing. Managed to get it upright though and got back successfully
  18. Day 7 - Didn't get too close to the Mun (294km periapsis), but as I'm using Deadly Reentry the Kerbin periapsis was a tad more important - especially since it lowered by 10km over the course of the mission. Ended up using 2/3 of the heat shield coming back...
  19. Slight mishap with this attempt, as the first launch ended in an abort after the SRB hit and destroyed the main fuel tanks. Nothing more drastic than that though, and I was able to seperate the capsule for a splashdown near KSC. Redesigned, with a launch abort system and SRB separation boosters, and everything went OK. Landing was off target, but I came in too high and had to go around again.
  20. My current design for the Day 5 challenge, a crossover of Orion and Apollo. I've left the launch vehicle until tomorrow, in case I have to change it when we find out more details, but it'll probably look Delta IV-Heavy ish.
  21. OP, are there any more requirements for the Mun lander? I assume it's a manned mission - but more than 1 Kerbal? Will we need science gathering stuff/rovers?
  22. Wow, this was a longer challenge than I expected. I was in the process of designing a 4 satellite SSTO launcher, until I saw the requirement for a Mun and Minmus network - gave up then and went for the rocket launched option. IMHO, I think challenges of this size should be given in advance, with perhaps a small challenge to occupy us in the meantime. Anyway... the construction of my SKYNET communication network: I got a 4 - way Keo-synchronous network set up, and I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. One satellite directly over KSC, and a very nice square shaped network. Next came the Mun and Minmus missions, with 2 satellites each. Almost semi-synchronous for the Mun, but I messed up by looking at the wrong number (might correct it at some point, but it'll do for now). Minmus was a synchronous network (or as close as I could get with such low gravity - even on an 8% throttle limited ion engine, the orbit was swinging around wildly as it got closer to circularising!).
  23. Not a particularly astounding speed, only 1500m/s - limited mainly by my use of the Deadly Re-entry and Remote-tech mods - it's hard to keep flying when your antenna explodes...
  24. Day 2 challenge Completed in more than one launch - partly due to lack of fuel, partly due to my flying skills... I've put one image here, the rest are on the imgur album: http://imgur.com/gallery/aSxdS If anyone can tell me how to put imgur albums direct into posts, that would be much appreciated
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