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Everything posted by MAV3RICK

  1. After a small driving mishap with the KSC swimming pool, Jeb was sucessfully launched onto the North satellite dish (and claimed it for the Empire). Returned home for tea and medals once Bill and Bob fetched a ladder to get him down... http://imgur.com/a/JveZN?gallery
  2. Are you requiring people to post pictures of their pre-made launchers pre-December, or is the first challenge just an example? Looking at the page now, there won't be many competitors currently!
  3. My Level 1 mission (apologies to Laie, this was from a few months ago - I recreated as much as I could of the mission, but some stuff will be missing). Version: 0.24 Mods: Kerbal Engineer Redux during design, otherwise stock. Overview: A multi-launch mission, including reconnaissance and marking of chosen landing site, refueling of main lander craft, interplanetary transfer, landing, ascent and return to Kerbin. The landing site: Chosen using http://www.kerbalmaps.com/, at [spoiler, white text] 28o 54' 20" S, 147o 54' 39" W. The site is over 6500m in elevation and relatively flat at the top, although surrounded by steep slopes. [end spoiler]. The site was marked using the rover (below), which itself used the unmanned plane in the same launch as its own marker for rough location. Landing site marker: Parts: 250 Weight: 334.56t in 11 stages Cost: 240151 Funds Lander launch: Parts: 495 Weight: 544.07t in 20 stages Cost: 512257 Funds Refueller: Parts: 158 Weight: 608.05t in 4 stages Cost: 326753 Funds (though the mission did require this to be launched around 4 times to refuel the lander and interplanetary craft once docked). Interplanetary transfer: Parts: 197 Weight: 71.01t in 4 stages Cost: 368982 Funds SSTO Parts: 97 Weight: 11.24t in 1 stage (I used action groups to control the engines) Cost: 28586 Funds Process: Launch marker rovers, place at landing site. Launch lander (it will get into orbit... with just fumes remaining). Launch refuelling ship(s) - around 4 of these if memory serves. Launch interplanerary ship to dock with lander Go to Eve Land at site - very much trial and error here, though some of the charts I've found on the forums for equatorial landing heights and angles helped as well. Collect science Launch from Eve Get into LKO Launch SSTO rescue plane. Land at KSC for tea and medals. Total missions cost (approx) 2.8M Funds Image gallery: http://imgur.com/a/zjuyh
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