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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. 1 hour ago, Tex_NL said:

    If only we had a feature to kill the WYSIWYG it might eventually grow on people

    What, you want to go back to an archaic method of formatting that's completely user-unfriendly and requires memorization of thirty different codes? The WYSIWYG editor can do everything BBCode can. There are two things that BBCode can do that this editor can't. Embed sketchfab models (Though Kasper is currently looking into this, so we should see it in a few weeks), and title spoilers. That's it. And the new editor can do far more. Table titles. Indents. Superscript and subscript. Far more font size options. Mentioning people. Links to other parts of the forum are auto-parsed and display the thread title, user, and number of replies. Not to mention, the new editor is far quicker to use and nicer-looking. Why anyone would ever want to use BBCode is completely beyond me.

    Also, @Endersmens, There is a limit of 25 rep-likes per day that can be given out by each person. This actually means you can give out half as much rep as before, as on Vbulletin you could give out 50 points per day (5 points times 10 reps). 

  2. 15 hours ago, Endersmens said:

    There is almost full BBcode support. The only thing's I've found missing are tables and mayble videos and thread links. 

    Tables work, thread links work (and are glorious in my opinion), and videos work too! Thread links and video links are auto-parsed, tables are super easy, and they can have titles! Examples:


    Or, say, your post that I quoted:

    Tables work too! And they have titles!

    Look at my caption!
    And My
    Far Easier
    To edit Table!

    Also quite like it!


    Videos embed too! Just paste the link!


  3. Here's something that's bugged me about The Martian. So, about halfway through the movie, one of the hab's airlocks explodes for Reasons, killing Watney's plants and generally causing Bad Things to Happen. Watney fixes the damage with what appears to be plastic sheeting and duct tape. The moment I saw that scene, I went "What? That sheeting is way too weak!" So, I ran the numbers. Judging by this image, the airlock tunnel is about six feet in diameter, or 72 inches. This works out to a radius of 36 inches. If we calculate the area of the sheeting with the equation a = πr2, we find that the sheet is about 4071.5 in2 in area. (For simplicity, I'm not accounting for the bulge visible in many of the scenes.) We can assume that the hab was pressurized to slightly lower than Earth atmospheric pressure. Let's assume it was pressurized to the pressure of an airliner cabin, about 11 pounds per square inch. Now, if we do the math, we find that that sheeting was withstanding about 45 thousand pounds of air pressure. (About 20 thousand kilograms.) In other words, that sheeting was withstanding the force of about nine fully grown Asian elephants standing on it. There is no way that that tarp is withstanding that kind of force.

    (Note: I am not an engineer. Feel free to correct me.)

  4. 5 hours ago, Columbia said:


    Does that even matter to you? Does he need rep to have an opinion, and a place in this community?


    Sorry, that was a little hotheaded. Of course he deserves a place in this community regardless of rep. You guys gave that to me (though I'm not quite sure why), I should return the favor. What I meant is that he shouldn't cast himself as deserving special consideration just because he made an account a while ago. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, anarkhon said:

    Can i write anything bad about squad or the new forum or i get banned and warned again? (i guess the new forum has one meaning: better ways to censuring the content)

    You can write bad things about SQUAD. However, your expression of those bad things cannot include expletives. If you believe your infraction was unjust, take it up with the moderator

    7 minutes ago, anarkhon said:

    Im on of the oldest member of this comm,im on the deck about 4 years ago (yes befor the great forum collapse),but i leave this place if you stay whit this white crap.

    Just because you're one of the oldest members of the forum doesn't mean you deserve any more respect. Not to mention, in those four years you've made a grand total of about 200 posts, and amassed about 40 rep in total. In other words, you were getting rep twice a year. I find it hard to believe that you were an active member of the community.

  6. 48 minutes ago, MedwedianPresident said:

    Dear supporters, please add this topic to your signature. It will only take you 5 minutes but it will take us a further step towards the return of vBulletin.

    Jesus Christ. If you don't like the new forums, leave for god's sake! Start your own bloody forum! If anyone else agrees with you, they can come over! Just go and stop pestering all of us to come with you. 

  7. I'm sorry, but you cannot take your minority opinion then assume everyone agrees with you. I most definitely do not stand with you on your opinions about the new forum software. I think it's great. Am I not part of the KSP community? Because 550 posts says that I am. Or does it not matter, and I'm not part of the community because I don't agree with you? Since when did you get to decide what the community wants? I've never even seen you before you started posting these pretentious rants! Squad made a change, and a change for the better in my opinion. They're not going back. Asking Squad to return now is equivalent to yelling "RETURN TO 0.90!" several days after 1.0 has come out.

    Sorry, kind of had to get that out of my system.


  8. 6 hours ago, theonegalen said:

    That's odd, because I'm relatively certain that the threads that I used to be subscribed to are marked with a different icon than the others. :huh:

    Nope, those are just the threads you've posted in. Which, if you were setup to subscribe to any threads you reply to, also means you had subscribed to them.

  9. Just need to change the theme so there is less white... its annoys my eyes.


    As for looking like a 12 year old, I'm 55 ... I couldn't care less how old I seem to others based on what or who I am... you either like me or not, and if its not, I simply couldn't care less. I don't spend my life trying to impress others... its pointless.

    I'm sorry, but "its annoys my eyes" is not constructive feedback whatsoever. There are things that you may find sub-optimal with the forums. Try something like "The white is too bright for my tastes, maybe darken it or add screenshots or some such." Was that so hard?

    Please tell me how you have managed to get through 55 years of your life without ever needing to make  a positive impression on someone.

  10. If I remember correctly, there was a limit of 100,000 characters per post (including text in spoilers and the like). I only know this because the writer of the Kold War fanfic ran into the limit when putting the entire story into his OP.

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