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Hobbes Novakoff

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Posts posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. 3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Laziness CAN BE a derogatory word for efficiency, just as efficiency can be used to make laziness not look so bad. But in this case, no. The wysiwyg editor is not efficient. It allows people to make the simplest of posts without having to think or remember, but if you want to do anything at all it is far, far more difficult.

    In short, I'm lazy, so I want post source editing options so I don't have to do all the work required to make anything more complex than posts like this one here. In other words, I want to be efficient. ;)

    First off...erm...That was a joke, not a rebuttal :wink:.

    Though in response, I see we just have fundamentally different positions on the whole thing. We could argue about this for weeks, or at least until someone loses their temper and the mods have to step in. But I see none of us is going to convince each other any more than we can convince each other to switch religions. My apologies for being a bit hostile during the entire thing. I've been a bit too quick to jump into the fray. You know how it is. But anyway, I'm going to put this dispute to rest. May as well let people air their perceived grievances without dragging them into a debate. Really, aside from "go back to the old forum," negative feedback is always more helpful, assuming it's given in a constructive, mature way. (Unlike some people in this thread.) So, I'm not going to participate in this debate any longer. It'll just result in more and more animosity between us.


    Hobbes Novakoff

    Also, P.S. @steve_v: I wasn't playing "who gets the last word." I was agreeing with you. Really.

  2. 5 hours ago, steve_v said:

    You can have the easy mode editor you like, and I'll keep asking to have the knows-how-to-work-bbcode one I like back. Again, no problem with lazy tools, big problem with only lazy tools.

    Laziness is just a derogatory word for efficiency. (EDIT: Since some people seem to think that that was actually my response, that was a joke.)  But I also see we're never going to agree on this. So, let's end this debate before one of us says something we'll regret.

  3. 13 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    When I first wanted to post a picture in BBCode, I had to figure it out. Were I as lazy as "literally every single new member of the Spacecraft Exchange thread," I'd have asked instead of looking it up. Heck, it was so long ago I can't remember if I asked or looked it up. The day this forum was unveiled, I had EXACTLY THE SAME PROBLEM. I couldn't figure out how to post a picture. In similar forums, there was always a "post a picture" button, usually with a little icon of a Bob Ross style painting. I explored and eventually figured it out, but were I as lazy as "literally every single new member of the Spacecraft Exchange thread," I'd have asked instead.

    It seems relatively obvious to me. "Insert other media." Huh. Wonder if it lets me insert other media like, y'know pictures. Say, it does! Who would've thought of that?

    However, if there was a way to change it to just "insert media," that might make things a little clearer. My two cents there.

  4. 1 minute ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Seems like you cut off an important part of my post in order to make your point, so let me put the entire relevant part here, with the important stuff you neglected to include bolded:

    17 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Who forced you to learn BBCode? The old forum had a wysiwyg mode. To do anything useful you had to use BBCode, sure, but the same is true now on this forum. Except you don't have the option to.


    That's fair, and I apologize for cherry-picking somewhat. But the claim that "the same [having to use BBCode] is true now on this forum" is simply not true. There are two things that you cannot do on this forum that you could do on the old. Those are 1) Spoiler titles, which I'd hardly say are necessary anyway and 2) embed Sketchfab models, though I believe that Kasper is looking into that currently. I'd hardly say that you have to use BBCode. If there's something big that I've somehow missed, please let me know. But as far as I can tell, the WYSIWYG is just as capable, and in some cases more capable, than BBcode.

    10 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

    They were existent. You did have to Google for them but sup and sub tags worked. In fact...

    Huh, I didn't know that! IIRC, the people in the Science Labs forums were grumbling about superscript and subscript not being a thing on the old forum. Weird.

  5. 35 minutes ago, steve_v said:

    Not knowing how to use something is not a problem with said thing, it's a problem with your lack of knowledge.

    Not in this case. It's a glorified text editor, not a 3D modeling program. I should be able to use a text editor, on any website, without having to google anything. Here's an example:

    Let's say I'm reviewing something on an online shopping site, "Nozama." I want to post several pictures of the product that I have already uploaded to image-hosting websites. But when I try to post the images, I have to put them in great ugly blocks in the middle of my review. I've seen many other people post albums, but I comb across the interface for fifteen minutes, and I see nothing that looks even remotely like an album. I check every single button on the UI. No luck Frustrated, I give up on writing my review, and tell my story to all of my friends on social media. Too bad, as well. I was going to give their product a five-star rating, accompanied from an in-depth review. I'm frustrated. Nozama loses me and my friends' business, and therefore our money. The company that made the product loses the customers it might have attracted had I posted that review. Everyone else doesn't have as much information about the product. In short, everyone loses. All because the review editing software was impossible to use without looking stuff up.

    Edit: @n.b.z. I'm glad about that too. But "at least it isn't <insert historical time period here>" isn't a valid defense of anything. Imagine if you called your water utility because what was coming out of the tap smelled like rotten eggs, and they replied "Well, at least you don't have to draw water from a dirty well!"

  6. That's awesome. I know a bunch of people on this forum are xkcd fans. 

    By the way, you should check out the book. It's great. For instance, the preamble of the US Constitution (or as he calls it, the US's Laws of the Land):



    Hi, we're the people in these little countries called "states," and we want to get together into a country. We want to make everything nice and quiet, keep anyone from hurting us, and make sure our kids will be free. Here are its laws:



    11 minutes ago, regex said:


    It's not that. It was well known that Randall plays KSP, as evidenced by this comic (and this one). It's that KSP inspired him to make a New York Times best-seller.

    Say, where'd your avatar go?

  7. 14 hours ago, r4pt0r said:

    I love how much time hobbes novakoff in particular has spent in the various forum-upgrade threads, trying to do damage control. Looking at polls, more than half of the users here are not at all fond if it, but there's no way squad is going back so why waste time arguing about it lol.

    Damage control? What damage am I controlling? What you call "damage control" I call "stating my opinion."

    Also, personal attacks? Really?

  8. 6 hours ago, steve_v said:

    Care to explain what's so annoying about BBCode?

    Sure. How about literally every single Spacecraft Exchange thread made by a new member contained the phrase "I don't know how to embed pictures." How about that I had to google how to put a strikethrough in my post. (And yes, google it, because the old forum search was horrid.) How about superscript and subscript were non-existent. How about also having to google how to make a spoiler. The list goes on. 

    16 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

    Who forced you to learn BBCode?...To do anything useful you had to use BBCode

    Seems like you answered your own question there. It was nigh impossible to make nice-looking posts (especially OPs) in the forums unless you memorized twenty different codes.

    4 hours ago, r4pt0r said:

    Im going to post a link here to a pic of me trying to edit a post just now. for some reason, in the upper left it says "Required" and would not let me save my edit. What was I doing wrong? All I wanted to do was remove the umbrella quote that the 2 smaller quotes were inside of for some reason....


    You can embed an image, you know. Feel free to criticize the new forum, but don't be childish, like with your signature. Thank God the new forum has an option to hide individual signatures.

  9. 3 minutes ago, razark said:

    Yes, but the car also has all the radio stations set to dubstep version of Gregorian chant/polka fusion (WYSIWYG editor), and the buttons jammed with glue (no way to change it), and most of the passengers are either whining about the car (don't like the forum) or are blaming the driver because the other half won't shut up (blindly ignoring any complaint, no matter the validity).  Meanwhile, the police (moderators) are trying to set up a roadblock (working on maintaining some semblance of order) while people continue to drive through the flowerbeds (post threads complaining about the forum all over the place).

    First off, where is that car? Just Cause 3? Second, I personally prefer the WYSIWYG editor. You can do everything that you can do in BBCode (and in many cases more), but you don't have to memorize five hundred different codes. And finally... besides the editor, none of that is actually SQUAD's fault in any way. Just sayin'.

  10. 1 hour ago, Virtualgenius said:

    We should have been notified of potential losses so we could have backed them up, how hard is to say hey guys back up your subscription threads your mail etc. If it all goes perfect you dont have an issue you followed due diligence and if it did go pear shaped all you have to say hey guys load your backups this didnt make it across at least the community was informed.  

    How does one back up, on their home computer, a bunch of data stored in some server somewhere in a program not designed in any way to do that, then re-import that data into another server in a different place using  a completely different piece of software not designed to do that?

  11. 1 hour ago, Tex_NL said:

    It was not beyond their control.

    So, I assume you are affiliated with SQUAD? How do you know what was or was not in their control?

    1 hour ago, Tex_NL said:

    When your car needs replacing do you blindly buy another one only to realize the next day it lacks tires? And seats. And a wind shield, A roof. Lights. Etc. No of course not! You make sure it works and meets all your requirements. You take it for a test drive. Clearly this has not been done with the forum.

    I'm going to question your metaphor here. First off, SQUAD has been talking about this migration for a while now. They decided on a platform a while ago. I remember seeing hints of a new forum in 2014. The car here does in fact have seats (User accounts), tires (Connections to the Web), a wind shield and roof (Security, unlike vBulletin), lights (search tools, which I think are far better now), an engine (the server isn't a steaming puddle) and it even has some new things like automatic transmission (auto-parsed post and video links), a log of gas mileage (ability to easily see who repped a post), customizable heads-up display (custom subscription feeds), Bluetooth connectivity (A mobile site that actually works), and a digital speedometer (high-resolution avatars). The only issue is that you need to redo your auto insurance (subscription feed.) Just because you don't happen to like the color? Here's the thing. They're still installing everything, including various add-ons. To keep going with the car metaphor, they'll probably be putting in a new stereo (sketchfab embeds) and a dashboard GPS (Themes or some such. Analogy broke down a little there, but analogies are like oceans.)

  12. 18 minutes ago, razark said:

    My subscriptions aren't.

    I agree that it sucks that people's subscriptions got cleared. However, we don't know whose fault that was. Does the person who carried out the move deserve to be fired due to something that was completely beyond their control? That would be like firing the entire devteam because KSP physics can't use multiple cores.

  13. 2 hours ago, andrewas said:

    Its supposed to be hab canvas, a heavyweight fabric used for the hab's entire outer shell. And he glues it down using a resin specifically designed for sealing canvas to canvas well enough to hold an atmosphere of pressure.In the film? Polythene sheeting and duct tape. And it flaps in the wind, at one point even blowing inwards, despite that it was supposed to be holding an atmosphere at that point.

    That makes much more sense. I think there's a bit of artistic license going on there, to keep the "held together by duct tape" theme going.

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