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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. Yes, but not in the way you describe it. The TweakableEverything mod makes a ton of stuff (decoupler force, docking port magnetism, solar panel sun tracking) tweakable, including whether or not the part is included in staging. It can't be changed midflight though.
  2. Honestly, just integrate everything in the firespitter .dll. Prop engines, adjustable landing gear, air brakes, texture/fuel switching, tweakable control deflection, landing effects... It's like a plane designer's Christmas list. Really, quite a few people, I think, don't realize quite how much of all the sweet new B9 functionality is from Firespitter. More or less everything in the HX series, to start with, and most of the rest. It's sort of like Firespitter with a load of structural parts and a futuristic theme. (I know, I know, there's the RPM stuff, the HotRockets stuff, and stuff from every single API I've ever heard of, and quite a few that I haven't, but still, point is, Firespitter is useful.)
  3. Sometimes I love Wolfram Alpha... I asked "what is the airspeed velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut." It answered: just slightly less than the estimated average cruising airspeed of an unladen swallow http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=What+is+the+airspeed+velocity+of+aswallow+carrying+a+coconut%3F
  4. That's the one thing that is kind of great about stock aero. You can do stuff like this and get away with it. I hope that when they release 1.0 they release a separate version without the aero overhaul. For the Danny2462s among us. Also... Batkerbal called. He wants his bike back.
  5. Yeah, if you look, the launchpad is also literally identical. Same hexagon shape, same blast channels, same crawler ramp...
  6. Docking and any interplanetary missions (I landed a tiny probe on Eve (no return) and a rover on Duna, but past that...) SSTO spaceplanes are for some reason really easy for me. I just make a generally Aeris 4a type wingframe, add canards, fiddle with everything, get the CoM-CoL stuff straightened out, and launch. Several of my SSTOs, on the first try, got to orbit and landed back at the runway. Fuel is almost never an issue. Maybe I'm just really good at flying SSTO ascent profiles.
  7. Core 2 Duo 2 Ghz Some really old, REALLY crappy graphics card from Nvidia (it has a 9400 somewhere in the name and 256MB of VRAM) 8 GB RAM I run at about 10 FPS at minimum settings at the menu.
  8. Tip: Both of these problems can be solved by deleting the "emissives" folder in MP_Nazari->Textures.
  9. 7/10 I swear that fuel tank is glaring at me... SPACESHIP!
  10. 8/10, could use a dose of modesty (jk, your crafts are pretty sweet)
  11. banned for not using capitals or punctuation
  12. Nope, but I can get some soon... I have to do some IRL stuff right now but I can probably have them up tomorrow.
  13. Oh... I saw you were using HotRockets and thought I saw an untextured turbojet in there...
  14. BOOM (Big Orbital Offensive Measures) Corp. releases their first design, the Crow Mk1! A heavy fighter with a lot of punch, the Crow Mk1 is designed for taking out capital ships with ease with its two M105 Howitzers. Yes, howitzers. And I even managed to make them look good with the rest of the ship. Anyway, besides those howitzers, its armor can more or less shrug off anything less than a direct HEKV hit and it has a chaingun and a rocketpod for use against smaller ships. And, its set of countermeasures could theoretically be used for evading guided missiles.Mods Used: BDArmory Some inspiration taken from the Vulture Nova by KODI Action groups: 1 - Main engines 2 - Emergency mono-propellant engines (in case you only have the cockpit remaining) 9 - Next weapon 0 - Fire DOWNLOAD on MediaFire
  15. Just so you know, if you take the KER computer off a rocket it will work just fine, and since RasterPropMonitor doesn't actually change the .craft in any way, take off the KER computer and it's stock.
  16. Have you thought of maybe outfitting one of these with BDArmory weapons? I could just imagine the Star Angel's bays opening up to reveal 30 HEKV guided missiles... Maybe for a role play you could disguise it as a freighter and then whoops... It was carrying 10 racks of missiles... Bye bye pirates... - - - Updated - - - Also, the role play could work with the stock version too. They're amazing just the way they are.
  17. That rover bay... I showed this to my friend, he said "We have doors in stock now?" Then he realized it was a Mk3 cargo bay
  18. I really like the idea of offsetting the LV-1Rs then using the fuel lines as "beams..." The editor gizmos were, in my opinion, one of the best features ever.
  19. Looks almost like the Republic Gunship from Star Wars. Very cool!
  20. That is a sweet looking replica. Quick tip: Looks like HotRockets has derped your turbojet texture; delete the "Emmisives" folder inside GameData>MP_Nazari (you may have to go a bit deeper, I'm on a phone right now so I can't check) and that should fix it.
  21. The Falcon SSTO is awesome, but I can't seem to get Bob out of the lander can. I tried fiddling around a little with the offset tool but I still couldn't get anyone out of the cockpit. Just wanted to make sure you knew, because I couldn't find anything else talking about it.
  22. A release? A release of what? Look, if you want to send people to a download have them google "KSP," it's the first thing that comes up. If they can't use Google, than KSP is probably not the right game for them.
  23. Congrats on 6000th post!

  24. Okay, I know when I'm beaten... - - - Updated - - - Still, it's a nice game for on-the-go playing, and I find it oddly relaxing. And point out one mobile game that isn't a relative piece of **** compared to PC games.
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