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Everything posted by boostedM

  1. My KC-135. Uses IR, KAX, and B9. Main gear have had a slight redesign since the pictures were taken. SR-71 has also had an aesthetics overhaul. Functional for mid-air refueling, but not practical. Trailing craft needs to have engines and control surfaces shut off, otherwise it likes to flip out of control. It looks the part, which is all I was going for. Shown refueling a B9 craft modified for refueling, an SR-71 of my own design (although, they all look about the same anyway), and a B2 modified off a design I found on the forum, although I don't remember the creator's name.
  2. I met my fate with this bug as well. Hubble deployment, everything was cool. Put the MMUs back in the shuttle, took Bob out of his seat, he went spinning off into the unknown for God knows why, burning up all of his EVA fuel trying to counteract the spin. Chased him down with the shuttle, captured him in the bay, got him back inside safely. Burned almost all of my RCS trying to pick him up, and had just enough for reentry (okay, maybe I cheated here a little). Put the shuttle dead on target to land at the KSC runway (which is a miracle for me. Reentry on target is not my forte). Went to start an initial flare about 300m up, a small poof appeared on my left wingtip, and all hell broke loose from there. Total loss
  3. Installed the patch for SP+ parts. When I would use an MK2 cockpit, it wouldn't show that there were any crew in it, I couldn't go IVA, and I had no control of the vehicle. It was like I had put an empty cockpit out there, even though I made sure I had crew. All other capsules and cockpits worked fine. Removed the patch and everything was back to normal, with no MFDs in the MK2
  4. Yes but I installed it on .24 and .25. In .25 I'm not even getting a quarter as many parts as .24. Exact same install. On my .25 install I'm not getting a few cockpits, no landing gear, no cargo bays or tail pieces, etc. A lot of stuff just not showing up
  5. Installed and I'm only getting a small number of parts (less than 50). Any suggestions? I've installed an run other mods fine (MechJeb, KWRocketry, BDArmory, FASA, etc)
  6. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone I'm excited to be here!
  7. Thanks! I've watched a ton of Scott Manley's videos, but I think it's time to branch out to some other users too!
  8. Another Sunshine Stater here! I've played around on KSP for a while, but just very basic designs and very little technique. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone here. I've skimmed around the forum a bit already and learned a lot in a short period of time!
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