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Everything posted by RainDreamer

  1. Well, there's always North Korea. They certainly have some capacity to launch (some) stuff, and likely won't care about the OST in anyway. Though I don't think anyone would want to get near that place. Back to topic though, I really hope the X prize really happen. It would give some excitement back to space. At least amongst people like us.
  2. Well either way I won't respond anymore here just in case I am messing with the experiment by trying to figuring it out. I used to do these things and it is a pain when people figured out the test and intentionally mess with result. Good luck with experiment.
  3. You still didn't know the content. But anyway, I am not the one doing the experiment, so I don't know the parameters and whether that is accounted for.
  4. I have a feeling the social experiment is whether you click a random link on the internet without knowing what is on the other side.
  5. Indeed I was expecting it to be powered by a small sun and would essentially microwaved the planet. Well, the more you know~
  6. A question that would be fitting for xkcd "What if?": What would happen if we have a radio transmitter with enough power to send radio waves with enough energy to reach the whole world without any relay (meaning enough juice to penetrate the whole earth)?
  7. http://www.sciencealert.com/this-new-video-tech-lets-pokemon-interact-with-the-real-world It's just a dynamic rendering of still image, mind you. Look at the shadows in the video of the article. But still, that's very interesting.
  8. Just a friendly reminder. From http://english.bouletcorp.com/ Read the rest at http://english.bouletcorp.com/ cause I can't include that part which has some swear words.
  9. We probably should start getting used to eating flavoured protein paste... But in any case, I think something should be done about this super meat project if it's a scam. Need some verification.
  10. Considering ivory worth comes from its rarity justead of it's inherent values, that would just devalue the product. Also growing artificial bones are much more difficult than muscles. There has also been synthetic versions of ivory, which is almost indistinguishable from the real thing unless you go through extensive testing, but that has not stop poachers, because the people that buy the stuff want "authentic" ivory, instead of any alternatives, for an inflated sense of status. So lab grown ivory would not get the same price even if it's exactly same with the real ivory.
  11. Well, hurling a hunk of material through air is always more difficult than trying to rolling it on the ground. I wonder at what point the need to travel becomes great enough we need to go vertical as well.
  12. If you don't count the cells they grow as organisms, then technically they are not wrong. There are no organisms involved in this meat! It's lab grown! So it's not GMO! Seriously though, I feel projects like this is eroding trust in science and crowd funding effort. Maybe we should notify indiegogo. Also, seems like they have a contact point through Facebook on their page.
  13. Well he could have made a similar replica of the stock craft and said he built it, which is not technically wrong. However if he claims to make the very first stock Dynawing craft which comes with KSP, I think we can ask Squad to verify that.
  14. The problem is that meat gain their texture through the way the muscle it come from is used. Meat paste 3d printed won't feel like steak because the cells never had to work like real muscles, even if you glue them together (that is how cheap steaks are made btw, glueing scrap meat with something like this).
  15. This feels like a modern twist on the liar paradox. User claims their brother lies, yet their name is "The lying brother" is the user and the brother they claim are lying the same person and they are lying about lying? XD On topic though, I just want to ask if your brother claim that he is involved in the development of KSP and made the first stock Dynawing craft? Cause that can be verified. But if he just claim to make the craft then anyone can in this game. But let me ask a question to you: why is it that you need to prove your brother is wrong? The desire for truth is commendable, but don't use truth as a weapon, especially to harm another person's feeling. I feel like it is better to talk with your brother and find the answer you seek.
  16. I imagine if instead of using props to lift and hover, which require constant motion and thus energy cost, we can use balloon to provide supplement lift. It would look more like an airship though, and would need space for takeoff and landing.
  17. Just wanted to add that I would prefer this thread not spiralling down to discussion about sexism in the STEM field. I want it to be a celebration of the women who gave significant contribution to space science, not a debate point.
  18. That is what I am sceptical about as well. Growing meat for protein paste is one thing, but construct muscles as they are supposed to be in the animal seems like it's going to be not possible with our current tech. I think it's indeed our current nearest alternative to meat as protein source. Likely as supplement or used to make fauxmeat. Though when we are able to actually grow meat, that would be better, since we can totally control the process. Not anytime soon though.
  19. Welp seems like their claim of being able to make a machine that grows meat in every home is completely baseless as of current time then.
  20. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/supermeat-real-meat-without-harming-animals-food-technology#/ Now, cultured meat is not a new concept and I personally believe that in the future this will be our main source of protein, likely to be replacing current types of meat. So on the technical aspect, I don't have much objection to this project. However, as an advertiser, reading through the indiegogo campaign page I feel like there are a lot of red flags, all the over promise, buzzwords and drawing up visions without technical explanation. What do you think? Is their plan feasible?
  21. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/07/29/stable-orbit-space-station-simulator/ This looks like it would be an interesting game. I wonder if we will see any ksp reference in there. Won't be out for early access anytime soon though.
  22. Going to ask a possibly sensitive question: currently, the NATO base in Turkey contains 50 B-61 hydrogen bombs. If all 50 of them detonated, how big would the explosion be? I just want to know the effect, not how or why or whatever make it happen. No politics or anything.
  23. I subscribe to the theory that as soon as you travel through time you already branch off history, from a time line without your existence at all and one with you there. So either way you have already changed history just by being there. The only difference is how much you want to influence the events.
  24. Can something like this scale up for passenger transport? Surely they should take less energy to lift. Just kinda worried about helium cost.
  25. I am pretty sure that someone out there is already try to make this happen. Though I imagine it will take us quite a while until we reach a point of population density where transportation on ground is way too busy that no one get anywhere unless they use the vertical axis of movement. that would be when this is likely needed for mass production. However, I can imagine a more practical function now: rescue/emergency transports. When you need to transport someone fast in an emergency now from a distant place a helicopter is often called which require a helicopter pilot available. Now if this works, and the autopilot programming is reliable enough, we can have a number of these drones that can be called by on scene paramedics to load up people and send them to nearest medical facility. Can even call several of them at the same time.
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