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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Oh ok. For some reason I thought the RSS folder was only for those with RSS. Thanks for clearing that up!
  2. I'm having some trouble with this mod. The planets and moons don't show up. I've downloaded the zip file from both Kerbal Stuff and Curse Forge, but no difference. When I open the zip, I drag the folders into my gamedata folder just like any other mod and I don't have any mods that would interfere. Can someone help me out here?
  3. Just tried to this for the first time and when KSP is starting up and loading everything it gets to TextureReplacer/KerbinScaledSpace300 and completely freezes, stops responding, and I have to close it. It does this every time I try to start it up. Is there any way I can fix this?
  4. Well, I started a new career. No mods because I'm not really sold on any yet and I'm not totally sure how to install them. Spent a couple hours getting all the science I could at KSC at the time. So just EVA reports and surface samples from all the buildings. Yielded about 300 science. Then I started actually building rockets and slowly but surely got into space. Spent some time in the tracking station and found a class E asteroid that will come within 200km of Kerbin. I don't have advanced enough tech to grapple it, but I'm thinking of just sending up a huge rocket to collide with it to mess with its orbit. Never done anything like it before and it probably won't have any effect, but I think it might be interesting to see. Just sent up my first satellite and got its orbit to about 115km. It's only solar panels and comm devices, but it looks neat.
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