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Everything posted by RedParadize

  1. @StickyScissors Noticed you use TCA and a custom made shuttle. I have a easy procedure to lunch SSTU engined shuttle without TCA or anything other than Mechjeb: Build the SSTU shuttle in plane hangar, add a mechjeb control unit at the same angle as the trust direction, it should be oriented to the left of the shuttle. Deactivate roll activator on both Main and OTS engines, somehow mechjeb don't get that the axis of the engine are not the same as the main craft. Add cargo, The cargo center of mass should be aligned to the OTS center of trust. Save and go to vertical assembly hangar. Now its time to add the main tanks and SRB. When you add the main tank. Align it as close as possible to the Main engine center of trust, if its slightly offset it should still be okay. SRB trust curve will vary depending on your tanks size and playload. I have them set to 50% for stuff ranging form 15 to 25t (with my engine balance at least). At lunch, you set control from the mechjeb unit, but you do not activate mechjeb Assent guidance it until you reach 150ms, by default it is mechjeb minimum turning speed. Your shuttle will lift vertically and start turning softly as you activate Assent guidance. keep controling with mechjeb until re-entering atmo. Profit!
  2. @Shadowmage I should probably dig a bit more in your github code. I am sure I would learn much. In case you didn't see it, as I edited my post at the same time as you posted.
  3. @Shadowmage Quick question, is there any equivalent to subtractMass but for cost in SSTUVolumeContainer? Like subtractCost ? I have bug to report: If you add a KIS container to SSTUVolumeContainer on a pod. It will set seat KIS volume to 0.
  4. Yep, the cylinder, unless if you add much more division, will not allow much details. I have worked with vextex color in 2007ish 2009 in unity (Lazy Raiders), on our side we were not just using it for AO but for lighting and color itself, it allow to multiply texture with vertex attribute and induce more variation with less texture. Downside is as a workflow its pretty crappy... Exemple: You have a AO texture, you use the vertex color/lighting to multiply divide AO when facing light. At least that what I recall...
  5. Looks like 1.2 allow AO via vertex colors. Its not new tech but it might allow you to do some of the stuff you want to do. (it won't allow to remove occlusion for pipe/no pipe thing I believe.)
  6. A bit sad we don't have the new shader in 1.2, but there is good improvement there. Mainly, the fuel priority selector will allow me to built what I wanted for a really long time: replaceable lateral booster. Also, I don't know if its because I have no mod installed but its damn quick. I will have to clean up my stuff. And yes, I feel horribly naked without SSTU. I do not remember how to play without it now...
  7. Me want! @hraban Does a small docking port fit on the top circle?
  8. Humm. Given how much work you have ahead with 1.2. I say reworking tanks is not something I would put on the top of the list. Specially of you no more have time to play the game. For me the worst case scenario is you rage quitting KSP. I would be willing to sacrifice all future improvement for a long term maintenance of what we already have, if it came to that...
  9. Nice stuff! Would it be easy to add RCS a the rear of GOGI? Btw, a GOGI upscaled to 2.5 make a really nice automated space shuttle.
  10. I didn't trough you would revisit your tank. It would be more convenient to have two slider, one for the style and one for the size, if possible. Scrolling among too many variant can be sometimes painful, on tanks engine+adapter on the same slider is limit too much. It would be good to have them on separated slider as well, it would allow to have a mount on top of a adapter. Would it be possible? It would look a bit like your station part where you chose adapter and docking port separately on both end. It would be good to be able to have mount on top as well. My slider wish list: 1: top mount (include docking port?) 2: top adapter (include adapter that go larger?) 3: main tank style 4: tank section length 5: tank length adjust 6: bottom adapter (include adapter that go larger?) 7: bottom mount (include docking port?) Might be a little over engineered, but it would also make them the ultimate fuel tank!
  11. @StickyScissors Thats look like something I always wanted to create: A tank with RCS and docking port that also act like decoupler. I would realy like to be eable to assemble lateral booster in spaaaaace!
  12. Can we just port KSP into unreal engine and forget about all these limitation? Half serious here...
  13. Ah ok. A agree that it doesn't need to be a replica. So the 512x texture cover something like a panel or two? Small bolting and panel details will do then. On the other end, the black dot on white sheet thing could be done in the same way flags and decal are done. A plane with a small texture and alpha. These target can be found all over ISS and I am sure that the same technique could be used for other details as well. Its just a personal suggestion. Either way I like these part.
  14. I upscaled my SSTU soyuz to 1.875, I think it look better that way. The upper stage and fairing is 2.5 in my build. For 6.4x or bigger it is not thinkable to have some thing below that size and still manage to get +5 tons in space. I think I also moved the upper stage maximum diameter to a earlier tech, I don't remember, I did that quite a while ago.
  15. I fail to see what this have to do with TCA. What you are looking for is a RCS part that have exhausts around it and a good sound pack / FX for it. TCA will interact with it just like the rest of the part.
  16. Yeah same here. But so far so good. I have found some use for these. Oh, and the update on the SSTUAirstreamShield work perfectly. Its now superior to stock in every aspect! Edit: I forgot to say, the handrails on ISS hab look good, the lower profile is perfect. The first draft on the texture looks promising. However the real stuff is saturated with small details, without them we will lose the sense of scale, (Think about the Star wars imperial stardestroyer, if it was slick it would look realy small, like some ship in SW 1-2-3). I believe that most of it could be done trough texturing, panel fixture, textile section, the black and white dots that they use for tracking, at least to a point where there is enough details to saturate our vision. That way we won't even see what these details truly are and if stuff is missing.
  17. Imagine a mod that would allow player to built space center on other planets. Each Space center would need to be upgraded individualy, have have their own astronaut roster and mission. Instand of pure exploration, the player would also have to move tourists, travelers, colonists and goods from one colony to the other, do prospection etc. To had another layer of fun, Each colony could have a population count, with a portion of colonist wanting to go to a specific destination. Each colony could produce goods specific to their biome/planet. Demand goods form another biome/planet. It would be like having a Space X simulator instand of a NASA one. What do you think?
  18. @Shadowmage My bad, its the planet pack that I installed that does that. I installed it in the morning and didn't noticed it until now.
  19. @Shadowmage I have a bug to report: All DOS part Solar panel produce +10000 e/s, its true for every panel.
  20. I don't build much station. But the solar panel structure seem like a good application for WDP. If I may ask, I would be pleased to see some pics of your construction operation. @Shadowmage There is a tipo in the SC-C-CMX config: INTERNAL { name = SC-B-CM-IVA // should be SC-C-CM-IVA }
  21. Your multi docking port node is so good that it kinda make them redondant. There is not much reason to weld something you can dock/undock. I will give it a try, I am currently building a interplanetary tug and I just don't see why I would undock some if its part.
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