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Everything posted by deprav

  1. I'm going to sleep, I expect the hype train to have reached the terminus by the time I wake up ! *HONK* *HONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK*
  2. I'm experiencing that same issue as well. Where can I find the logs to post them next time it happens ? I'll post my rig and OS next time, when I post a proper report.
  3. Hello Kerbonauts, I've been experiencing some crashes with KSP lately, they seem to be happening randomly in the VAB and SPH. What can I give you to help the diagnosis? The list of the mods I use ? error log (where can I find it?) ? Thanks in advance
  4. I'm having the exact same bug, same mod configuration as Kendoka15. I have to say it feels rather annoying to me ! Not game breaking, but on a scale of 0/10, 10 being annoying to the point I don't want to use the mod, i'd say 7.42/10, calculated with a very precise annoy'o'meter. Thanks for the mod anyway
  5. HA ! Apparently not ! Just checked and I've a ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll in there, even though CKAN was telling me I had 2.6.3 all along. Maybe it's this KSPModAdmin2 I installed a few days ago which put it there. So I delete ModuleManager 2.5.1 and let CKAN do all the rest or should I manually add 2.6.3 in there ? Edit : I'm doing it anyway, I think it's going to work ;o Thousand thanks for your time and answers Yemo !
  6. Apparently not, this is what I have : http://imgur.com/a/D5pjG#0 That doesn't look at all like this : https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/748 D:
  7. Hi, I'm having issues to make the SETI-CTT work : Firstly I installed a bunch of mods (~40) through CKAN, including SETI-CTT and "normal" CTT, since it's a requirement. But after the few first flights of my career, I realized something was wrong with my career techtree, some parts were missing, I thought it was normal at first since it's a brand new layout and I might find them later, but nope. Then it hit me : my tech tree was the vanilla one, but parts were being unlocked under SETI-CTT's fashion (probs first etc...), but somehow using the vanilla nodes ; which is pretty damn weird. So I tried uninstalling all the mods, installing solely SETI-CTT + CTT, that didn't work. I reinstalled KSP for a fresh start, installed SETI-CTT + CTT again, still not working, I still see the vanilla TT. Thanks for incoming help ! Edit : Don't know if that can help since I've no idea if it's related, but KAX parts wouldn't show up either. And module manager is installed.
  8. Ahhhhhhhhh thanks ! It seems I had the technique right but I was doing it on "orbit" instead of "surface", and only switched to "surface" for the landing. That makes sense now
  9. Thanks ^^ I was pretty proud of that first precise-ish Mun landing, Jeb only had a couple of kilometers to hop with his jetpack. I don't really get how to predict the planet/object's rotation yet ; which makes precise landing pretty tough !
  10. Nope ! Thanks to his spacesuit he didn't ruin the precious Science Jr. ;o
  11. Hello Kerbonauts ! I've been playing KSP sporadically for a few months already, been loving it a lot ! But every play session would suck me in and consume all my night time. I've mostly been playing around with the career mod each new version, but had a severe relapse a few weeks ago after watching Interstellar ;o I've known the joy of the first Mun landing, I've figured out how to rendez-vous thanks to the save XXXXX Kerman from Kerbin's orbit, docking scares me and I haven't dared trying it yet but I'll get there... And to finish, a screenshot of Jeb going full rodeo re-entry on his way back home, saved by Chuck Kerman after he got himself stuck on the Mun due to a rather brutal landing he miraculously survived !
  12. Thanks for the answers Well so far all of the "test x part" contracts I fulfilled had the "To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met" mention, but I was still able to right click and "run test" on the part being studied, which is pretty convenient for engine tests in particular. But the option just doesn't show up anymore. Was it an exploit and they hotfixed it or something ? I'll probably start playing sandbox anyway, seeing all the incoming changes to the career mode with Beta than ever I'll probably start a new one so better not go to far actually ^^
  13. (I thought I posted but I must have had a connection problem, my thread never showed up) Hey kerbonauts ! I'm not used to KSP forums so I'm not quite sure I'm posting the right thing or in the right place, but after a 2 weeks long break I can't find the "run test" action when I right click on parts I have to test for contracts as there was before. Was there a sneaky update to make testing only achievable through staging ? Or is it a bug and I should report in the support sub-forums ? Thanks in advance.
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