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Everything posted by deprav

  1. I'm going to sleep, I expect the hype train to have reached the terminus by the time I wake up ! *HONK* *HONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNK*
  2. I'm experiencing that same issue as well. Where can I find the logs to post them next time it happens ? I'll post my rig and OS next time, when I post a proper report.
  3. Hello Kerbonauts, I've been experiencing some crashes with KSP lately, they seem to be happening randomly in the VAB and SPH. What can I give you to help the diagnosis? The list of the mods I use ? error log (where can I find it?) ? Thanks in advance
  4. I'm having the exact same bug, same mod configuration as Kendoka15. I have to say it feels rather annoying to me ! Not game breaking, but on a scale of 0/10, 10 being annoying to the point I don't want to use the mod, i'd say 7.42/10, calculated with a very precise annoy'o'meter. Thanks for the mod anyway
  5. HA ! Apparently not ! Just checked and I've a ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll in there, even though CKAN was telling me I had 2.6.3 all along. Maybe it's this KSPModAdmin2 I installed a few days ago which put it there. So I delete ModuleManager 2.5.1 and let CKAN do all the rest or should I manually add 2.6.3 in there ? Edit : I'm doing it anyway, I think it's going to work ;o Thousand thanks for your time and answers Yemo !
  6. Apparently not, this is what I have : http://imgur.com/a/D5pjG#0 That doesn't look at all like this : https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/748 D:
  7. Hi, I'm having issues to make the SETI-CTT work : Firstly I installed a bunch of mods (~40) through CKAN, including SETI-CTT and "normal" CTT, since it's a requirement. But after the few first flights of my career, I realized something was wrong with my career techtree, some parts were missing, I thought it was normal at first since it's a brand new layout and I might find them later, but nope. Then it hit me : my tech tree was the vanilla one, but parts were being unlocked under SETI-CTT's fashion (probs first etc...), but somehow using the vanilla nodes ; which is pretty damn weird. So I tried uninstalling all the mods, installing solely SETI-CTT + CTT, that didn't work. I reinstalled KSP for a fresh start, installed SETI-CTT + CTT again, still not working, I still see the vanilla TT. Thanks for incoming help ! Edit : Don't know if that can help since I've no idea if it's related, but KAX parts wouldn't show up either. And module manager is installed.
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