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Everything posted by icedown

  1. While it would not be a hard to change, that really is not the purpose of these telescopes. In the update I'm working on now, the purpose of the fungeye is changing completely and will become a probe telescope for taking images of planets from within their SOI.
  2. As of right now yes, they do generally have a long enough life to get almost all of the science though. I have never actually had to replace one. The only issue I've ever used KIS for is upgrades and exploding scopes. That though will change in the next update. I'm working on the long term portion right now and adjusting how gyro's decay. They will no longer have a set time limit but will have a larger chance to fail as time goes. Each gyro will be tracked independently and like the real HST, will require a certain number of operational ones on board to function. I am going to implement a system system where you can set them as backups and they won't switch on until needed. They will still decay, just not at the same rate as the operating gyros. A gyro will only fail if it is operational and there will be levels of failure. Some will just require switching to the telescope and restarting the gyro, others will require a spacewalk and repair but no parts, the worst will require replacement.
  3. That sentence sounds like it could have come from your average KSP mission as much as from NASA. And with the new FungEye rewrite, a very possible mission summary in KSP. (Just saying it wasn't available before with only CactEye).
  4. No Cacteye contract prior to the release of what I'm working on now should be one that causes you to send out a CactEye Scope anywhere. They are designed to be used in high orbit of the homeword, eg kerbin for stock/oss systems. Contracts to put up cacteye scopes only affect these worlds. Any contract to put something Cacteye in orbit of another planet that is a part of this mod would be a "Test part" contract generated by the stock contract system. Besides putting up a scope around the homeworld, the only other contract is to do planetary observations using said scope. I have no idea what kind of contract you are mentioning here unless it is a test the part contract. The scopes shouldn't even work outside of the homeworld. That being said, the new FungEye will be a probe telescope but I am only designing contracts for the stock/oss type of systems. The FungEye may be useless on outer planets in RSS due to time, but the CactEye should be usable for Pluto and the moons of gas giants from earth.
  5. That's kinda the point of time limits on missions to start out with. You have to know what you can and can't do. I will look at them though when I rebuild them to make sure they are reasonable. As far as testing, I would not do it in your main install, though I would like to see it tested with mods and make sure it plays with mods like RSS well. There have been a lot of changes in the zoom as it relates to targets for science. I'm not sure how long range planets like in RSS are going to do. It looks like it will work by my calculations but things may be off. I'm only testing in a default kerbal system right now with almost no mods so I can be sure the base system works as I move forward. I'm not sure if the FungEye will work well with small planets yet either.
  6. DO NOT USE THIS IN YOUR MAIN SAVE You have been warned. This is a testing version only, it is not to be used in any save that you might want to actually progress in or in a current save. Please post any issues found on GitHub to allow for easier tracking. https://github.com/icedown/CactEye-2/issues Comments on changes are welcome. There are still a lot of kinks to work out and stuff to build. Current Changelog: Removed old asteroid processors Added new Planetary processors for use with the FungEye Wide Field processors will no longer work in the FungEye Rebuilt direction calculation systems All Wide Field Science will require the planet to take up at least 95% of the view Zoom has been rebuilt on all Wide Field Processors and now should be able to reach even Pluto by tier 3 Science experiments have been rebuilt and nerfed slightly. Science should be able to be gathered from planets without a configuration file, eg RSS Fungeye is now a probe camera, it automatically targets the planet it is orbit over Processor Tier determines how close to the planet you have to be to get the science, higher tier, closer tolerances Fungeye is now a fixed viewing angle camera Fungeye has a one time lens cap at launch Transmission should use the fastest processor onboard now CactEye will not be capable of Asteroid observations in the near future, a new processor may be required FungEye will be adapted to close Asteroid operations but it is not implemented yet Missions have been removed pending completion of rewrite Moved processors into appropriate science categories Removed all depreciated DOE parts Download at GitHub: https://github.com/icedown/CactEye-2/releases/tag/
  7. How did you place the processor? it has to be in a processor mount in or on the bay of the large telescope.
  8. The idea that I had was kind of basing it on is the probes we have sent out like Voyager, Cassini, and New Horizons. A fixed view angle camera would require images with the planet to take up a certain amount of the viewport. Each of the three cameras would have a different angle and stricter requirements. Lower orbits with closer tolerances for the higher tiered processor. Missions will not even require an orbit. This would mean that a properly placed flyby could get the science without having to pull out of the hyperbolic orbit. This would also allow for Cassini type orbits to grab pictures of the moons. Grand tour type contracts may be in order as well at a later point. Another thing this would allow is the specification of a view that includes a specific place on a planet's surface, but that is not for this part of the update. Note: This update is going to take a while. I have to remove one set of processors, add another set, rebuild all of the science definitions, then build the missions. I will put up test builds as I progress along the major rewrite points to help squash bugs.
  9. With the removal of the asteroid processors, breaking of saves may not be avoidable. I'm going to take this chance however because of the broken nature of the processor. Worst case scenario I see is having that a Cacteye/fungeye with the asteroid processor onboard will not be able to be loaded and new ones will have to be launched. Textures and models are outside of my abilities. I can create a grey cube in blender but that's about it. I have already figured out the new magnification settings, the level 3 should be capable of Pluto. The Fungeye will still be an interactive camera just like it is now. The magnification will be modified and I may require stricter visual conditions. One idea that I have been tossing around is that magnification not be able to be modified so that a specific altitude will be required to actually take the picture. The altitude will not be given and would be a function of the size of the planet. This mod was created with interaction as a requirement and I plan on keeping to that idea. The adaptive cap I had on it to make the different levels of processors additive to the same science experiment forced the science pretty high to allow a decent amount of science from a level 1 Mun view. That being said, science will probably remain pretty high for harder shots as it is based on the science multiplier of high orbit of the body being imaged. I'm working on adapting the system to not require an individual science config for each planet which will allow this mod to work with any planetary configuration. If you would like to see individualized science messages for planets not currently supported, you can submit a list of planets with their description you would like to see and I will incorporate them into the specific config files. 6 different descriptions will be available, level 1-3 for both cacteye and fungeye. The science is also based on the idea that most people will be using a community tech tree. I may consider a config setting lower science unless ctt is present but that will be at a later point. Creating a complete visual scan using fungeye/scansat may be an option in the future, but I'm going to place that outside of the scope of this update.
  10. Calculating electrical use on a ship that is not loaded is something I would l like to do but is not really possible. Figuring up how much is used is easy, the problem comes with power generation. There are quite a few mods that have rather extensive power generation systems, like Interstellar Extended, that would require a lot of specialized code. I'm more likely to make wrong calculations and shutdown the scope when power generation may actually have been adequate.
  11. After working on some of the issues and thinking about the progression and usability of the scopes, here are the ideas that I have going forward. FungEye will no longer be a smaller version of the CactEye for use in high Kerbin orbit. It will become a visual probe camera. It will take observations from high orbit around the target body. It will do this while using a new set of planetary observation processors. CactEye, given the large amount of science it is capable of, will have it's processors moved to more appropriate locations on the tech tree. Processor zoom is also being adjusted so that level 1 is not capable of smaller, distant planetary bodies such as moons, Dres, and Eeloo. Also an overall reduction in science will be made. Science for each processor will not be cumulative with the science from prior processors as is the current setup. Each will have its own unique experiment. This will allow me to eliminate the adaptive cap system that is causing contract issues. Both CactEye and FungEye will be capable of dealing with asteroid observations using their native processors. The current asteroid processors will be removed as will the asteroid spawning system. Long term observations will be available to both types of scopes. The time required for the observation with the CactEye will be based on size of planet and distance from the sun. FungEye observation time will be based on the radius of the planet. Electrical power will not be tracked but gyro decay will be. Should all gyros deteriorate and fail, the observation will halt until new ones are installed. It will deteriorate the gyros one at a time in tree order. This will serve to balance back the reduction of overall science by standard observations on the CactEye. Contracts will be adjusted to be available for each of the processor/scope combinations as well as one shot, long term contracts. I've thought about adding an infrared processor set for both scopes but I'm not sure how I can mimic that in the view. Thoughts on this new layout?
  12. I'm working on a redesign of the system right now. The asteroid processor is going to be replaced. The zoom issues are also on the list. I'm having to rethink the science progressions so it's going to be a pretty major update.
  13. You have to put a processor in the area behind the cover, either while in the VAB or by EVA using KIS.
  14. They may be. Due to some issues with the contracts I'm already in the processes of reworking the system to fix these and add some more options in.
  15. That module is only attached to the processors.
  16. The output_log.txt is in "Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data" You will need it anytime your asking for support for any mod.
  17. @Carrot Please link an output_log.txt.
  18. Long term observations is something I am working on. I can't use the keep a "keep satellite in orbit for x days" because I want the gyros to decay at their normal rate so I'm having to expand the code to tick the gyro's regardless of scene. Servicing missions is definitely a possibility. The science issue might be from how I do the dynamic cap on the science depending on the scope/processor combination used. I did this to limit the number of science experiments but I guess this system is not going to work. So with that being said, I'm going to have to rewrite the contracts and science definitions. If you have a planet pack that you would like to see added to this mod, you can mention it here. A list of planets with the description for the science as viewed through the scope will greatly speed up the process. Currently supported are stock and OPM.
  19. My first problem is that I cannot duplicate it, without that I can't test or fix it. I was looking for someone that has the issue so I can compare log files and see if I can check what is in common with them.
  20. @archnem I do not have control over how the data gets transmitted. Once the I generate the science, it is handed over to r&d system of ksp to be handled and from what I understand it generally chooses the best available transmission device on the vessel. Since the data is a high resolution image though, the amount of data is fairly high compared to most experiments. @EmilOrbiter96 I'm not sure what is causing this. I cannot duplicate it in my test system. Has anyone else had this kind of issue with orbital lines showing up in the gui?
  21. I'm not sure why the person who did the contract rewrite set that requirement, though I do agree with their idea that a more difficult orbit needs to be reached to unlock the more advanced contracts. I don't think a kolniya orbit is the best choice though for a telescope orbit for looking at planets. I will give this some thought and probably change it in the next release to an orbit that's a little more in line with the telescope requirements.
  22. @EmilOrbiter96 I'm not sure about that. I have not seen that before. Can you post your output_log.txt @archnem I'm not sure what mean. They scope has to have some form of probe core on board to operate. The only part that this mod has that can act as a core is the Slim probe core that is side attached. Just attaching an antenna to the parts with out the slim probe part or another probe/manned part will not allow the scope to transmit.
  23. Development is a bit slow as I'm juggling work and 18 hours of classes. I did realize I forgot to change the OPs. It is updated to 1.2.2
  24. It is something that is hard to keep from happening as you can't gather all the science of a body until you have the fully upgraded processor. The lower level ones limit the maximum science that can be obtained from them. I will see if there is anything I can do with it though.
  25. It's not a control issue, it's a precision one. Angular movements are truncated and not precise enough for long range. The minimum movement in a tick is simply to large and the imprecision makes it jumpy. I've been quiet this month due to Finals and the Holidays. I'll be rolling out the 1.2.2 updates this week.
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