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Everything posted by icedown

  1. That's why I have one of my enterprise servers running TOT. Maybe I should start something like this. Just dates and planet orders while leaving the actual calculations to person flying.
  2. G is the standard abbreviation for Gravitational constant, it is what is used in calculations to figure out the gravitational force that is being applied to a body based on their mass and distance. g is the current force on the body proportional to gravity while at rest on the surface.
  3. Those are both for single planet calculations, while they can be used with multiple planet missions, they are not well suited for determining if there is a flyby sequence that is coming up soon. Trajectory optimization tool helps with this much more but playing around with it can be time consuming. Been working on my Kerbin-Eve-Duna optimizations for about 6 hours now.
  4. Why would you refute them, that is some quality entertainment there.
  5. I'm working on planning some multiplanet missions using TOT and I was wondering if there are any information about common windows. Like window open date and planet order? Eg. the optimal kerbin-eve-duna mission would be around year 10, but it's doable midway through year 2 with only 300m/s more dV.
  6. Test Version is now available for testing This is a science rebalance test for 1.1.3, it is not compatible with 1.2 prerelease NOTE: This will probably break contracts again, that will be fixed for the main release Changelog: Removed DOE hook Science Definitions overhauled again to clean them up Science Rebalance Fungeye with a level 1 processor should produce 12 Science on the first action Science Changes Processor Level Multipliers Level 1 25% Level 2 50% Level 3 100% Telescope Multipliers Fungeye 50% CactEye 100% Science given is calculated (BaseScience * Processor Multiplier * Telescope Multiplier) Adaptive Science Cap added based on the same multipliers, It is no longer possible to get all of the data for a subject until you have a CactEye Telescope with a level 3 processor Note: Research Bodies has not been rebalanced yet, it is the next part. Download from https://github.com/icedown/CactEye-2/releases/tag/
  7. Here are the logs and the save that I'm currently in. I deleted the original save thinking it might remove it but it has persisted. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79622787/Waypoints.zip The waypoints are "Site 2LX-0" and "Kerbonaut's Hollow" I have no idea where a waypoint could get stored that is not part of a save. I've looked everywhere I can think of. Screenshot
  8. I love the mod. I do have one issue though, I've got 2 old contract waypoints that are still hanging around for some reason. They even show up in other saves. How can I get rid of them.
  9. That helped, I found one of the multipliers I had been looking for. The final thing I guess i don't understand is how the actual science value is figured. My experiment was set to transmit 12.8mbit of data (64 base * 4 data multiplier * 0.1 processor multiplier * 0.5 part multiplier). With the situation as high kerbin orbit, this resulted in 4.8 science added. Science return is set to 1.0. How does it determine the actual science points added?
  10. I transmitted 3.2 science to kerbin from an experiment. Right after this I checked ScienceSubject.science and it only showed 1.2. It was from high kerbin orbit. Why is there a difference here?
  11. That's where the correct one is. I had overlooked the old one that was in the plugins folder
  12. Not a false alarm, there are 2 version files in the tree, trying to figure out which one is the actual one being used and going to correct this. Edit: Outdated one removed. This will be part of the next release that is coming SoonTM
  13. I don't know where that stuff is coming from. I just installed pulled up a clean ksp install and dropped ckan in it and this is what I seen.
  14. I think I forgot to update the min version in the file. I think it's fixed now. Notify me if it's not
  15. @MagicFireCaster If you have EVE or Stock Visual Enhancements installed, this is a known issue. I'm pulling out the DOE patch from future updates until I can track this down and correct it. @Jimbodiah Not at the moment. Reworking the GUI is one of my projects for the next release as well as science balance. I was hoping to get the science rebalance out this past weekend but that is going to prove to be a larger problem than I anticipated with research bodies.
  16. Yea, I've never seen that before.
  17. I'm going to put out a release this week to rebalance the science correctly. The combination of Fungeye and Type 1 processor modifiers takes the science to low. As far as the graphics, i'm going to have to rework DOE interface. This hook will not be part of the next release and I recommend removing the hook from current installations until I can get it back running correctly.
  18. I'm going to put out a release this week to rebalance the science correctly. The combination of Fungeye and Type 1 processor modifiers takes the science to low. As far as the graphics, i'm going to have to rework DOE interface. This hook will not be part of the next release and I recommend removing the hook from current installations until I can get it back running correctly.
  19. I'll check into this. I may have a multiplier set to low. Are you using the fungeye or the main scope and which processor are you using?
  20. What do you mean it doesn't work well. That's not much to go on.
  21. Release Build 7 Fixed Dres bug again. I'm not sure how this keeps showing up but I think it's fixed now.
  22. Excellent Job! Thank you so much. That saves me a ton of time figuring out the contracts for now. I will publish this in an update this week along with some balance changes to the scopes in respect to research bodies.
  23. I forgot to post in this forum as well. Verson is now current. Change log includes: CactEye Telescopes are now compatible with Research Bodies and can locate as well as assist in researching new planets. (Future updates will fine tune balance issues) With the latest version Stock Visual Enhancements, the graphical problems with invisible planets in the GUI appears to be solved.
  24. Apparently CactEye now has no problems with the current version of Stock Visual Enhancements or EVE. Decided to head back to square one while attempting the camera problem again and it suddenly started working fine
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