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Everything posted by icedown

  1. It generally doesn't affect them. It does allow more to be installed because of the increased ram limits.
  2. I have no idea why an IE window is popping up and it will not paste. The downloads work fine for me and there are no executeables in the files. For distant object enhancement, you must download and install it separately, then copy the contents from the Gamedata folder from inside the DistantObjectHook directory into the Gamedata folder which will put an additional dll into the Cacteye/Plugins directory.
  3. Take a look at some of the challenge threads. There are several SSTO ones with some interesting designs and combinations. Rapiers with NERVs are pretty common though
  4. Are you running out of power?
  5. One of the farthest back things I can remember was being in line at Disney World in Florida and them broadcasting the Challenger explosion over all the monitors there, 3 days later we visited KSC (the real one). I was only 5 at the time, but I can still remember it happening. I got my first Estes rocket from there as well, still have the box somewhere. That was around the time Sally Ride released her book "To Space & Back" and I was permanently hooked.
  6. I definitely agree that dV and TWR should be available in the stock game. Back when it was just throwing a bunch of parts together and watching them explode beautifully and occasionally actually making it to orbit was one thing. With career mode and new aerodynamics, it's almost a must. I know I could never afford to go career mode without the ability to revert if it wasn't for KER
  7. Testing Build 3 This build moves all science into high Kerbin orbit. This should stop the breakage of the contract and progression systems by simply taking a picture. This is NOT compatible with OPM or RSS. Once I verify that this is working as intended, I'll update those configs. Download at Github
  8. You can't really enable and disable them while in game if that's what you mean. To much gets changed during initial loading. And the best way to find a list of installed mods is KSP-AVC. Most mods do use it.
  9. If you put the cargo in before you assemble all of the cargo bay, this can cause issues too, as instead of connecting to the cargo bay in front of it, it connects to the cargo who's attach point overlaps it.
  10. I didn't know you were working on Kerbin I will never be quoted saying I don't need modeling help. In keeping with my current theme of bringing things up to date, a remake of the current models would be my request at the moment. While they are nice and were stock alike initially, they are dated and bland by current standards. Updated models for these would be the first step towards the new telescopes.
  11. More and different telescopes are in my plans. Adding more processors and defining what processors can go to which scope are also something I'm looking into. My priorities right now are getting the getting the cameras and science working better. The main issue preventing addition of processors is the science problem right now. Once I get the current ones working as they need to be, expanding them will be much easier. Of course there's always the problem of my modeling capabilities ( I can make a grey 1m cube sat in blender....) but getting things brought up to current standards is my priority at the moment.
  12. Yea, but someone in the team is screaming to themselves "We just fixed that, I swear!"
  13. This is acceptable as the only parts that are not reusable are the tanks. I really wish I had access to the rapier in my current career game.
  14. That has to be really frustrating for the team. Things are steadily getting better though.
  15. Sry, page jumped in way more updates than it said and I missed them
  16. Looks like thrust was low on 1 of 3 landing engines. High g landings v sensitive to all engines operating at max.
  17. Those who play this game are very familiar with this type of event.
  18. It's bad when they have a TLA for the end result of the first stage
  19. Ascent phase & satellites look good, but booster rocket had a RUD on droneship per Elon on twitter Jeb needs to stay away from them
  20. the vehicle was destroyed according to the feed, don't know what happened yet though
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