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Everything posted by icedown

  1. Not having any problems here except the lack of landing data
  2. Didn't know if Musk and his wife were fighting
  3. I love the crowd's half whoa's in the background
  4. Just tried to drag the screen to get a different view....
  5. What is the liquid pouring out of the launch hold downs? Is it just a coolant or something like the sound suppression system?
  6. Not a problem. Just reporting it in case it wasn't.
  7. I'm going to leave the cameras alone for a little. Can't seem to figure out what's wrong with them so I'll come back to them later. If anyone has experience with them, any help would be greatly appreciated. For now I'm going to work on overhauling the science system. As of current when you point at a planet and do the science, it registers as the science is done from that planet. This breaks the contract system by making it think that you've been to that planet causing contracts to show up for a body you may not even be able to make it to yet. I'm going to rework it so that it creates the science based on the primary planet you are orbiting. This means that you won't be able to get more science just by placing the telescope in the orbit of moon. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
  8. Had a bug happen on reentry where a section of the craft that was discarded and should have burnt up did not and kept generating messages from stage recovery. The NRE was from this mod so I thought I'd post it here first. The logs are kinda chunky because it was generating the error every frame. KSP.log output_log.txt
  9. So every weapon mod doesn't have to reinvent the wheel
  10. @Nefrums @herbal space program I will hold to ruling that all parts of the craft except the 2 jumbo must return to Kerbin, with the exception of decouplers and docking ports used to make the cargo releasable. This should make designs without a cargo bay like the Stingray doable with the addition of 2 parts.
  11. Well, when trying to dock, I'd like to leave rotation to the reaction wheels and just have rcs for keeping it centered.
  12. If you want to look at a space simulation with a custom engine, Orbiter is a good example. The community even developed the directx implementations of the graphics. While ships can dock together, building custom ships requires extensive knowledge of modeling and programming. It is a good simulation but the limitations of it are apparent very quickly. This is the problem with developing your own engine. I seriously doubt that the ability to put ships together from component parts will be a possibility for it any time in the near future.
  13. The issue with props in real life is the drop in efficiency and increase in centrifugal and drag forces as the begin to move into the trans-sonic region
  14. Is there a way to lock RCS to only be used on translation?
  15. The design of this challenge is in the spirit of the K-Prize. Rule 1 states that the craft must lose no parts except for the 2 tanks. The loss of the usable docking port and non-functional RCS are also issues that add up to this being a gate crasher. That being said, this is a VERY good design and I think with some very small modifications can regain it's position in the list. The RCS does not have to be one of the monoprop ones. The Vernor engine does qualify for RCS and mp fuel does not have to be included. It has to be functional but does not have to be used for this challenge. I would like to see this take it's place in the proper list though. @Mikki Since you did not land at KSC, I needed your landing coordinates for scoring.
  16. The only small ships I make with RCS are station tugs. I do equip all of my larger ships with it, but then I usually have a monoprop fuel cell on board in case I end up in a dark corner for to long.
  17. I would just like to say that your avatar is EXTREMELY distracting.  Have a nice day.  :D

  18. Mine biggest annoyance is when they try to explain everything without contradicting earlier bs explanations. Sonic screwdriver and keep it rolling.
  19. The question will be do you have enough pitch control on climb out, but It should reenter better
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