Thanks for the welcome! And you are right, but I think you misunderstand me. I've taken a few classes on rocketry and aerodynamics, so let me rephrase. NERVAs and nuclear ramjets both function by passing gas over an extremely hot substrate. NERVAs simply carry their own supply, nuclear ramjets use whatever gas they happen to pick up. I don't know of any examples, but in principle an engine could conceivably be designed to do both. Nuclear ramjets do lose thrust with altitude as there is less atmosphere passing through the engine to be heated and expanded, no different than a normal jet really. I don't know what the thrust profile of a NERVA is in the atmosphere, certainly the plume would be under-expanded in anything more than a vacuum, but I don't think anybody would be crazy enough to try that in reality anyway haha. And I've never heard of a nuclear air augmented rocket. Sounds interesting.