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    Curious George
  1. Hey Guys, I love this mod. I just got quarter scale RSS with RSSEVE, and KSCSwitcher to work in 1.3. Starting my career mode, I can't get the Vanguard probe, aka "HLR-V1 Narly Probe Core", to connect to Remote Tech. I tested it again in a clean install of KSP 1.3 with: BDB v1.3 & dependencies (Com Resource Pack - DMModScience AnimateGeneric 0.19 - ModMGR 2.8.1) and Remote Tech v1.8.8 Same result. I tried copying the Explorer 1 cfg into the Vanguard probe cfg but strangely that doesn't help. All the other probe core's from BDB in Tier 1 connect properly. Any Idea's how I can fix it? I like the little guy even though it's a kind of "one-trick-pony". Cheers! EDIT: OK, I thought maybe it was a CKAN thing so I started again from scratch and downloaded / installed manually BDB and RT and got the same result. I will note that CKAN does not include the B9PartSwitch dependency for anyone interested but I know that's a side issue. EDIT: OK saw CobaltWolf's reply a while ago, sorry for the late edit. Thank you for the quick reply. I didn't check the compatibility folder. That should be an easy fix. I'll try to put in a pull request. Cheers!
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