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  • About me
    The Galactic Illuminati
  • Location
    The Multiverse
  • Interests
    Breaking space-time

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  1. Sorry, I've been out for a while. I'll answer the frequently asked questions: -The mod, as far as I know, should be compatible with ANY other planet pack. -The visuals of the mod also should be compatible with any visual pack. -Moei is NOT based on any Avatar planet, its actually inspired by an artwork mde by @Samio. And yes, that's normal that Moei's gravity is higher than Kolyphemus. The gravity is not the same thing as mass. For instance Kolyphemus has higher mass than Moei, that's why Moei orbits it. -How to install the mod: Just drop everything from the archive into your GameData folder and replace the files.
  2. So... A few months ago I created a mod that adds the system from movie Interstellar to your game. And that I thought "Why not make a mod that adds a system from another Sci-Fi movie?" So, let me introduce... THE KOLYPHEMUS SYSTEM This mod adds the kerbalized version of Polyphemus and its moons from the movie Avatar. NOTE: Two of the bodies in the mod (Kolyphemus and Pandoor) is fully based off the Polyphemus and Pandora. Other moons of the Kolyphemus are not canonical. The system: Kolyphemus - a gas giant with oxygen atmosphere that orbits between Eve and Kerbin Kalatea - that weird moon is often called "The Space Cheese" due to its strange shape, orbits between Kolyphemus' rings Moei - a lava world Pandoor - a habitable planet with giant trees on its surface (the trees are WIP and may glitch) [MORE PICS] [DOWNLOAD FROM SPACEDOCK] If you like my mods, then why not leave a small donation to keep me be motivated doing another one? It really helps me out! Thanks to: @Artem Kerman for helping me a lot with the visuals @Samio for uploading the Moei color map in the Posiible planet additions thread
  3. Well... Just now we both started developing the mods which adds exactly the same thing into the game xD (Actually I yesterday started developing the mod which places you into the future of Kerbol , but only now I noticed that another person is already doing the same thing...)
  4. The BH doesn't use EVE or Scatterer to work, so it will look exactly the same
  5. You installed it wrong. You don't need to create an another folder in the GameData for the mod. Just drop everything from the .zip file into the GameData itself.
  6. @EricL @The Raging Sandwich I need your full output_log files. Without it I can't tell what actually is causing the problem
  7. Do you have any non-english characters in the game folder path? ----------------------- The new version is out!
  8. It's actially too complicated to be configurable. But I think I can make some kind of preset for the volumetric disks. I need to think on that. @themaster401 Aaand no, that's not EVE. That's another small custom plugin
  9. Sorry for the long absence, I was busy on my other project. The new update will be released in 3-4 days. It will include: -Completely redone corona & accretion disk. -Lightnings on Limmer, snow on Namm and dust storms on Admun and all the planets will have aurora (thank to @Artem Kerman for helping with it) -Some new moons and an asteroid orbiting EXTREMELY close to the central black hole (the best place to take screenshots ) -And much more!
  10. It's should be compatible with any version that came out after the release. I'll soon release an update which will include this feature
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