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Everything posted by kikill

  1. @ShotgunNinja i'd like to add this heat management, so the radiators have a much life-like use. Is your procedure still valid for your current version (latest beta for now) ?
  2. thanks you two @Stone Blue : that should work with SSRSS if it has the same gps coordinates as RSS (longitude and latitude) @Kotagi : i don't know if we can get data from parts, such as realfuel. too bad i don't know C#. your cockpit reminds me of spacex's :
  3. hello guys i made a modification to your map.html, so it displays Earth in 3D (you have to play with RSS). I use Arcgis API instead of leaftlet. you can download map.html and pod.png from this page : https://github.com/kikillotest/Telemachus/blob/map-3D-RSS/WebPages/WebPages/src/map.html I plan to add some D3 graphs, to display altitude, etc...
  4. thank you all, TAC indeed does the job I'll try protractor too, i'm curious
  5. a little window or HUD (like KER) that shows the next launch window to planets or moons (a customizable list to only show Mars, Saturn, Titan...), so i don't miss my contracts deadline
  6. hey, thanks for bumping this mod, i didn't know it exists. concerning the EVA, is there a way to gain science points according to the time spent in space ?
  7. i thought that would inspire you as a side project : http://weburbanist.com/2013/01/09/extreme-room-service-space-hotel-is-surprisingly-spacious/ along with that soviet style design https://hylobatidae.org/?action=articleinfo&id=95
  8. Nice story and slick designs ! ce programme est vraiment passionnant
  9. hey, for some reasons, the KVD-1/CE-7.5 Vacuum Engine [2.5 m], keeps its fairing, in the VAB and after staged. any clue what's going on ?
  10. glad someone continued this project good luck to you
  11. ok, i found it on the wiki https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/InSpaceHigh-and-InSpaceLow
  12. I'm looking for a page with the altitude of biomes ( fly low, fly high, space low, space high...) of every planets
  13. A design i like : - 1 pod - 1 real chute cone - procédural decoupler - procédural tank (cryo) - 1 engine (dont remember the name, has 5 ignitions) - procédural découpler - procédural tank - 1 Merlin engins - 3x latéral découpler - 3x procédural tank - 3x Merlin engine A rule i follow : Looking at mechjeb delta-v, make sure stage 0 has 1.20 on SLT, and the other stages 1.0 or 0.98 on TWR
  14. to me, it means your vessel needs minimum 9.1 total dV at launch. lesser than that, i can't get an orbit. on circularization, when the perigee is above 130km, my orbital speed is >7000km/s
  15. i'm afraid i have to admit, the issue is me loli just mean to share that idea that passed throught my head, i just thought it's easier to share the gamedata folder, sort of plug-n-play don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining, crying or anything like this
  16. hello i'm not sure should i post it here or in Realism Overhaul thread. i get almost every tantares parts as non RO compatible. i'm playing with KSP 1.0.4, and the latest RO and RSS mod (downloaded via CKAN, with the recommanded parts). anyone else get the same errors ?
  17. would be great if one could upload a zipped GameData with a working RSS mod
  18. hey, thanks for this addon ! it is good looking, nice textures and model (i think, the "pod" would look better if the bottom face or edges were sharpen or flatten, atm the shading looks curved) the sound of the balloon is very funny when it deflates, really like it lol i found this instruments are used on similar balloons http://www.sippican.com/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/306 looking forward for this promising mod !!
  19. hey, thank you verrrry much for bringing this mod to life again ! i noticed it shows funny experiments like : crew report when splashed down on grasslands (every biome actually)
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